// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.ui.util;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.graphics.Color;
import androidx.annotation.ColorInt;
import androidx.annotation.FloatRange;
import androidx.annotation.IntRange;
import org.chromium.base.MathUtils;
/** Helper functions for working with colors. */
public class ColorUtils {
// Value used by ui::OptionalSkColorToJavaColor() to represent invalid color.
public static final long INVALID_COLOR = ((long) Integer.MAX_VALUE) + 1;
private static final float CONTRAST_LIGHT_ITEM_THRESHOLD = 3f;
private static final float LIGHTNESS_OPAQUE_BOX_THRESHOLD = 0.82f;
private static final float MAX_LUMINANCE_FOR_VALID_THEME_COLOR = 0.94f;
private static final float THEMED_FOREGROUND_BLACK_FRACTION = 0.64f;
private static final float LIGHT_DARK_LUMINANCE_THRESHOLD = 0.5f;
/** Percentage to darken a color by when setting the status bar color. */
private static final float DARKEN_COLOR_FRACTION = 0.6f;
* @param context <b>Activity</b> context.
* @return Whether the activity is currently in night mode.
public static boolean inNightMode(Context context) {
int uiMode = context.getResources().getConfiguration().uiMode;
return (uiMode & Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_MASK) == Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_YES;
/** Computes the lightness value in HSL standard for the given color. */
public static float getLightnessForColor(@ColorInt int color) {
int red = Color.red(color);
int green = Color.green(color);
int blue = Color.blue(color);
int largest = Math.max(red, Math.max(green, blue));
int smallest = Math.min(red, Math.min(green, blue));
int average = (largest + smallest) / 2;
return average / 255.0f;
* Calculates the contrast between the given color and white, using the algorithm provided by
* the WCAG v2 in http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#contrast-ratiodef.
private static float getContrastForColor(@ColorInt int color) {
float bgR = Color.red(color) / 255f;
float bgG = Color.green(color) / 255f;
float bgB = Color.blue(color) / 255f;
bgR = (bgR < 0.03928f) ? bgR / 12.92f : (float) Math.pow((bgR + 0.055f) / 1.055f, 2.4f);
bgG = (bgG < 0.03928f) ? bgG / 12.92f : (float) Math.pow((bgG + 0.055f) / 1.055f, 2.4f);
bgB = (bgB < 0.03928f) ? bgB / 12.92f : (float) Math.pow((bgB + 0.055f) / 1.055f, 2.4f);
float bgL = 0.2126f * bgR + 0.7152f * bgG + 0.0722f * bgB;
return Math.abs((1.05f) / (bgL + 0.05f));
* @see ColorUtils#overlayColor(int, int, float). Use this when not in an animation.
public static @ColorInt int overlayColor(@ColorInt int baseColor, @ColorInt int overlayColor) {
return overlayColor(baseColor, overlayColor, /* fraction= */ 1f);
* Overlays a likely transparent color with the amount that it is transparent. This effectively
* flattens the two colors together into a new opaque color.
* @param baseColor The base, opaque, color that is beneath the overlay.
* @param overlayColor The partially transparent color, whose alpha will be used to decide how
* much of an effect it will have when blending.
* @param fraction Extra 0 to 1 multiplier for alpha overlay, useful for animations that want to
* animate into a full overlay.
* @return A fully opaque color that's the result of blending the two.
public static @ColorInt int overlayColor(
@ColorInt int baseColor,
@ColorInt int overlayColor,
@FloatRange(from = 0f, to = 1f) float fraction) {
// Similar to #getColorWithOverlay, this math isn't great for transparent base colors.
// Consider using #blendColorsMultiply instead.
// TODO(crbug.com/40282487): Enable asserts once status bar stops passing a base
// color that's partially transparent.
