// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Monkey patch performance to get deterministic results.
(function () {
// Web page replay patches Data.now().
var start_time = Date.now();
var now_counter = 0;
function now() {
return now_counter++;
function timing() {
// These values are arbitrary.
// They are obtained by sampling "performance.now()" on a live web site.
return {
"navigationStart": start_time,
"unloadEventStart": 0,
"unloadEventEnd": 0,
"redirectStart": 0,
"redirectEnd": 0,
"fetchStart": start_time + 94,
"domainLookupStart": start_time + 94,
"domainLookupEnd": start_time + 94,
"connectStart": start_time + 94,
"connectEnd": start_time + 94,
"requestStart": start_time + 98,
"responseStart": start_time + 546,
"responseEnd": start_time + 1511,
"domLoading": start_time + 562,
"domInteractive": start_time + 1647,
"domContentLoadedEventStart": start_time + 1647,
"domContentLoadedEventEnd": start_time + 1654,
"domComplete": start_time + 2009,
"loadEventStart": start_time + 2009,
"loadEventEnd": start_time + 2009
Object.defineProperty(window, "performance", {
get : function() {
return { 'now' : now, 'timing' : timing() };