// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fidl/fuchsia.accessibility.semantics/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/ui/views/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/binding.h>
#include <map>
#include <optional>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/platform/fuchsia/semantic_provider.h"
namespace ui {
namespace {
class SemanticTreeEventHandler
: public fidl::AsyncEventHandler<
fuchsia_accessibility_semantics::SemanticTree> {
explicit SemanticTreeEventHandler(
base::OnceCallback<void(fidl::UnbindInfo)> on_fidl_error_callback);
~SemanticTreeEventHandler() override;
void on_fidl_error(fidl::UnbindInfo error) override;
base::OnceCallback<void(fidl::UnbindInfo)> on_fidl_error_callback_;
} // namespace
// Clients instantiate this class, which connects to the Fuchsia semantics API.
// This object must remain alive across the entire lifespan of the corresponding
// fuchsia view.
class COMPONENT_EXPORT(AX_PLATFORM) AXFuchsiaSemanticProviderImpl
: public AXFuchsiaSemanticProvider,
public fidl::Server<fuchsia_accessibility_semantics::SemanticListener> {
// Arguments:
// |view_ref|: identifies the view providing semantics. Please consult
// |fuchsia.accessibility.semantics| API documentation.
// |delegate|: Handles semantic requests, please see Delegate class for more
// documentation. Caller is responsible for ensuring that |delegate| outlives
// |this|.
// During construction, this class connects to
// |fuchsia.accessibility.semantics.SemanticsManager| to register itself as a
// semantic provider.
AXFuchsiaSemanticProviderImpl(fuchsia_ui_views::ViewRef view_ref,
Delegate* delegate);
~AXFuchsiaSemanticProviderImpl() override;
// Returns true if Fuchsia has enabled semantics.
bool semantic_updates_enabled() const { return semantic_updates_enabled_; }
// AXFuchsiaSemanticProvider overrides.
bool Update(fuchsia_accessibility_semantics::Node node) override;
bool Delete(uint32_t node_id) override;
bool Clear() override;
void SendEvent(fuchsia_accessibility_semantics::SemanticEvent event) override;
bool HasPendingUpdates() const override;
float GetPixelScale() const override;
void SetPixelScale(float pixel_scale) override;
// Holds information about a Fuchsia Semantic Node. It contains only the
// fields needed to check that the resulting tree would be valid.
struct NodeInfo {
// During a tree update a node may have multiple parents pointing to it,
// although after all updates are processed only one should be present.
std::set<uint32_t> parents;
std::vector<uint32_t> children;
// Represents a batch of nodes to be sent to Fuchsia.
// Batches can hold exactly one type: a series of updates or a series of
// deletions.
class Batch {
enum class Type { kUpdate, kDelete };
Batch(Type type);
Batch(Batch&& other);
Batch(const Batch& other) = delete;
Type type() const { return type_; }
// Returns true if the batch has reached its size limit.
bool IsFull() const;
// Adds an update or deletion to the batch. This fails if the batch is full
// or if the new item is not the same type of the batch.
void Append(fuchsia_accessibility_semantics::Node node);
void AppendDeletion(uint32_t delete_node_id);
// Sends enqueued operations to SemanticsManager.
void Apply(fidl::Client<fuchsia_accessibility_semantics::SemanticTree>*
Type type_;
std::vector<fuchsia_accessibility_semantics::Node> updates_;
std::vector<uint32_t> delete_node_ids_;
// Attempts to commit the pending updates to Fuchsia if the resulting updates
// would leave the final tree in a valid state.
void TryToCommit();
// Returns a batch that can receive an update or deletion depending on |type|.
Batch& GetCurrentUnfilledBatch(Batch::Type type);
// Invoked whenever Fuchsia responds that a commit was received. This tries to
// commit again if there are pending upedates or deletions.
void OnCommitComplete(
// Mark all |child_ids| not reachable from |parent_id|, meaning:
// - If |parent_id| was the only parent, the children are now disconnected
// from the tree.
// - If |parent_id| was an additional parent, now the children are connected
// to a single parent in the tree.
// - If the children do not exist, remove them from the list of nodes waiting
// to be updated.
void MarkChildrenAsNotReachable(const std::vector<uint32_t>& child_ids,
uint32_t parent_id);
// Mark all |child_ids| reachable from |parent_id|, meaning:
// - If |parent_id| is the only parent, the children are now connected to the
// tree and are all reachable.
// - If |parent_id| is an additional parent, now the children are not
// connected to the tree as multiple parents point to them.
// - If the children do not exist, the parent waits for the nodes to be
// created.
void MarkChildrenAsReachable(const std::vector<uint32_t>& child_ids,
uint32_t parent_id);
// Returns the ID of the parent of this node if it has one. If it does not
// have a parent or it has multiple parents, returns std::nullopt.
std::optional<uint32_t> GetParentForNode(const uint32_t node_id);
// fuchsia_accessibility_semantics::SemanticListener:
void OnAccessibilityActionRequested(
OnAccessibilityActionRequestedRequest& request,
OnAccessibilityActionRequestedCompleter::Sync& completer) override;
// fuchsia_accessibility_semantics::SemanticListener:
void HitTest(HitTestRequest& request,
HitTestCompleter::Sync& completer) override;
// fuchsia_accessibility_semantics::SemanticListener:
void OnSemanticsModeChanged(
OnSemanticsModeChangedRequest& request,
OnSemanticsModeChangedCompleter::Sync& completer) override;
Delegate* const delegate_;
fidl::Client<fuchsia_accessibility_semantics::SemanticTree> semantic_tree_;
std::optional<SemanticTreeEventHandler> semantic_tree_event_handler_;
bool semantic_updates_enabled_ = false;
// Nodes from this tree. If not empty, to be considered a valid tree, there
// must be:
// - A node which node id is equal to kFuchsiaRootNodeId;
// - Each node except the root has only one parent;
// - All children pointed by a parent exist in the tree.
// Only the node ID and the child IDs of the node are stored here because at
// this point we only check to see if the tree is valid.
std::map<uint32_t /*node_id*/, NodeInfo> nodes_;
// Key == the node ID that is not reachable from the root of the tree, value
// == 0 or more parents that point to this node. Note that nodes can be listed
// here but still be present in |nodes_|. This may happen, for example, if the
// parent of the node was deleted and there is no path from the root to it, so
// the node waits for a parent to connect to it.
std::map<uint32_t, std::set<uint32_t>> not_reachable_;
// Stores batches of node updates or deletions to be sent to Fuchsia. Note
// that a batch contains only updates or deletions, because they are pushed to
// Fuchsia differently.
std::vector<Batch> batches_;
bool commit_inflight_ = false;
// The scale factor used to convert between the coordinate space chrome
// allocates for the view and the view's logical size reported by scenic.
float pixel_scale_ = 1.f;
} // namespace ui