// assert Color.alpha(baseColor) == 255;
@FloatRange(from = 0f, to = 1f)
float alphaAdjustedFraction = Color.alpha(overlayColor) / 255f * fraction;
@ColorInt int opaqueOverlayColor = getOpaqueColor(overlayColor);
return getColorWithOverlay(baseColor, opaqueOverlayColor, alphaAdjustedFraction);
* Get a color when overlaid with a different color. Input and output colors should be fully
* opaque, as this approach does not work well with transparency.
* @param baseColor The base Android color.
* @param overlayColor The overlay Android color.
* @param overlayAlpha The alpha |overlayColor| should have on the base color.
public static @ColorInt int getColorWithOverlay(
@ColorInt int baseColor,
@ColorInt int overlayColor,
@FloatRange(from = 0f, to = 1f) float overlayAlpha) {
// Transparency is ignored in the logic below, so assert if anyone is passing a color that's
// not fully opaque. This does incur a minor burden on clients that knowingly want to call
// this on a partially transparent color, as they have to change the alpha value first.
// TODO(crbug.com/40282487): Enable asserts once status bar stops passing a base
// color that's partially transparent.
// assert Color.alpha(baseColor) == 255;
assert Color.alpha(overlayColor) == 255;
int fromRed = Color.red(baseColor);
int toRed = Color.red(overlayColor);
int resultRed = Math.round(MathUtils.interpolate(fromRed, toRed, overlayAlpha));
int fromGreen = Color.green(baseColor);
int toGreen = Color.green(overlayColor);
int resultGreen = Math.round(MathUtils.interpolate(fromGreen, toGreen, overlayAlpha));
int fromBlue = Color.blue(baseColor);
int toBlue = Color.blue(overlayColor);
int resultBlue = Math.round(MathUtils.interpolate(fromBlue, toBlue, overlayAlpha));
return Color.rgb(resultRed, resultGreen, resultBlue);
* Darkens the given color to use on the status bar.
* @param color Color which should be darkened.
* @return Color that should be used for Android status bar.
public static @ColorInt int getDarkenedColorForStatusBar(@ColorInt int color) {
return getDarkenedColor(color, DARKEN_COLOR_FRACTION);
* Darken a color to a fraction of its current brightness.
* @param color The input color.
* @param darkenFraction The fraction of the current brightness the color should be.
* @return The new darkened color.
public static @ColorInt int getDarkenedColor(@ColorInt int color, float darkenFraction) {
float[] hsv = new float[3];
Color.colorToHSV(color, hsv);
hsv[2] *= darkenFraction;
return Color.HSVToColor(hsv);
* Check whether lighter or darker foreground elements (i.e. text, drawables etc.) should be
* used depending on the given background color.
* @param backgroundColor The background color value which is being queried.
* @return Whether light colored elements should be used.
public static boolean shouldUseLightForegroundOnBackground(@ColorInt int backgroundColor) {
return getContrastForColor(backgroundColor) >= CONTRAST_LIGHT_ITEM_THRESHOLD;
* Check which version of the textbox background should be used depending on the given color.
* @param color The color value we are querying for.
* @return Whether the transparent version of the background should be used.
public static boolean shouldUseOpaqueTextboxBackground(@ColorInt int color) {
return getLightnessForColor(color) > LIGHTNESS_OPAQUE_BOX_THRESHOLD;
* Returns an opaque version of the given color.
* @param color Color for which an opaque version should be returned.
* @return Opaque version of the given color.
public static @ColorInt int getOpaqueColor(@ColorInt int color) {
return color | 0xFF000000;
* Determine if a theme color is too bright. A theme color is too bright if its luminance is >
* 0.94.
* @param color The color to test.
* @return True if the theme color is too bright.
public static boolean isThemeColorTooBright(@ColorInt int color) {
return ColorUtils.getLightnessForColor(color) > MAX_LUMINANCE_FOR_VALID_THEME_COLOR;
* Compute a color to use for assets that sit on top of a themed background.
* @param themeColor The base theme color.
