// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
namespace ui {
// Provides methods for measuring accessibility state on Android via
// org.chromium.ui.accessibility.AccessibilityState.
class AccessibilityState {
// Provides an interface for clients to listen to animator duration scale
// changes.
class AccessibilityStateDelegate {
// Called when the animator duration scale changes.
virtual void OnAnimatorDurationScaleChanged() = 0;
// Called when the display inversion state changes.
virtual void OnDisplayInversionEnabledChanged(bool enabled) = 0;
// Called when the contrast level changes.
virtual void OnContrastLevelChanged(bool highContrastEnabled) = 0;
// Called during browser startup and any time enabled services change.
virtual void RecordAccessibilityServiceInfoHistograms() = 0;
static void RegisterAccessibilityStateDelegate(
AccessibilityStateDelegate* delegate);
static void UnregisterAccessibilityStateDelegate(
AccessibilityStateDelegate* delegate);
// Notifies all delegates of an animator duration scale change.
static void NotifyAnimatorDurationScaleObservers();
// Notifies all delegates of a display inversion state change.
static void NotifyDisplayInversionEnabledObservers(bool enabled);
// Notifies all delegates of a contrast level change.
static void NotifyContrastLevelObservers(bool highContrastEnabled);
// Notifies all delegates to record service info histograms.
static void NotifyRecordAccessibilityServiceInfoHistogram();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods that call into AccessibilityState.java via JNI
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns the event mask of all running accessibility services.
static int GetAccessibilityServiceEventTypeMask();
// Returns the feedback type mask of all running accessibility services.
static int GetAccessibilityServiceFeedbackTypeMask();
// Returns the flags mask of all running accessibility services.
static int GetAccessibilityServiceFlagsMask();
// Returns the capabilities mask of all running accessibility services.
static int GetAccessibilityServiceCapabilitiesMask();
// Returns a vector containing the IDs of all running accessibility services.
static std::vector<std::string> GetAccessibilityServiceIds();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods that call into AccessibilityAutofillHelper.java via JNI
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns true if this instance should respect the displayed password text
// (available in the shadow DOM), false if it should return bullets. Default
// false.
static bool ShouldRespectDisplayedPasswordText();
static void ForceRespectDisplayedPasswordTextForTesting();
// Returns true if this instance should expose password text to AT (e.g. as a
// user is typing in a field), false if it should return bullets. Default
// true.
static bool ShouldExposePasswordText();
} // namespace ui