[==========] Running 4 tests from 1 test case.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 4 tests from MemoryTest
[ RUN ] MemoryTest.SingleTabTest
RESULT vm_final_browser: 1t_vm_b= 8712 kb
RESULT ws_final_browser: 1t_ws_b= 16892 kb
RESULT vm_final_total: 1t_vm= 29696 kb
*RESULT ws_final_total: 1t_ws= 41960 kb
RESULT processes: 1t_proc= 2
*RESULT commit_charge: 1t_cc= 22536 kb
[ OK ] MemoryTest.SingleTabTest
[ RUN ] MemoryTest.SingleTabTestRef
RESULT vm_final_browser: 1t_vm_b_ref= 5712 kb
RESULT ws_final_browser: 1t_ws_b_ref= 26892 kb
RESULT vm_final_total: 1t_vm_ref= 9696 kb
*RESULT ws_final_total: 1t_ws_ref= 41960 kb
RESULT processes: 1t_proc_ref= 1
*RESULT commit_charge: 1t_cc_ref= 22536 kb
[ OK ] MemoryTest.SingleTabTestRef
[ RUN ] MemoryTest.FiveTabTest
RESULT vm_final_browser: 5t_vm_b= 10404 kb
RESULT ws_final_browser: 5t_ws_b= 18504 kb
RESULT vm_final_total: 5t_vm= 54936 kb
*RESULT ws_final_total: 5t_ws= 63276 kb
RESULT processes: 5t_proc= 3
*RESULT commit_charge: 5t_cc= 49412 kb
[ OK ] MemoryTest.FiveTabTest
[ RUN ] MemoryTest.TwelveTabTest
RESULT vm_final_browser: 12t_vm_b= 10556 kb
RESULT ws_final_browser: 12t_ws_b= 18612 kb
RESULT vm_final_total: 12t_vm= 55740 kb
*RESULT ws_final_total: 12t_ws= 63984 kb
RESULT processes: 12t_proc= 3
*RESULT commit_charge: 12t_cc= 50200 kb
[ OK ] MemoryTest.TwelveTabTest
[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 4 tests from 1 test case ran.
[ PASSED ] 4 tests.
# Artificial log output to test the [] syntax.
RESULT artificial_graph: trace_with_one_sample= [177.0] you-nits
RESULT artificial_graph: trace_with_one_sample_comma= [177.0,] you-nits
RESULT artificial_graph: trace_with_three_samples= [100.0,120.0,200.0] you-nits
RESULT artificial_graph: trace_with_three_samples_comma= [100.0,120.0,200.0,] you-nits
# Artificial log output to test multiple results with the same name
RESULT artificial_graph: trace_with_multiple_samples= 100 you-nits
RESULT artificial_graph: trace_with_multiple_samples= 200 you-nits
RESULT artificial_graph: trace_with_multiple_samples= 300 you-nits
RESULT artificial_graph: trace_with_multiple_samples= 400 you-nits