* @return A color to use for elements in the foreground (on top of the base theme color).
public static @ColorInt int getThemedAssetColor(@ColorInt int themeColor, boolean isIncognito) {
if (ColorUtils.shouldUseLightForegroundOnBackground(themeColor) || isIncognito) {
// Dark theme.
return Color.WHITE;
} else {
// Light theme.
return ColorUtils.getColorWithOverlay(
* Interpolates between two colors, using pre-multiplied alpha values. Tries to not allocate any
* new objects or lose any precision unnecessarily.
* @param from The color to start at, when fraction is at zero.
* @param to The color to end at, when the fraction is at one.
* @param fraction The percent through interpolation that's currently being calculated.
* @return The interpolated color value.
public static @ColorInt int blendColorsMultiply(
@ColorInt int from, @ColorInt int to, @FloatRange(from = 0f, to = 1f) float fraction) {
int fromAlpha = Color.alpha(from);
int toAlpha = Color.alpha(to);
// Alpha can be linearly interpolated. Keep the result as float to increase precision of
// the intermediate math. Lastly, this alpha value can be zero, and we're going to divide by
// it below. Surprisingly, no special casing is needed. If resultAlpha is zero, this is
// because one or both of the from/to alphas are also zero, and the color channel
// interpolation is always going to get zero back. Turns out in Java, 0.0f / 0.0f is NaN,
// and Math.round special cases this to return 0, which is what we'd want to do anyway.
float resultAlpha = MathUtils.interpolate(fromAlpha, toAlpha, fraction);
// Each rgb channel value is multiplied by source alpha before interpolation. Then it'll be
// divided by the result alpha at the end. This is the pre-multiplied alpha approach as
// detailed in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha_compositing#Alpha_blending.
int fromRed = Color.red(from) * fromAlpha;
int toRed = Color.red(to) * toAlpha;
int resultRed = Math.round(MathUtils.interpolate(fromRed, toRed, fraction) / resultAlpha);
int fromGreen = Color.green(from) * fromAlpha;
int toGreen = Color.green(to) * toAlpha;
int resultGreen =
Math.round(MathUtils.interpolate(fromGreen, toGreen, fraction) / resultAlpha);
int fromBlue = Color.blue(from) * fromAlpha;
int toBlue = Color.blue(to) * toAlpha;
int resultBlue =
Math.round(MathUtils.interpolate(fromBlue, toBlue, fraction) / resultAlpha);
return Color.argb(Math.round(resultAlpha), resultRed, resultGreen, resultBlue);
* Pass through to {@link androidx.core.graphics.ColorUtils#setAlphaComponent(int, int)} so
* callers that need methods out of this class don't need to bother importing two versions of
* classes named "ColorUtils".
public static @ColorInt int setAlphaComponent(
@ColorInt int color, @IntRange(from = 0L, to = 255L) int alpha) {
return androidx.core.graphics.ColorUtils.setAlphaComponent(color, alpha);
* Convert the float alpha value into an integer ranging from 0 to 255 to be used in {@link
* #setAlphaComponent(int, int)}
public static @ColorInt int setAlphaComponentWithFloat(
@ColorInt int color, @FloatRange(from = 0f, to = 1f) float alpha) {
return setAlphaComponent(color, (int) (alpha * 255));
* Calculates the luminosity for the given color. This should match Android's region sampling
* calculation (go/android-luma-calculation).
* @return The luminance percentage for the color, with {@link Color.BLACK} having a luminance
* of 0 and {@link Color.WHITE} have a luminance of 1.
public static float calculateLuminance(@ColorInt int color) {
int b = color & 0xFF;
int g = (color >> 8) & 0xFF;
int r = (color >> 16) & 0xFF;
int luminance = (r * 7 + b * 2 + g * 23) / 32;
return luminance / 255.0f;
* Determines whether the luminance is overall high (light) or low (dark). This follows
public static boolean isHighLuminance(float luminance) {