// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/** @fileoverview Type definitions for chrome.bluetoothPrivate API. */
import {ChromeEvent} from './chrome_event.js';
declare global {
export namespace chrome {
export namespace bluetoothPrivate {
export enum PairingEventType {
REQUEST_PINCODE = 'requestPincode',
DISPLAY_PINCODE = 'displayPincode',
REQUEST_PASSKEY = 'requestPasskey',
DISPLAY_PASSKEY = 'displayPasskey',
KEYS_ENTERED = 'keysEntered',
CONFIRM_PASSKEY = 'confirmPasskey',
REQUEST_AUTHORIZATION = 'requestAuthorization',
COMPLETE = 'complete',
export enum ConnectResultType {
ALREADY_CONNECTED = 'alreadyConnected',
AUTH_CANCELED = 'authCanceled',
AUTH_FAILED = 'authFailed',
AUTH_REJECTED = 'authRejected',
AUTH_TIMEOUT = 'authTimeout',
FAILED = 'failed',
IN_PROGRESS = 'inProgress',
SUCCESS = 'success',
UNKNOWN_ERROR = 'unknownError',
UNSUPPORTED_DEVICE = 'unsupportedDevice',
NOT_READY = 'notReady',
ALREADY_EXISTS = 'alreadyExists',
NOT_CONNECTED = 'notConnected',
DOES_NOT_EXIST = 'doesNotExist',
INVALID_ARGS = 'invalidArgs',
export enum PairingResponse {
CONFIRM = 'confirm',
REJECT = 'reject',
CANCEL = 'cancel',
export interface PairingEvent {
pairing: PairingEventType;
device: chrome.bluetooth.Device;
pincode?: string;
passkey?: number;
enteredKey?: number;
export interface SetPairingResponseOptions {
device: chrome.bluetooth.Device;
response: PairingResponse;
pincode?: string;
passkey?: number;
export function setPairingResponse(options: SetPairingResponseOptions):
export function disconnectAll(deviceAddress: string): Promise<void>;
export function forgetDevice(deviceAddress: string): Promise<void>;
export function connect(deviceAddress: string):
export function pair(deviceAddress: string): Promise<void>;
export const onPairing: ChromeEvent<(pairingEvent: PairingEvent) => void>;