
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "ui/accessibility/ax_role_properties.h"

#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "build/chromeos_buildflags.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_enums.mojom.h"

namespace ui {

namespace {

constexpr bool kExposeLayoutTableAsDataTable = true;
constexpr bool kExposeLayoutTableAsDataTable =;
#endif  // BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN)

}  // namespace

bool CanHaveInlineTextBoxChildren(ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool HasPresentationalChildren(const ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsAlert(const ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsAndroidTextViewCandidate(const ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsButton(const ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsCellOrTableHeader(const ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsClickable(const ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsCheckBox(const ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsComboBox(const ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsComboBoxContainer(const ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsContainerWithSelectableChildren(const ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsControl(const ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsControlOnAndroid(const ax::mojom::Role role, bool isFocusable) {}

bool IsDateOrTimeInput(const ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsDialog(const ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsEmbeddingElement(const ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsGridLike(const ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsForm(const ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsFormatBoundary(const ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsHeading(const ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsIframe(ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsImageOrVideo(const ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsImage(const ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsItemLike(const ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsLikelyActiveDescendantRole(const ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsLandmark(const ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsLink(const ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsList(const ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsListItem(const ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsMenuItem(ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsMenuRelated(const ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsPlatformDocument(const ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsPresentational(const ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsRadio(const ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsRangeValueSupported(const ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsReadOnlySupported(const ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsRootLike(ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsRowContainer(const ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsSection(const ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsSectionhead(const ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsSelect(const ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsSelectElement(const ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsSelectRequiredOrImplicit(const ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsSelectSupported(const ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsSetLike(const ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsStaticList(const ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsStructure(const ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsTableColumn(ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsTableHeader(ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsTableLike(const ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsTableRow(ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsText(ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsTextField(ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsUIAEmbeddedObject(ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsUIATableLike(ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsUIACellOrTableHeader(ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsWindow(ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool ShouldHaveReadonlyStateByDefault(const ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool SupportsExpandCollapse(const ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool SupportsHierarchicalLevel(const ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool SupportsOrientation(const ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool SupportsRequired(const ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool SupportsToggle(const ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool IsPlainContentElement(ax::mojom::Role role) {}

bool SupportsArrowKeysForExpandCollapse(const ax::mojom::Role role) {}

}  // namespace ui