// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_enums.mojom-forward.h"
namespace ui {
struct AXEventIntent;
// Describes the type of the AXTextStateChangeIntent, as defined by Mac's
// accessibility framework.
// Broadly, there are two types of intents that may be attached to accessibility
// events: an editing intent or a selection intent.
// The enumeration values are taken from the WebKit source code, but they are
// modified slightly to comply with Chromium's C++ Style Guide. Please do not
// renumber.
enum class AXTextStateChangeType {
kUnknown = 0,
kEdit = 1,
kSelectionMove = 2,
kSelectionExtend = 3,
kSelectionBoundary = 4
// Describes the type of the editing intent, as defined by Mac's accessibility
// framework.
// The enumeration values are taken from the WebKit source code, but they are
// modified slightly to comply with Chromium's C++ Style Guide. Please do not
// renumber.
enum class AXTextEditType {
kUnknown = 0,
kDelete = 1,
kInsert = 2,
kTyping = 3,
kDictation = 4,
kCut = 5,
kPaste = 6,
kAttributesChange = 7 // Change font, style, alignment, color, etc.
// Describes the directionality of a selection intent, as defined by Mac's
// accessibility framework.
// The enumeration values are taken from the WebKit source code, but they are
// modified slightly to comply with Chromium's C++ Style Guide. Please do not
// renumber.
enum class AXTextSelectionDirection {
kUnknown = 0,
kBeginning = 1,
kEnd = 2,
kPrevious = 3,
kNext = 4,
kDiscontiguous = 5
// Describes the amount by which the selection has moved or has been extended
// by, as defined by Mac's accessibility framework.
// The enumeration values are taken from the WebKit source code, but they are
// modified slightly to comply with Chromium's C++ Style Guide. Please do not
// renumber.
enum class AXTextSelectionGranularity {
kUnknown = 0,
kCharacter = 1,
kWord = 2,
kLine = 3,
kSentence = 4,
kParagraph = 5,
kPage = 6,
kDocument = 7,
// All granularity represents the action of selecting the whole document as a
// single action. Extending selection by some other granularity until it
// encompasses the whole document should not result in a all granularity
// notification.
kAll = 8
// Describes a selection operation in an AXTextStateChangeIntent.
struct AXTextSelection final {
// Constructs a description of a selection operation, translating the given
// direction and granularity from Chromium's internal representation to what
// the Mac accessibility framework expects.
static AXTextSelection FromDirectionAndGranularity(
ax::mojom::TextBoundary text_boundary,
ax::mojom::MoveDirection move_direction);
// Constructs a description of a selection operation that has no extra
// information, such as when the selection is set using the mouse and so its
// granularity would be hard to ascertain.
// Constructs a description of a selection operation for which extra
// information can be provided.
AXTextSelection(AXTextSelectionDirection direction,
AXTextSelectionGranularity granularity,
bool focus_change);
AXTextSelection(const AXTextSelection& selection);
virtual ~AXTextSelection();
AXTextSelection& operator=(const AXTextSelection& selection);
AXTextSelectionDirection direction = AXTextSelectionDirection::kUnknown;
AXTextSelectionGranularity granularity = AXTextSelectionGranularity::kUnknown;
bool focus_change = false;
// The equivalent of an accessibility event intent (AXEventIntent), as
// defined by Mac's accessibility framework.
struct COMPONENT_EXPORT(AX_PLATFORM) AXTextStateChangeIntent final {
// Constructs an intent that is used when the selection is set to a different
// iframe or control, and focus has move to that element.
static AXTextStateChangeIntent DefaultFocusTextStateChangeIntent();
// Constructs an intent that is used when the selection has moved to another
// location within the same control, (i.e. browser focus hasn't moved), or
// when the selection has been cleared.
static AXTextStateChangeIntent DefaultSelectionChangeIntent();
// Constructs an empty intent.
// Constructs a selection intent.
AXTextStateChangeIntent(AXTextStateChangeType type,
AXTextSelection selection);
// Constructs an editing intent.
explicit AXTextStateChangeIntent(AXTextEditType edit);
AXTextStateChangeIntent(const AXTextStateChangeIntent& intent);
virtual ~AXTextStateChangeIntent();
AXTextStateChangeIntent& operator=(const AXTextStateChangeIntent& intent);
AXTextStateChangeType type = AXTextStateChangeType::kUnknown;
AXTextEditType edit = AXTextEditType::kUnknown;
AXTextSelection selection;
// Converts from Chromium's AXEventIntent to Mac's AXTextStateChangeIntent.
AXTextStateChangeIntent FromEventIntent(const AXEventIntent& event_intent);
} // namespace ui