
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
    <!-- The color of the ripple effect on clickable elements. -->
    <attr name="rippleColor" format="color"/>
    <!-- The top or bottom inset of a drawable. -->
    <attr name="verticalInset" format="reference|dimension"/>

    <declare-styleable name="ButtonCompat">
        <!-- The color of the button background. -->
        <attr name="buttonColor" format="color"/>
        <!-- The color of the button text. This attribute will override the text color set in
             android:textAppearance. -->
        <attr name="buttonTextColor" format="reference"/>
        <attr name="rippleColor"/>
        <attr name="borderColor" format="color"/>
        <attr name="borderWidth" format="reference|dimension"/>
        <!-- The vertical inset of the button background drawable. -->
        <attr name="verticalInset"/>

        <!--  The ripple corner radius of ripple effect. If not specified,
          @dimen/button_compat_corner_radius is default. -->
        <attr name="rippleCornerRadiusTopStart" format="reference|dimension" />
        <attr name="rippleCornerRadiusTopEnd" format="reference|dimension" />
        <attr name="rippleCornerRadiusBottomStart" format="reference|dimension" />
        <attr name="rippleCornerRadiusBottomEnd" format="reference|dimension" />

    <!-- The attributes prefixed with 'global' are used to control the button, link and URL colors
         throughout the app and are defined in the activity theme. This enables us to apply
         dynamic colors to the mentioned UI elements. These attributes may not be set in some
         contexts, e.g. WebView, so the code dealing with them should handle their absence. -->
    <attr name="globalFilledButtonBgColor" format="color"/>
    <attr name="globalFilledButtonTextColor" format="reference"/>
    <attr name="globalTextButtonTextColor" format="reference"/>
    <attr name="globalTextButtonRippleColor" format="color"/>
    <attr name="globalOutlinedButtonBorderColor" format="color"/>
    <attr name="globalLinkTextColor" format="color"/>
    <attr name="globalClickableSpanColor" format="color"/>

    <declare-styleable name="TextViewWithLeading">
        <attr name="leading" format="reference|dimension"/>
        <!-- The name must match what [AppCompat]TextView uses. -->
        <attr name="android:textAppearance" />

    <declare-styleable name="AsyncViewStub">
        <!-- Supply an identifier for the layout resource to inflate when the AsyncViewStub
             becomes visible or when forced to do so. The layout resource must be a
             valid reference to a layout. -->
        <attr name="layout" format="reference" />

    <declare-styleable name="ListMenuButton">
        <attr name="menuMaxWidth" format="reference|dimension" />
        <attr name="menuVerticalOverlapAnchor" format="boolean" />
        <attr name="menuHorizontalOverlapAnchor" format="boolean" />
        <!-- Used to specify if a menu button is positioned at the start or at
        the end of a layout so the correct menu popup anim file can be applied.
        The default is set to true -->
        <attr name="menuPositionedAtEnd" format="boolean" />