// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "chrome/browser/ash/system_web_apps/test_support/test_system_web_app_installation.h"
#include "chrome/browser/web_applications/os_integration/os_integration_manager.h"
#include "chrome/browser/web_applications/test/profile_test_helper.h"
#include "chrome/test/base/mixin_based_in_process_browser_test.h"
#include "chrome/test/interaction/interactive_browser_test.h"
class KeyedService;
namespace apps {
struct AppLaunchParams;
namespace content {
class WebContents;
namespace ash {
enum class SystemWebAppType;
class SystemWebAppManager;
class SystemWebAppBrowserTestBase
: public InteractiveBrowserTestT<MixinBasedInProcessBrowserTest> {
// Subclasses should call |SetSystemWebAppInstallation| in their constructor
// to specify a test system web app to install.
// Otherwise, this test fixture installs all default-enabled system web apps.
SystemWebAppBrowserTestBase(const SystemWebAppBrowserTestBase&) = delete;
SystemWebAppBrowserTestBase& operator=(const SystemWebAppBrowserTestBase&) =
~SystemWebAppBrowserTestBase() override;
// Returns the SystemWebAppManager for browser()->profile(). For incognito
// profiles, this will be the SystemWebAppManager of the original profile.
SystemWebAppManager& GetManager();
// Returns SystemWebAppType of the installed app.
SystemWebAppType GetAppType();
// Returns the start URL based on the given |params|.
GURL GetStartUrl(const apps::AppLaunchParams& params);
// Returns the default start url.
GURL GetStartUrl();
// Returns the URL for a installed system web app type.
GURL GetStartUrl(SystemWebAppType type);
void WaitForTestSystemAppInstall();
// Creates a default AppLaunchParams for |system_app_type|. Launches a window.
// Uses kSourceTest as the AppLaunchSource.
apps::AppLaunchParams LaunchParamsForApp(SystemWebAppType system_app_type);
// Launch the given System App from |params|, and wait for the application to
// finish loading. If |browser| is not nullptr, it will store the Browser*
// that hosts the launched application.
content::WebContents* LaunchApp(apps::AppLaunchParams&& params,
Browser** browser = nullptr);
// Launch the given System App |type| with default AppLaunchParams, and wait
// for the application to finish loading. If |browser| is not nullptr, it will
// store the Browser* that hosts the launched application.
content::WebContents* LaunchApp(SystemWebAppType type,
Browser** browser = nullptr);
// Launch the given System App from |params|, without waiting for the
// application to finish loading. If |browser| is not nullptr, it will store
// the Browser* that hosts the launched application.
content::WebContents* LaunchAppWithoutWaiting(apps::AppLaunchParams&& params,
Browser** browser = nullptr);
// Launch the given System App |type| with default AppLaunchParams, without
// waiting for the application to finish loading. If |browser| is not nullptr,
// it will store the Browser* that hosts the launched application.
content::WebContents* LaunchAppWithoutWaiting(SystemWebAppType type,
Browser** browser = nullptr);
// Returns number of system web app browser windows matching |type|.
size_t GetSystemWebAppBrowserCount(SystemWebAppType type);
// Subclasses can use this method to specify the test system web app it
// intends to install. This method should only be called in a subclass
// constructor at most once.
void SetSystemWebAppInstallation(
std::unique_ptr<TestSystemWebAppInstallation> installation);
std::unique_ptr<KeyedService> CreateWebAppProvider(Profile* profile);
// Invokes OpenApplication() using the test's Profile. If |wait_for_load| is
// true, returns after the application finishes loading. Otherwise, returns
// immediately. If |browser| is not nullptr, it will store the Browser* that
// hosts the launched application.
content::WebContents* LaunchApp(apps::AppLaunchParams&& params,
bool wait_for_load,
Browser** out_browser);
std::unique_ptr<TestSystemWebAppInstallation> installation_ = nullptr;
class SystemWebAppManagerBrowserTest
: public TestProfileTypeMixin<SystemWebAppBrowserTestBase> {
// Installs a single-windowed mock system web app.
SystemWebAppManagerBrowserTest(const SystemWebAppManagerBrowserTest&) =
SystemWebAppManagerBrowserTest& operator=(
const SystemWebAppManagerBrowserTest&) = delete;
~SystemWebAppManagerBrowserTest() override = default;
} // namespace ash