// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.ui.resources.system;
import android.graphics.Bitmap;
import android.graphics.Canvas;
import android.graphics.Paint;
import android.graphics.Paint.Style;
import android.graphics.RectF;
import org.chromium.ui.resources.Resource;
import org.chromium.ui.resources.SystemUIResourceType;
import org.chromium.ui.resources.async.AsyncPreloadResourceLoader;
import org.chromium.ui.resources.statics.StaticResource;
/** Handles loading system specific resources like overscroll and edge glows. */
public class SystemResourceLoader extends AsyncPreloadResourceLoader {
private static final float SIN_PI_OVER_6 = 0.5f;
private static final float COS_PI_OVER_6 = 0.866f;
* Creates an instance of a {@link SystemResourceLoader}.
* @param resourceType The resource type this loader is responsible for loading.
* @param callback The {@link ResourceLoaderCallback} to notify when a {@link Resource} is
* done loading.
* @param minScreenSideLengthPx The length (in pixels) of the smallest side of the screen.
public SystemResourceLoader(
int resourceType, ResourceLoaderCallback callback, final int minScreenSideLengthPx) {
new ResourceCreator() {
public Resource create(int resId) {
return createResource(minScreenSideLengthPx, resId);
private static Resource createResource(int minScreenSideLengthPx, int resId) {
switch (resId) {
case SystemUIResourceType.OVERSCROLL_GLOW:
return createOverscrollGlowBitmap(minScreenSideLengthPx);
assert false;
return null;
private static Resource createOverscrollGlowBitmap(int minScreenSideLengthPx) {
float arcWidth = minScreenSideLengthPx * 0.5f / SIN_PI_OVER_6;
float y = COS_PI_OVER_6 * arcWidth;
float height = arcWidth - y;
float arcRectX = -arcWidth / 2.f;
float arcRectY = -arcWidth - y;
float arcRectWidth = arcWidth * 2.f;
float arcRectHeight = arcWidth * 2.f;
RectF arcRect =
new RectF(arcRectX, arcRectY, arcRectX + arcRectWidth, arcRectY + arcRectHeight);
Paint arcPaint = new Paint();
Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap((int) arcWidth, (int) height, Bitmap.Config.ALPHA_8);
Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bitmap);
canvas.drawArc(arcRect, 45, 90, true, arcPaint);
return new StaticResource(bitmap);