// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.ui.base;
import org.chromium.base.Callback;
import org.chromium.base.lifetime.Destroyable;
import org.chromium.base.supplier.ObservableSupplier;
import org.chromium.base.supplier.ObservableSupplierImpl;
import org.chromium.ui.mojom.VirtualKeyboardMode;
* A class responsible for managing multiple users of UI insets over the application viewport.
* <p>UI insets are complicated. The application viewport is provided by CompositorViewHolder but
* the browser provides various UI controls which overlay the viewport. How these UI controls
* interact with the underlying WebContents varies between controls and can depend on web-APIs.
* <p>For example, browser controls cause the WebContents to resize so that the web page reflows in
* response to showing/hiding (although the timing of when this happens is non-straightforward). On
* the other hand, the virtual keyboard should resize only the page's visualViewport, without
* affecting layout. Chrome provides "keyboard accessories" that appear to the user to be part of
* the keyboard but are actually separate UI components. To make matters even more complicated, the
* page can change how the virtual keyboard affects the page (to affect page layout).
* <p>This class aims to centralize and encapsulate all these complex interactions so clients don't
* have to worry about the details. This class currently handles only the keyboard and keyboard
* accessory but there are plans to move browser controls into here as well
* (https://crbug.com/1211066).
* <p>Features needing to know if anything is obscuring part of the screen listen to this class via
* {@link #addObserver(Callback)} which observes changes to a {@link ViewportInsets} object which
* has various inset types clients can use. See that class for more detials about the inset types.
* <pre>
* In general:
* - Features that want to modify the inset should pass around the {@link
* ApplicationViewportInsetSupplier} object.
* - Features only interested in what the current inset is should pass around an {@link
* ObservableSupplier<ViewportInsets>} object.
* </pre>
public class ApplicationViewportInsetSupplier extends ObservableSupplierImpl<ViewportInsets>
implements Destroyable {
/** Keyboard related suppliers */
private ObservableSupplier<Integer> mKeyboardInsetSupplier;
private ObservableSupplier<Integer> mKeyboardAccessoryInsetSupplier;
private ObservableSupplier<Integer> mBottomSheetInsetSupplier;
/** The observer that gets attached to all inset suppliers. */
private final Callback<Integer> mInsetSupplierObserver = (unused) -> computeInsets();
* By default, the virtual keyboard overlays content, only resizing the visual viewport.
* Web content has APIs that change how the virtual keyboard interacts with content. This class
* needs to know which mode we're in to determine how different kinds of insets are computed.
private int mVirtualKeyboardMode = VirtualKeyboardMode.RESIZES_VISUAL;
/** Default constructor. */
ApplicationViewportInsetSupplier() {
// Make sure this is initialized to 0 since "Integer" is an object and would be null
// otherwise.
super.set(new ViewportInsets());
public static ApplicationViewportInsetSupplier createForTests() {
return new ApplicationViewportInsetSupplier();
public void set(ViewportInsets value) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"#set(...) should not be called directly on ApplicationViewportInsetSupplier.");
/** Clean up observers and suppliers. */
public void destroy() {
* Notifies this object when the VirtualKeyboardMode of the currently active WebContents is
* changed.
* This can happen as a result of a web content API call or swapping a WebContents or Tab.
public void setVirtualKeyboardMode(@VirtualKeyboardMode.EnumType int mode) {
if (mVirtualKeyboardMode == mode) return;
mVirtualKeyboardMode = mode;
* Sets the inset supplier for the soft keyboard itself.
* Pass null to unset the current supplier.
public void setKeyboardInsetSupplier(ObservableSupplier<Integer> insetSupplier) {
boolean didRemove = false;
if (mKeyboardInsetSupplier != null) {
didRemove = true;
mKeyboardInsetSupplier = insetSupplier;
if (mKeyboardInsetSupplier != null) {
} else if (didRemove) {
// If a supplier was removed, removeObserver will not have notified observers (unlike
// addObserver) so make sure insets get recomputed in this case.
* Sets the inset supplier for the keyboard accessory.
* Pass null to unset the current supplier.
public void setKeyboardAccessoryInsetSupplier(ObservableSupplier<Integer> insetSupplier) {
boolean didRemove = false;
if (mKeyboardAccessoryInsetSupplier != null) {
didRemove = true;
mKeyboardAccessoryInsetSupplier = insetSupplier;
if (mKeyboardAccessoryInsetSupplier != null) {
} else if (didRemove) {
// If a supplier was removed, removeObserver will not have notified observers (unlike
// addObserver) so make sure insets get recomputed in this case.
public void setBottomSheetInsetSupplier(ObservableSupplier<Integer> insetSupplier) {
boolean didRemove = false;
if (mBottomSheetInsetSupplier != null) {
didRemove = true;
mBottomSheetInsetSupplier = insetSupplier;
if (mBottomSheetInsetSupplier != null) {
} else if (didRemove) {
// If a supplier was removed, removeObserver will not have notified observers (unlike
// addObserver) so make sure insets get recomputed in this case.
/** Compute the new total inset based on all registered suppliers. */
private void computeInsets() {
ViewportInsets newValues = new ViewportInsets();
int keyboardInset = intFromSupplier(mKeyboardInsetSupplier);
int accessoryInset = intFromSupplier(mKeyboardAccessoryInsetSupplier);
int totalKeyboardInset = keyboardInset + accessoryInset;
int bottomSheetInset = intFromSupplier(mBottomSheetInsetSupplier);
newValues.viewVisibleHeightInset = accessoryInset;
newValues.visualViewportBottomInset =
mVirtualKeyboardMode == VirtualKeyboardMode.RESIZES_VISUAL ? totalKeyboardInset : 0;
// If the VirtualKeyboardMode is set to OVERLAYS_CONTENT or RESIZES_VISUAL, the
// WebContents size will not match the View size when the keyboard is showing (these
// modes mean "keyboard doesn't resize web content"). In that case, *outset* by the shown
// keyboard height to keep the WebContents from being resized.
boolean vkModeOutsetsWebContentsHeight =
mVirtualKeyboardMode == VirtualKeyboardMode.OVERLAYS_CONTENT
|| mVirtualKeyboardMode == VirtualKeyboardMode.RESIZES_VISUAL;
int webContentsInset = 0;
if (vkModeOutsetsWebContentsHeight) {
// Avoid insetting by the accessory and outset by the keyboard to counter the View
// resize.
webContentsInset = -keyboardInset;
} else {
// The keyboard should cause the WebContents to resize. The keyboard itself is already
// accounted for in the View height so just add the accessory.
webContentsInset = accessoryInset;
webContentsInset += bottomSheetInset;
newValues.webContentsHeightInset = webContentsInset;
private int intFromSupplier(ObservableSupplier<Integer> supplier) {
if (supplier == null || supplier.get() == null) return 0;
return supplier.get();
public boolean insetsAffectWebContentsSize() {
return mVirtualKeyboardMode == VirtualKeyboardMode.RESIZES_CONTENT
|| mBottomSheetInsetSupplier != null;