// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "ash/public/cpp/wallpaper/wallpaper_controller.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/wallpaper/wallpaper_controller_observer.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/wallpaper/wallpaper_info.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/wallpaper/wallpaper_types.h"
#include "ash/webui/common/mojom/sea_pen.mojom-forward.h"
#include "ash/webui/personalization_app/mojom/personalization_app.mojom.h"
#include "ash/webui/personalization_app/personalization_app_wallpaper_provider.h"
#include "base/files/file.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/scoped_observation.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/wallpaper_handlers/wallpaper_fetcher_delegate.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_ui_data_source.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/pending_receiver.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/pending_remote.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/receiver.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/remote.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image_skia.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace ash {
class ThumbnailLoader;
} // namespace ash
namespace backdrop {
class Collection;
class Image;
} // namespace backdrop
namespace content {
class WebUI;
} // namespace content
namespace wallpaper_handlers {
class BackdropCollectionInfoFetcher;
class WallpaperFetcherDelegate;
class BackdropImageInfoFetcher;
class GooglePhotosAlbumsFetcher;
class GooglePhotosSharedAlbumsFetcher;
class GooglePhotosEnabledFetcher;
class GooglePhotosPhotosFetcher;
} // namespace wallpaper_handlers
class Profile;
namespace ash::personalization_app {
// Implemented in //chrome because this relies on chrome |wallpaper_handlers|
// code.
class PersonalizationAppWallpaperProviderImpl
: public PersonalizationAppWallpaperProvider,
ash::WallpaperControllerObserver {
content::WebUI* web_ui,
const PersonalizationAppWallpaperProviderImpl&) = delete;
PersonalizationAppWallpaperProviderImpl& operator=(
const PersonalizationAppWallpaperProviderImpl&) = delete;
~PersonalizationAppWallpaperProviderImpl() override;
// PersonalizationAppWallpaperProvider:
// |BindInterface| may be called multiple times, for example if the user
// presses Ctrl+Shift+R while on the personalization app.
void BindInterface(
receiver) override;
void GetWallpaperAsJpegBytes(
content::WebUIDataSource::GotDataCallback callback) override;
// Not all users can see google photos. Requires a gaia account to be able to
// fetch photos.
bool IsEligibleForGooglePhotos() override;
// ash::personalization_app::mojom::WallpaperProvider:
// Configure the window to be transparent so that the user can trigger a "full
// screen preview" mode. This allows the user to see through the app window to
// see the chosen wallpaper. This is safe to call multiple times in a row.
void MakeTransparent() override;
// Configure the window to be opaque so that after exiting the "full screen
// preview" mode, the transparent background will be reversed. This is safe
// to call multiple times in a row.
void MakeOpaque() override;
void FetchCollections(FetchCollectionsCallback callback) override;
void FetchImagesForCollection(
const std::string& collection_id,
FetchImagesForCollectionCallback callback) override;
void FetchGooglePhotosAlbums(
const std::optional<std::string>& resume_token,
FetchGooglePhotosAlbumsCallback callback) override;
void FetchGooglePhotosSharedAlbums(
const std::optional<std::string>& resume_token,
FetchGooglePhotosAlbumsCallback callback) override;
void FetchGooglePhotosEnabled(
FetchGooglePhotosEnabledCallback callback) override;
void FetchGooglePhotosPhotos(
const std::optional<std::string>& item_id,
const std::optional<std::string>& album_id,
const std::optional<std::string>& resume_token,
FetchGooglePhotosPhotosCallback callback) override;
void GetDefaultImageThumbnail(
GetDefaultImageThumbnailCallback callback) override;
void GetLocalImages(GetLocalImagesCallback callback) override;
void GetLocalImageThumbnail(const base::FilePath& file_path,
GetLocalImageThumbnailCallback callback) override;
