// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/unguessable_token.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/camera_mic/vm_camera_mic_manager.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/video_conference/video_conference_manager_client_common.h"
#include "chromeos/crosapi/mojom/video_conference.mojom.h"
namespace ash {
// VideoConferenceAshFeatureClient is a client class for CrOS
// videoconferencing.
// It covers the individual features that are not covered by the browser or the
// AppService. This includes: Vms (Crostini, PluginVm, Borealis), screen
// capturer, diction etc.
class VideoConferenceAshFeatureClient
: public crosapi::mojom::VideoConferenceManagerClient {
using AppIdString = std::string;
using VideoConferencePermissions =
// AppState records information that is required for VideoConferenceManagerAsh
// to show correct icons.
struct AppState {
// Used for uniquely identifying an App in VideoConferenceManagerAsh.
base::UnguessableToken token;
base::Time last_activity_time;
bool is_capturing_microphone = false;
bool is_capturing_camera = false;
VideoConferenceAshFeatureClient(const VideoConferenceAshFeatureClient&) =
VideoConferenceAshFeatureClient& operator=(
const VideoConferenceAshFeatureClient&) = delete;
~VideoConferenceAshFeatureClient() override;
// crosapi::mojom::VideoConferenceManagerClient overrides.
void GetMediaApps(GetMediaAppsCallback callback) override;
void ReturnToApp(const base::UnguessableToken& token,
ReturnToAppCallback callback) override;
void SetSystemMediaDeviceStatus(
crosapi::mojom::VideoConferenceMediaDevice device,
bool disabled,
SetSystemMediaDeviceStatusCallback callback) override;
void StopAllScreenShare() override;
// Called when VmCameraMicManager change Camera/Mic accessing state.
void OnVmDeviceUpdated(VmCameraMicManager::VmType vm_type,
VmCameraMicManager::DeviceType device_type,
bool is_capturing);
// Returns current VideoConferenceAshFeatureClient.
static VideoConferenceAshFeatureClient* Get();
friend class VideoConferenceAshfeatureClientTest;
// Returns the name of the app with `app_id`.
std::string GetAppName(const AppIdString& app_id);
// Returns the current camera/microphone permission status for `app_id`.
VideoConferencePermissions GetAppPermission(const AppIdString& app_id);
// Returns the crosapi::mojom::VideoConferenceAppType of `app_id`.
crosapi::mojom::VideoConferenceAppType GetAppType(const AppIdString& app_id);
// Returns AppState of `app_id`; adds if doesn't exist yet.
AppState& GetOrAddAppState(const AppIdString& app_id);
// Removes `app_id` from `id_to_app_state_` if there is no running instance
// for it.
void MaybeRemoveApp(const AppIdString& app_id);
// Calculates a new `crosapi::mojom::VideoConferenceMediaUsageStatus` from all
// current VC apps and notifies the manager if a field has changed.
void HandleMediaUsageUpdate();
// Unique id associated with this client. It is used by the VcManager to
// identify clients.
const base::UnguessableToken client_id_;
// Current status_ aggregated from all apps in `id_to_app_state_`.
crosapi::mojom::VideoConferenceMediaUsageStatusPtr status_;
// The following two fields are true if the camera/microphone is system-wide
// software disabled OR disabled via a hardware switch.
bool camera_system_disabled_{false};
bool microphone_system_disabled_{false};
// This records a list of AppState; each represents a video conference app.
std::map<AppIdString, AppState> id_to_app_state_;
} // namespace ash