// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/** @fileoverview Definitions for chrome.quickUnlockPrivate API */
// TODO(crbug.com/40179454): Auto-generate this file.
import {ChromeEvent} from './chrome_event.js';
declare global {
export namespace chrome {
export namespace quickUnlockPrivate {
export interface TokenInfo {
token: string;
lifetimeSeconds: number;
export enum QuickUnlockMode {
PIN = 'PIN',
// The problems a given PIN might have.
enum CredentialProblem {
export interface CredentialCheck {
errors: CredentialProblem[];
warnings: CredentialProblem[];
export interface CredentialRequirements {
minLength: number;
maxLength: number;
// TODO(crbug.com/40240258) Update to use promises instead of callback
export const onActiveModesChanged:
ChromeEvent<(activeModes: QuickUnlockMode[]) => void>;
// TODO(crbug.com/40240258) Update to use promises instead of callback
export function canAuthenticatePin(
onComplete: (success: boolean) => void): void;
// TODO(crbug.com/40240258) Update to use promises instead of callback
export function getActiveModes(
onComplete: (modes: QuickUnlockMode[]) => void): void;
// TODO(crbug.com/40240258) Update to use promises instead of callback
export function getAuthToken(
accountPassword: string, onComplete: (info: TokenInfo) => void): void;
// TODO(crbug.com/40240258) Update to use promises instead of callback
export function setLockScreenEnabled(
token: string, enabled: boolean, onComplete?: () => void): void;
// TODO(crbug.com/40240258) Update to use promises instead of callback
export function setModes(
token: string, modes: QuickUnlockMode[], credentials: string[],
onComplete: () => void): void;
// TODO(crbug.com/40240258) Update to use promises instead of callback
export function setPinAutosubmitEnabled(
token: string, pin: string, enabled: boolean,
onComplete: (success: boolean) => void): void;
// TODO(crbug.com/40240258) Update to use promises instead of callback
export function checkCredential(
mode: QuickUnlockMode, credential: string,
onComplete: (check: CredentialCheck) => void): void;
// TODO(crbug.com/40240258) Update to use promises instead of callback
export function getCredentialRequirements(
mode: QuickUnlockMode,
onComplete: (requirements: CredentialRequirements) => void): void;