void SetWallpaperObserver(
observer) override;
// ash::WallpaperControllerObserver:
void OnWallpaperResized() override;
// ash::WallpaperControllerObserver:
void OnWallpaperPreviewEnded() override;
// ash::personalization_app::mojom::WallpaperProvider:
void SelectWallpaper(uint64_t unit_id,
bool preview_mode,
SelectWallpaperCallback callback) override;
void SelectDefaultImage(SelectDefaultImageCallback callback) override;
void SelectLocalImage(const base::FilePath& path,
ash::WallpaperLayout layout,
bool preview_mode,
SelectLocalImageCallback callback) override;
void SelectGooglePhotosPhoto(
const std::string& id,
ash::WallpaperLayout layout,
bool preview_mode,
SelectGooglePhotosPhotoCallback callback) override;
void SelectGooglePhotosAlbum(
const std::string& album_id,
SelectGooglePhotosAlbumCallback callback) override;
void GetGooglePhotosDailyRefreshAlbumId(
GetGooglePhotosDailyRefreshAlbumIdCallback callback) override;
void SetCurrentWallpaperLayout(ash::WallpaperLayout layout) override;
void SetDailyRefreshCollectionId(
const std::string& collection_id,
SetDailyRefreshCollectionIdCallback callback) override;
void GetDailyRefreshCollectionId(
GetDailyRefreshCollectionIdCallback callback) override;
void UpdateDailyRefreshWallpaper(
UpdateDailyRefreshWallpaperCallback callback) override;
void IsInTabletMode(IsInTabletModeCallback callback) override;
void ConfirmPreviewWallpaper() override;
void CancelPreviewWallpaper() override;
void ShouldShowTimeOfDayWallpaperDialog(
ShouldShowTimeOfDayWallpaperDialogCallback callback) override;
friend class PersonalizationAppWallpaperProviderImplTest;
friend class PersonalizationAppWallpaperProviderImplGooglePhotosTest;
void OnFetchCollections(bool success,
const std::vector<backdrop::Collection>& collections);
void OnFetchCollectionImages(
FetchImagesForCollectionCallback callback,
std::unique_ptr<wallpaper_handlers::BackdropImageInfoFetcher> fetcher,
bool success,
const std::string& collection_id,
const std::vector<backdrop::Image>& images);
void OnFetchGooglePhotosEnabled(
FetchGooglePhotosEnabledCallback callback,
ash::personalization_app::mojom::GooglePhotosEnablementState state);
void OnFetchGooglePhotosPhotos(
std::optional<std::string> album_id,
FetchGooglePhotosPhotosCallback callback,
mojo::StructPtr<mojom::FetchGooglePhotosPhotosResponse> response);
void OnGetDefaultImage(GetDefaultImageThumbnailCallback callback,
const gfx::ImageSkia& image);
void OnGetLocalImages(GetLocalImagesCallback callback,
const std::vector<base::FilePath>& images);
void OnGetLocalImageThumbnail(GetLocalImageThumbnailCallback callback,
const SkBitmap* bitmap,
base::File::Error error);
// Called after attempting to select an online wallpaper. Will be dropped if
// new requests come in.
void OnOnlineWallpaperSelected(bool success);
// Called after attempting to select a Google Photos wallpaper. Will be
// dropped if new requests come in.
void OnGooglePhotosWallpaperSelected(bool success);
// Called after attempting to select a local image. Will be dropped if new
// requests come in.
void OnLocalImageSelected(bool success);
// Called after attempting to update a daily refresh wallpaper. Will be
// dropped if new requests come in.
void OnDailyRefreshWallpaperUpdated(bool success);
// Called after forching the current wallpaper image to refresh as part of
// toggling on daily refresh mode.
void OnDailyRefreshWallpaperForced(bool success);
void FindAttribution(
const ash::WallpaperInfo& info,
const std::optional<std::vector<backdrop::Collection>>& collections);
void FindImageMetadataInCollection(
const ash::WallpaperInfo& info,
std::size_t current_index,
const std::optional<std::vector<backdrop::Collection>>& collections,
bool success,
const std::string& collection_id,
const std::vector<backdrop::Image>& images);
void FindSeaPenWallpaperAttribution(uint32_t id);
void SendSeaPenWallpaperAttribution(
uint32_t id,
const gfx::ImageSkia& image,
mojom::RecentSeaPenImageInfoPtr sea_pen_metadata);
void SendGooglePhotosAttribution(
const ash::WallpaperInfo& info,
mojo::StructPtr<ash::personalization_app::mojom::GooglePhotosPhoto> photo,
bool success);
// Called when the user sets an image, or cancels/confirms preview wallpaper.
