# Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Adapter for printing legacy recipe output
TODO(https://crbug.com/326904531): This file is intended to be a temporary
workaround and should be replaced once this bug is resolved"""
import json
import logging
import re
import sys
# Create a logger that avoids rich formatting as we can't control recipe
# formatting from here
basic_logger = logging.getLogger('basic_logger')
basic_logger.propagate = False
class PassthroughAdapter:
"""Doesn't filter anything, just logs everything from the recipe run."""
def ProcessLine(self, line):
basic_logger.log(logging.DEBUG, line)
class LegacyOutputAdapter:
"""Interprets the legacy recipe run mode output to logging
This will filter, route and in some cases reformat the output to trace levels
of logging. This will cause specific output (e.g. unfiltered step names) to
always print to std out or when -v is passed, the stdout will additionally
be passed to the logging stdout. Note -vv will cause PassthroughAdapter to
interpret results"""
TRIGGER_STEP_PREFIX = 'test_pre_run.[trigger] '
def __init__(self):
self._trigger_link_re = re.compile(r'.+@(https://.+)@@@$')
self._ninja_status_re = re.compile(r'\[(\d+)\/(\d+)\]')
self._collect_wait_re = re.compile(
r'.+prpc call (.+) swarming.v2.Tasks.ListTaskStates, stdin: '
r'(\{"task_id": .+\})$'
self._result_links_re = re.compile(
r'@@@STEP_LINK@shard (#\d+) test results@(https://[^@]+)@@@')
self._current_proccess_fn = self._StepNameProcessLine
# The first match is used. This allows us to filter parent steps while still
# printing child steps by adding the child step name first. By default
# _StepNameProcessLine will be used which prints the step name and it's
# stdout
self._step_to_processors = {
'compile': self._ProcessCompileLine,
'reclient compile': self._ProcessCompileLine,
'test_pre_run.[trigger] ': self._ProcessTriggerLine,
'collect tasks.wait for tasks': self._ProcessCollectLine,
# The first match is used. This allows us to filter parent steps while still
# printing child steps by adding the child step name first. By default INFO
# will be used which prints in non-verbose mode (i.e. no -v flag)
self._step_to_log_level = {
'lookup_builder_gn_args': logging.DEBUG,
'git rev-parse': logging.DEBUG,
'git diff to instrument': logging.DEBUG,
'save paths of affected files': logging.DEBUG,
'preprocess for reclient.start reproxy via bootstrap': logging.INFO,
'preprocess for reclient': logging.DEBUG,
'process clang crashes': logging.DEBUG,
'compile confirm no-op': logging.DEBUG,
'postprocess for reclient': logging.DEBUG,
'setup_build': logging.DEBUG,
'get compile targets for scripts': logging.DEBUG,
'lookup GN args': logging.DEBUG,
'install infra/tools/luci/isolate': logging.DEBUG,
'find command lines': logging.DEBUG,
'test_pre_run.install infra/tools/luci/swarming': logging.DEBUG,
'isolate tests': logging.DEBUG,
'read GN args': logging.DEBUG,
'test_pre_run.[trigger] ': logging.INFO,
'test_pre_run.': logging.DEBUG,
'collect tasks.wait for tasks': logging.INFO,
'collect tasks': logging.DEBUG,
'$debug - all results': logging.DEBUG,
'Test statistics': logging.DEBUG,
'read gclient': logging.DEBUG,
'write output_properties_file': logging.DEBUG,
# Setup logger for printing to the same line
logger = logging.getLogger('single_line_logger')
handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
handler.terminator = ''
logger.propagate = False
self._last_line = ''
self._current_log_level = logging.DEBUG
self._single_line_logger = logger
self._current_step_name = ''
self._dot_count = 0
def _StdoutProcessLine(self, line):
if not line.startswith(self.ANNOTATOR_PREFIX_SUFIX):
# Pass through any non-engine text
is_urlish = re.match(r'^http[s]?://\S+$', line)
if is_urlish:
logging.log(self._current_log_level, line)
basic_logger.log(self._current_log_level, line)
def _StepNameProcessLine(self, line):
if line.startswith(self.SEED_STEP_TEXT):
# Always print the step name to info
'\n[cyan]Running: ' + self._current_step_name + '[/]')
def _ProcessTriggerLine(self, line):
if line.startswith(self.SEED_STEP_TEXT + self.TRIGGER_STEP_PREFIX):
# The step names for tests don't have any identifying keywords so the
# result step parsers need to be installed at trigger time
test_name = line[len(self.SEED_STEP_TEXT +
self.TRIGGER_STEP_PREFIX):line.index(' (') if ' (' in
line else -len(self.ANNOTATOR_PREFIX_SUFIX)]
self._step_to_processors[test_name] = self._ProcessResult
self._step_to_log_level[test_name] = logging.DEBUG
elif line.startswith(self.TRIGGER_LINK_TEXT):
matches = self._trigger_link_re.match(line)
if matches:
task_name = self._current_step_name[len(self.TRIGGER_STEP_PREFIX):]
f'Triggered {task_name}: ' + matches[1])
def _ProcessCompileLine(self, line):
if line.startswith(self.SEED_STEP_TEXT):
logging.info('\n[cyan]Running: ' + self._current_step_name + '[/]')
matches = self._ninja_status_re.match(line)
if matches:
self._single_line_logger.log(self._current_log_level, '\33[2K\r' + line)
if self._last_line.startswith('['):
basic_logger.log(self._current_log_level, '')
def _ProcessCollectLine(self, line):
if line.startswith(self.SEED_STEP_TEXT):
logging.info('\n[cyan]Running: ' + self._current_step_name + '[/]')
matches = self._collect_wait_re.match(line)
if matches:
task_ids = json.loads(matches[2])['task_id']
self._dot_count = (self._dot_count % 5) + 1
f'\33[2K\rStill waiting on: {len(task_ids)} shard(s)' +
'.' * self._dot_count)
if line == self.STEP_CLOSED_TEXT:
'\33[2K\rStill waiting on: 0 shard(s)...')
basic_logger.log(self._current_log_level, '')
def _ProcessResult(self, line):
matches = self._result_links_re.match(line)
if matches:
'Test results for %s shard %s: %s',
self._current_step_name, matches[1], matches[2])
def ProcessLine(self, line):
# If we're in a new step see if it needs to be parsed differently
if line.startswith(self.SEED_STEP_TEXT):
self._current_step_name = line[len(self.SEED_STEP_TEXT
self._current_proccess_fn = self._get_processor(self._current_step_name)
self._current_log_level = self._get_log_level(self._current_step_name)
self._last_line = line
if line.startswith(self.STEP_CLOSED_TEXT):
# Text outside of steps will use the last processor otherwise
self._current_log_level = logging.DEBUG
_current_proccess_fn = self._StepNameProcessLine
def _get_processor(self, step_name):
if step_name in self._step_to_processors:
return self._step_to_processors[step_name]
for match_name in self._step_to_processors:
if step_name.startswith(match_name):
return self._step_to_processors[match_name]
return self._StepNameProcessLine
def _get_log_level(self, step_name):
if step_name in self._step_to_log_level:
return self._step_to_log_level[step_name]
for match_name in self._step_to_log_level:
if step_name.startswith(match_name):
return self._step_to_log_level[match_name]
return logging.INFO