// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Symbol downloading demonstration code.
// For more information see ReadMe.txt and this blog post:
// https://randomascii.wordpress.com/2013/03/09/symbols-the-microsoft-way/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <DbgHelp.h>
#include <string>
// Link with the dbghelp import library
#pragma comment(lib, "dbghelp.lib")
// Uncomment this line to test with known-good parameters.
//#define TESTING
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// Tell dbghelp to print diagnostics to the debugger output.
// Initialize dbghelp
const HANDLE fakeProcess = (HANDLE)1;
BOOL result = SymInitialize(fakeProcess, NULL, FALSE);
#ifdef TESTING
// Set a search path and cache directory. If this isn't set
// then _NT_SYMBOL_PATH will be used instead.
// Force setting it here to make sure that the test succeeds.
// Valid PDB data to test the code.
std::string gTextArg = "072FF0EB54D24DFAAE9D13885486EE09";
const char* ageText = "2";
const char* fileName = "kernel32.pdb";
// Valid PE data to test the code
fileName = "crypt32.dll";
const char* dateStampText = "4802A0D7";
const char* sizeText = "95000";
//fileName = "chrome_child.dll";
//const char* dateStampText = "5420D824";
//const char* sizeText = "20a6000";
if (argc < 4)
printf("Error: insufficient arguments.\n");
printf("Usage: %s guid age pdbname\n", argv[0]);
printf("Usage: %s dateStamp size pename\n", argv[0]);
printf("Example: %s 6720c31f4ac24f3ab0243e0641a4412f 1 "
"chrome_child.dll.pdb\n", argv[0]);
printf("Example: %s 4802A0D7 95000 crypt32.dll\n", argv[0]);
return 0;
std::string gTextArg = argv[1];
const char* dateStampText = argv[1];
const char* ageText = argv[2];
const char* sizeText = argv[2];
const char* fileName = argv[3];
// Parse the GUID and age from the text
GUID g = {};
DWORD age = 0;
DWORD dateStamp = 0;
DWORD size = 0;
// Settings for SymFindFileInPath
void* id = nullptr;
DWORD flags = 0;
DWORD two = 0;
const char* ext = strrchr(fileName, '.');
if (!ext)
printf("No extension found on %s. Fatal error.\n", fileName);
return 0;
if (_stricmp(ext, ".pdb") == 0)
std::string gText;
// Scan the GUID argument and remove all non-hex characters. This allows
// passing GUIDs with '-', '{', and '}' characters.
for (auto c : gTextArg)
if (isxdigit(c))
printf("Parsing symbol data for a PDB file.\n");
if (gText.size() != 32)
printf("Error: GUIDs must be exactly 32 characters"
" (%s was stripped to %s).\n", gTextArg.c_str(), gText.c_str());
return 10;
int count = sscanf_s(gText.substr(0, 8).c_str(), "%x", &g.Data1);
DWORD temp;
count += sscanf_s(gText.substr(8, 4).c_str(), "%x", &temp);
g.Data2 = (unsigned short)temp;
count += sscanf_s(gText.substr(12, 4).c_str(), "%x", &temp);
g.Data3 = (unsigned short)temp;
for (auto i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(g.Data4); ++i)
count += sscanf_s(gText.substr(16 + i * 2, 2).c_str(), "%x", &temp);
g.Data4[i] = (unsigned char)temp;
count += sscanf_s(ageText, "%x", &age);
if (count != 12)
printf("Error: couldn't parse the GUID/age string. Sorry.\n");
return 10;
id = &g;
two = age;
printf("Looking for %s %s %s.\n", gText.c_str(), ageText, fileName);
printf("Parsing symbol data for a PE (.dll or .exe) file.\n");
if (strlen(dateStampText) != 8)
printf("Warning!!! The datestamp (%s) is not eight characters long. "
"This is usually wrong.\n", dateStampText);
int count = sscanf_s(dateStampText, "%x", &dateStamp);
count += sscanf_s(sizeText, "%x", &size);
id = &dateStamp;
two = size;
printf("Looking for %s %x %x.\n", fileName, dateStamp, two);
char filePath[MAX_PATH] = {};
DWORD three = 0;
if (SymFindFileInPath(fakeProcess, NULL, fileName, id, two, three,
flags, filePath, NULL, NULL))
printf("Found symbol file - placed it in %s.\n", filePath);
printf("Error: symbols not found - error %u. Are dbghelp.dll and "
"symsrv.dll in the same directory as this executable?\n",
printf("Note that symbol server lookups sometimes fail randomly. "
"Try again?\n");
return 0;