// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/** @fileoverview Definitions for chrome.bookmarkManagerPrivate API. */
// TODO(crbug.com/40179454): Auto-generate this file.
import {ChromeEvent} from './chrome_event.js';
declare global {
export namespace chrome {
export namespace bookmarkManagerPrivate {
export interface BookmarkNodeDataElement {
id?: string;
parentId?: string;
title: string;
url?: string;
children: BookmarkNodeDataElement[];
export interface BookmarkNodeData {
sameProfile: boolean;
elements: BookmarkNodeDataElement[];
export function copy(idList: string[]): Promise<void>;
export function cut(idList: string[]): Promise<void>;
export function paste(parentId: string, selectedIdList?: string[]):
export function canPaste(parentId: string): Promise<boolean>;
export function sortChildren(parentId: string): void;
export function startDrag(
idList: string[], dragNodeIndex: number, isFromTouch: boolean,
x: number, y: number): void;
export function drop(parentId: string, index?: number): Promise<void>;
export function getSubtree(id: string, foldersOnly: boolean):
export function removeTrees(idList: string[]): Promise<void>;
export function undo(): void;
export function redo(): void;
export function openInNewTab(id: string, active: boolean): void;
export function openInNewWindow(idList: string[], incognito: boolean):
function importAlias(): Promise<void>;
function exportAlias(): Promise<void>;
export {importAlias as import};
export {exportAlias as export};
export interface DragData {
elements: chrome.bookmarks.BookmarkTreeNode[]|null;
sameProfile: boolean;
export const onDragEnter: ChromeEvent<(p1: DragData) => void>;
export const onDragLeave: ChromeEvent<() => void>;
export const onDrop: ChromeEvent<() => void>;