// If a new image is set in preview mode, will minimize all windows except the
// wallpaper SWA. When canceling or confirming preview mode, will restore the
// minimized windows to their previous state.
void SetMinimizedWindowStateForPreview(bool preview_mode);
void NotifyAttributionChanged(
ash::personalization_app::mojom::CurrentAttributionPtr attribution);
void NotifyWallpaperChanged(
ash::personalization_app::mojom::CurrentWallpaperPtr current_wallpaper);
std::vector<FetchCollectionsCallback> pending_collections_callbacks_;
// Fetches the Google Photos albums the user has created. Constructed lazily
// at the time of the first request and then persists for the rest of the
// delegate's lifetime, unless preemptively or subsequently replaced by a mock
// in a test.
// Fetches the Google Photos albums shared with the user. Constructed lazily
// at the time of the first request and then persists for the rest of the
// delegate's lifetime, unless preemptively or subsequently replaced by a mock
// in a test.
// Fetches the state of the user's permission to access Google Photos data.
// Constructed lazily at the time of the first request and then persists for
// the rest of the delegate's lifetime, unless preemptively or subsequently
// replaced by a mock in a test.
// Fetches visible photos from the user's Google Photos library. Constructed
// lazily at the time of the first request and then persists for the rest of
// the delegate's lifetime, unless preemptively or subsequently replaced by a
// mock in a test.
// Set to true when an enabled Google Photos enterprise setting is fetched
// from the server. Attempting to select a Google Photos wallpaper or fetch
// Google Photos data other than the enterprise setting itself will fail if
// this value is false.
bool is_google_photos_enterprise_enabled_ = false;
SelectWallpaperCallback pending_select_wallpaper_callback_;
SelectLocalImageCallback pending_select_local_image_callback_;
SelectGooglePhotosPhotoCallback pending_select_google_photos_photo_callback_;
base::OnceCallback<void(bool success)> pending_set_daily_refresh_callback_;
std::unique_ptr<ash::ThumbnailLoader> thumbnail_loader_;
struct ImageInfo {
GURL image_url;
std::string collection_id;
uint64_t asset_id;
uint64_t unit_id;
backdrop::Image::ImageType type;
ImageInfo(const GURL& in_image_url,
const std::string& in_collection_id,
uint64_t in_asset_id,
uint64_t in_unit_id,
backdrop::Image::ImageType in_type)
: image_url(in_image_url),
type(in_type) {}
// Stores the mapping of valid image unit_ids and their image variants. This
// is filled when a user first visits the Wallpaper subpage of Personalization
// App.
std::map<uint64_t, std::vector<ImageInfo>> image_unit_id_map_;
// Stores the mapping of Google Photos album id to its photos' dedup keys.
// Used to determine whether an album contains the currently selected
// wallpaper image.
std::map<std::string, std::set<std::string>> album_id_dedup_key_map_;
// When local images are fetched, store the valid file paths in the set. This
// is checked when the SWA requests thumbnail data or sets an image as the
// user's background.
std::set<base::FilePath> local_images_;
const raw_ptr<content::WebUI> web_ui_ = nullptr;
// Pointer to profile of user that opened personalization SWA. Not owned.
const raw_ptr<Profile> profile_ = nullptr;
const std::unique_ptr<wallpaper_handlers::WallpaperFetcherDelegate>
// Place near bottom of class so this is cleaned up before any pending
// callbacks are dropped.
// Used for interacting with local filesystem.
// Used for fetching online image attribution.
// General use other than the specific cases above.
} // namespace ash::personalization_app