// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "ash/webui/personalization_app/mojom/personalization_app.mojom-forward.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/scoped_observation.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/wallpaper_handlers/wallpaper_fetcher_delegate.h"
#include "components/signin/public/identity_manager/identity_manager.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
class GoogleServiceAuthError;
class Profile;
namespace backdrop {
class Collection;
class Image;
} // namespace backdrop
namespace net {
struct NetworkTrafficAnnotationTag;
} // namespace net
namespace network {
class SimpleURLLoader;
} // namespace network
namespace signin {
class PrimaryAccountAccessTokenFetcher;
struct AccessTokenInfo;
} // namespace signin
namespace wallpaper_handlers {
class BackdropFetcher;
// Downloads the wallpaper collections info from the Backdrop service.
class BackdropCollectionInfoFetcher {
using OnCollectionsInfoFetched = base::OnceCallback<
void(bool success, const std::vector<backdrop::Collection>& collections)>;
BackdropCollectionInfoFetcher(const BackdropCollectionInfoFetcher&) = delete;
BackdropCollectionInfoFetcher& operator=(
const BackdropCollectionInfoFetcher&) = delete;
virtual ~BackdropCollectionInfoFetcher();
// Starts the fetcher.
virtual void Start(OnCollectionsInfoFetched callback);
// Protected constructor forces creation via `WallpaperFetcherDelegate` to
// allow mocking in test code.
// Allow delegate to view the constructor.
friend class WallpaperFetcherDelegateImpl;
// Called when the collections info download completes.
void OnResponseFetched(const std::string& response);
// Used to download the proto from the Backdrop service.
std::unique_ptr<BackdropFetcher> backdrop_fetcher_;
// The callback upon completion of downloading and deserializing the
// collections info.
OnCollectionsInfoFetched callback_;
// Downloads the wallpaper images info from the Backdrop service.
class BackdropImageInfoFetcher {
using OnImagesInfoFetched =
base::OnceCallback<void(bool success,
const std::string& collection_id,
const std::vector<backdrop::Image>& images)>;
BackdropImageInfoFetcher(const BackdropImageInfoFetcher&) = delete;
BackdropImageInfoFetcher& operator=(const BackdropImageInfoFetcher&) = delete;
virtual ~BackdropImageInfoFetcher();
// Starts the fetcher.
virtual void Start(OnImagesInfoFetched callback);
// Protected constructor forces creation via `WallpaperFetcherDelegate` to
// allow mocking in test code.
explicit BackdropImageInfoFetcher(const std::string& collection_id);
// Allow delegate to view the constructor.
friend class WallpaperFetcherDelegateImpl;
// Called when the images info download completes.
void OnResponseFetched(const std::string& response);
// Used to download the proto from the Backdrop service.
std::unique_ptr<BackdropFetcher> backdrop_fetcher_;
// The id of the collection, used as the token to fetch the images info.
const std::string collection_id_;
// The callback upon completion of downloading and deserializing the images
// info.
OnImagesInfoFetched callback_;
// Downloads the surprise me image info from the Backdrop service.
class BackdropSurpriseMeImageFetcher {
using OnSurpriseMeImageFetched =
base::OnceCallback<void(bool success,
const backdrop::Image& image,
const std::string& new_resume_token)>;
BackdropSurpriseMeImageFetcher(const BackdropSurpriseMeImageFetcher&) =
BackdropSurpriseMeImageFetcher& operator=(
const BackdropSurpriseMeImageFetcher&) = delete;
virtual ~BackdropSurpriseMeImageFetcher();
// Starts the fetcher.
virtual void Start(OnSurpriseMeImageFetched callback);
// Protected constructor forces creation via `WallpaperFetcherDelegate` to
// allow mocking in test code.
BackdropSurpriseMeImageFetcher(const std::string& collection_id,
const std::string& resume_token);
// Allow delegate to view the constructor.
friend class WallpaperFetcherDelegateImpl;
// Called when the surprise me image info download completes.
void OnResponseFetched(const std::string& response);
// Used to download the proto from the Backdrop service.
std::unique_ptr<BackdropFetcher> backdrop_fetcher_;
// The id of the collection, used as the token to fetch the image info.
const std::string collection_id_;
// An opaque token returned by a previous image info fetch request. It is used
// to prevent duplicate images from being returned. It's intentional
// that this field is always empty. See (https://crbug.com/843537#c13).
const std::string resume_token_;
// The callback upon completion of downloading and deserializing the surprise
// me image info.
