// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/** @fileoverview Definitions for chrome.feedbackPrivate API */
// TODO(crbug.com/40179454): Auto-generate this file.
declare namespace chrome {
export namespace feedbackPrivate {
interface AttachedFile {
name: string;
data?: Blob;
export interface LogsMapEntry {
key: string;
value: string;
enum FeedbackFlow {
REGULAR = 'regular',
LOGIN = 'login',
SAD_TAB_CRASH = 'sadTabCrash',
GOOGLE_INTERNAL = 'googleInternal',
AI = 'ai',
export interface FeedbackInfo {
description: string;
attachedFile?: AttachedFile;
categoryTag?: string;
descriptionPlaceholder?: string;
email?: string;
pageUrl?: string;
productId?: number;
screenshot?: Blob;
traceId?: number;
systemInformation?: LogsMapEntry[];
sendHistograms?: boolean;
flow?: FeedbackFlow;
attachedFileBlobUuid?: string;
screenshotBlobUuid?: string;
useSystemWindowFrame?: boolean;
sendAutofillMetadata?: boolean;
sendBluetoothLogs?: boolean;
sendTabTitles?: boolean;
assistantDebugInfoAllowed?: boolean;
fromAssistant?: boolean;
includeBluetoothLogs?: boolean;
showQuestionnaire?: boolean;
fromAutofill?: boolean;
autofillMetadata?: string;
isOffensiveOrUnsafe?: boolean;
aiMetadata?: string;
enum Status {
SUCCESS = 'success',
DELAYED = 'delayed',
enum LandingPageType {
NORMAL = 'normal',
TECHSTOP = 'techstop',
NO_LANDING_PAGE = 'noLandingPage',
enum LogSource {
MESSAGES = 'messages',
UI_LATEST = 'uiLatest',
DRM_MODETEST = 'drmModetest',
LSUSB = 'lsusb',
ATRUS_LOG = 'atrusLog',
NET_LOG = 'netLog',
EVENT_LOG = 'eventLog',
UPDATE_ENGINE_LOG = 'updateEngineLog',
POWERD_LATEST = 'powerdLatest',
POWERD_PREVIOUS = 'powerdPrevious',
LSPCI = 'lspci',
IFCONFIG = 'ifconfig',
UPTIME = 'uptime',
interface ReadLogSourceParams {
source: LogSource;
incremental: boolean;
readerId?: number;
interface ReadLogSourceResult {
readerId: number;
logLines: string[];
export interface SendFeedbackResult {
status: Status;
landingPageType: LandingPageType;
export function getUserEmail(callback: (email: string) => void): void;
export function sendFeedback(
feedback: FeedbackInfo, loadSystemInfo?: boolean,
formOpenTime?: number): Promise<SendFeedbackResult>;
export function getSystemInformation(
callback: (info: LogsMapEntry[]) => void): void;