// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fidl/fuchsia.accessibility.semantics/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/ui/views/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/inspect/cpp/vmo/types.h>
#include <optional>
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/platform/fuchsia/accessibility_bridge_fuchsia.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/platform/fuchsia/semantic_provider.h"
#include "ui/aura/window.h"
namespace ui {
class COMPONENT_EXPORT(AX_PLATFORM) AccessibilityBridgeFuchsiaImpl final
: public AccessibilityBridgeFuchsia,
public AXFuchsiaSemanticProvider::Delegate {
using OnConnectionClosedCallback = base::RepeatingCallback<bool(zx_status_t)>;
// Constructor args:
// |root_window|: Refers to the root aura::Window for which this accessibility
// bridge instance is responsible. The pointer is NOT owned by this class.
// The accessibility bridge instance's lifespan is not explicitly tied to the
// window's, but they are expected to be deleted together.
// |view_ref|: The fuchsia ViewRef for the fuchsia view that corresponds to
// |root_window|.
// |on_semantics_enabled|: Callback invoked when fuchsia's accessibility
// platform component requests to enable/disable semantics (e.g. when the
// screen reader is toggled on/off). The boolean argument to the callback
// indicates whether semantics should be enabled or disabled (true => enable
// semantics, false => disable semantics).
// |on_connection_closed|: Callback invoked when the FIDL connection to the
// fuchsia accessibility platform component closes. The return value indicates
// whether an attempt to reconnect should be made (true => reconnect, false =>
// do not reconnect).
aura::Window* root_window,
fuchsia_ui_views::ViewRef view_ref,
base::RepeatingCallback<void(bool)> on_semantics_enabled,
OnConnectionClosedCallback on_connection_closed,
inspect::Node inspect_node);
~AccessibilityBridgeFuchsiaImpl() override;
// AccessibilityBridgeFuchsia overrides.
void UpdateNode(fuchsia_accessibility_semantics::Node node) override;
void DeleteNode(uint32_t node_id) override;
void OnAccessibilityHitTestResult(int hit_test_request_id,
std::optional<uint32_t> result) override;
float GetDeviceScaleFactor() override;
void SetRootID(uint32_t root_node_id) override;
inspect::Node GetInspectNode() override;
// SemanticProvider::Delegate overrides.
bool OnSemanticsManagerConnectionClosed(zx_status_t status) override;
bool OnAccessibilityAction(
uint32_t node_id,
fuchsia_accessibility_semantics::Action action) override;
void OnHitTest(fuchsia_math::PointF point, HitTestCallback callback) override;
void OnSemanticsEnabled(bool enabled) override;
// Test-only method to set `semantic_provider_`.
void set_semantic_provider_for_test(
std::unique_ptr<AXFuchsiaSemanticProvider> semantic_provider);
// Propagates new pixel scale to `semantic_provider_`.
void SetPixelScale(float pixel_scale);
// Returns kFuchsiaRootNodeId if node_id == *root_node_id_. Otherwise, returns
// node_id.
uint32_t MaybeToFuchsiaRootID(uint32_t node_id);
// Root window for the fuchsia view for which this accessibility bridge
// instance is responsible.
aura::Window* root_window_;
// Manages connections with the fuchsia semantics APIs.
std::unique_ptr<AXFuchsiaSemanticProvider> semantic_provider_;
// Fuchsia semantic trees require that the root node ID == 0. The
// AXUniqueId of the chrome node corresponding to the fuchsia root will NOT be
// 0, so we need to store it here in order to map between the two.
std::optional<uint32_t> root_node_id_;
// Holds callbacks for hit tests that have not yet completed, keyed by a
// request ID that this class generates.
base::flat_map<int /* request_id */, HitTestCallback>
// Next hit test request ID to use.
int next_hittest_request_id_ = 1;
// Callback invoked whenever the semantics enabled state changes.
base::RepeatingCallback<void(bool)> on_semantics_enabled_;
// Callback invoked whenever the semantics manager connection is closed.
// We use a base::RepeatingCallback, because we may attempt to reconnect, in
// which case it's possible that we may need to invoke the callback more than
// once.
OnConnectionClosedCallback on_connection_closed_;
// The inspect output will have a node for each AXTree in this accessibility
// bridge's window. Inspect node names are static, but AXTreeIDs can change.
// It could be misleading for users to see an old AXTreeID in the inspect
// output, so instead, we'll name each node "AXTree_#". The
// next_inspect_tree_number_ member is used to generate these names.
int next_inspect_tree_number_ = 1;
// Inspect node for the accessibility bridge.
inspect::Node inspect_node_;
} // namespace ui