OnSurpriseMeImageFetched callback_;
// Base class for common logic among fetchers that query the Google Photos API.
// Parametrized by the client callback's argument type.
template <typename T>
class GooglePhotosFetcher : public signin::IdentityManager::Observer {
Profile* profile,
const net::NetworkTrafficAnnotationTag& traffic_annotation);
GooglePhotosFetcher(const GooglePhotosFetcher&) = delete;
GooglePhotosFetcher& operator=(const GooglePhotosFetcher&) = delete;
~GooglePhotosFetcher() override;
// Issues an API request to `service_url` if and only if one is not in
// progress. Each subclass is expected to write a public overload of this
// function that prepares `service_url`--with appended query params from the
// client if applicable--and delegates the rest of the work to this function.
using ClientCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(T)>;
void AddRequestAndStartIfNecessary(const GURL& service_url,
ClientCallback callback);
// Called when the API request finishes. `response` will be absent if there
// was an error in sending the request, receiving the response, or parsing the
// response; otherwise, it will hold a response in the API's specified
// structure.
virtual T ParseResponse(const base::Value::Dict* response) = 0;
// Returns the count of results contained within the specified `result`.
virtual std::optional<size_t> GetResultCount(const T& result) = 0;
// Contains logic for different HTTP error codes that we receive, as they can
// carry information on the state of the user's Google Photos library.
virtual std::optional<base::Value> CreateErrorResponse(int error_code);
// Returns the result of the managed policy
// WallpaperGooglePhotosIntegrationEnabled, or true if this pref is
// not managed.
virtual bool IsGooglePhotosIntegrationPolicyEnabled() const;
void OnTokenReceived(
std::unique_ptr<signin::PrimaryAccountAccessTokenFetcher> fetcher,
const GURL& service_url,
base::TimeTicks start_time,
GoogleServiceAuthError error,
signin::AccessTokenInfo token_info);
void OnJsonReceived(std::unique_ptr<network::SimpleURLLoader> loader,
const GURL& service_url,
base::TimeTicks start_time,
std::unique_ptr<std::string> response_body);
void OnResponseReady(const GURL& service_url,
base::TimeTicks start_time,
std::optional<base::Value> response);
// Profile associated with the Google Photos account that will be queried.
const raw_ptr<Profile> profile_;
// Supplies `token_fetcher_` with `profile_`'s GAIA account information.
const raw_ptr<signin::IdentityManager> identity_manager_;
// States metadata about the network request that this fetcher sends.
const net::NetworkTrafficAnnotationTag traffic_annotation_;
// Callbacks for each distinct query this fetcher has been asked to make. A
// URL's callbacks are called and then removed when the download finishes,
// successfully or in error.
std::map<GURL, std::vector<ClientCallback>> pending_client_callbacks_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<GooglePhotosFetcher> weak_factory_{this};
using GooglePhotosAlbumsCbkArgs =
// Downloads the Google Photos albums a user has created.
class GooglePhotosAlbumsFetcher
: public GooglePhotosFetcher<GooglePhotosAlbumsCbkArgs> {
GooglePhotosAlbumsFetcher(const GooglePhotosAlbumsFetcher&) = delete;
GooglePhotosAlbumsFetcher& operator=(const GooglePhotosAlbumsFetcher&) =
~GooglePhotosAlbumsFetcher() override;
virtual void AddRequestAndStartIfNecessary(
const std::optional<std::string>& resume_token,
base::OnceCallback<void(GooglePhotosAlbumsCbkArgs)> callback);
// Protected constructor forces creation via `WallpaperFetcherDelegate` to
// allow mocking in test code.
explicit GooglePhotosAlbumsFetcher(Profile* profile);
// GooglePhotosFetcher:
GooglePhotosAlbumsCbkArgs ParseResponse(
const base::Value::Dict* response) override;
std::optional<size_t> GetResultCount(
const GooglePhotosAlbumsCbkArgs& result) override;
// Allow delegate to see the constructor.
