// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.ui.modelutil;
import android.animation.ObjectAnimator;
import android.util.FloatProperty;
import org.chromium.ui.modelutil.PropertyModel.WritableFloatPropertyKey;
* Static factory class that creates Animators for MVC properties by providing implementations of
* android.util.Property that mutate a given property in a given model.
public class PropertyModelAnimatorFactory {
* Builds an Animator for the given model, key, and target value.
* @param model PropertyModel object to write changes to the given key to.
* @param key Key of the property to change.
* @param targetValue Target end value of the property.
* @return An Animator that when run, will animate the property from its current value to the
* given target.
public static ObjectAnimator ofFloat(
PropertyModel model, WritableFloatPropertyKey key, float targetValue) {
PropertyModelFloatProp customProperty = new PropertyModelFloatProp(key);
return ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(model, customProperty, targetValue);
private static class PropertyModelFloatProp extends FloatProperty<PropertyModel> {
final WritableFloatPropertyKey mKey;
public PropertyModelFloatProp(WritableFloatPropertyKey key) {
mKey = key;
public Float get(PropertyModel model) {
return model.get(mKey);
public void setValue(PropertyModel model, float value) {
model.set(mKey, value);
// TODO(https://crbug.com/1086676, pnoland): Implement factory methods for other types, e.g. int
// and aRGB.