
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

# The .natvis files define "native visualizers" for the Visual Studio debugger
# that allow one to define how custom types appear.
# One can use them by adding them to a project in visual studio, and they can
# be embedded in a project's PDB file using the undocumented linker flag
# /NATVIS. These configs would generally be added to all_dependent_configs
# on a target so all targets that link to them will reference the visualizers
# from their PDB files.
# See for how they work.



config("chrome") {
  # chrome.natvis listed as an input in //base:base to guarantee relinking on
  # changes.
  ldflags = [ "/NATVIS:" + rebase_path("chrome.natvis", root_build_dir) ]

config("blink") {
  # blink.natvis listed as an input in
  # //third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf to guarantee relinking on changes.
  ldflags = [ "/NATVIS:" + rebase_path("blink.natvis", root_build_dir) ]