friend class WallpaperFetcherDelegateImpl;
friend class GooglePhotosAlbumsFetcherTest;
int albums_api_refresh_counter_ = 0;
using GooglePhotosAlbumsCbkArgs =
// Downloads the Google Photos albums a user has created.
class GooglePhotosSharedAlbumsFetcher
: public GooglePhotosFetcher<GooglePhotosAlbumsCbkArgs> {
GooglePhotosSharedAlbumsFetcher(const GooglePhotosSharedAlbumsFetcher&) =
GooglePhotosSharedAlbumsFetcher& operator=(
const GooglePhotosSharedAlbumsFetcher&) = delete;
~GooglePhotosSharedAlbumsFetcher() override;
virtual void AddRequestAndStartIfNecessary(
const std::optional<std::string>& resume_token,
base::OnceCallback<void(GooglePhotosAlbumsCbkArgs)> callback);
// Protected constructor forces creation via `WallpaperFetcherDelegate` to
// allow mocking in test code.
explicit GooglePhotosSharedAlbumsFetcher(Profile* profile);
// GooglePhotosFetcher:
GooglePhotosAlbumsCbkArgs ParseResponse(
const base::Value::Dict* response) override;
std::optional<size_t> GetResultCount(
const GooglePhotosAlbumsCbkArgs& result) override;
friend class WallpaperFetcherDelegateImpl;
int shared_albums_api_refresh_counter_ = 0;
using ash::personalization_app::mojom::GooglePhotosEnablementState;
// Downloads whether the user is allowed to access Google Photos data.
class GooglePhotosEnabledFetcher
: public GooglePhotosFetcher<GooglePhotosEnablementState> {
GooglePhotosEnabledFetcher(const GooglePhotosEnabledFetcher&) = delete;
GooglePhotosEnabledFetcher& operator=(const GooglePhotosEnabledFetcher&) =
~GooglePhotosEnabledFetcher() override;
virtual void AddRequestAndStartIfNecessary(
base::OnceCallback<void(GooglePhotosEnablementState)> callback);
// Protected constructor forces creation via `WallpaperFetcherDelegate` to
// allow mocking in test code.
explicit GooglePhotosEnabledFetcher(Profile* profile);
// GooglePhotosFetcher:
GooglePhotosEnablementState ParseResponse(
const base::Value::Dict* response) override;
std::optional<size_t> GetResultCount(
const GooglePhotosEnablementState& result) override;
friend class WallpaperFetcherDelegateImpl;
friend class GooglePhotosEnabledFetcherTest;
using GooglePhotosPhotosCbkArgs =
// Downloads visible photos from a user's Google Photos library.
class GooglePhotosPhotosFetcher
: public GooglePhotosFetcher<GooglePhotosPhotosCbkArgs> {
GooglePhotosPhotosFetcher(const GooglePhotosPhotosFetcher&) = delete;
GooglePhotosPhotosFetcher& operator=(const GooglePhotosPhotosFetcher&) =
~GooglePhotosPhotosFetcher() override;
virtual void AddRequestAndStartIfNecessary(
const std::optional<std::string>& item_id,
const std::optional<std::string>& album_id,
const std::optional<std::string>& resume_token,
bool shuffle,
base::OnceCallback<void(GooglePhotosPhotosCbkArgs)> callback);
// Protected constructor forces creation via `WallpaperFetcherDelegate` to
// allow mocking in test code.
explicit GooglePhotosPhotosFetcher(Profile* profile);
// GooglePhotosFetcher:
std::optional<base::Value> CreateErrorResponse(int error_code) override;
GooglePhotosPhotosCbkArgs ParseResponse(
const base::Value::Dict* response) override;
std::optional<size_t> GetResultCount(
const GooglePhotosPhotosCbkArgs& result) override;
friend class WallpaperFetcherDelegateImpl;
friend class GooglePhotosPhotosFetcherTest;
int photos_api_refresh_counter_ = 0;
} // namespace wallpaper_handlers