
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

package org.chromium.ui.widget;

import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.view.Gravity;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.View.MeasureSpec;
import android.view.View.OnTouchListener;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.view.WindowManager;
import android.widget.LinearLayout;
import android.widget.LinearLayout.LayoutParams;
import android.widget.PopupWindow;
import android.widget.PopupWindow.OnDismissListener;

import androidx.annotation.IntDef;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.StyleRes;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;

import org.chromium.base.ObserverList;
import org.chromium.base.metrics.RecordUserAction;
import org.chromium.ui.R;
import org.chromium.ui.base.LocalizationUtils;

import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;

 * UI component that handles showing a {@link PopupWindow}. Positioning this popup happens through a
 * {@link RectProvider} provided during construction.
public class AnchoredPopupWindow implements OnTouchListener, RectProvider.Observer {
    private static final int MINIMAL_POPUP_HEIGHT_DIP = 50; // 48dp touch target plus 1dp margin.
    private static final int MINIMAL_POPUP_WIDTH_DIP = 50; // 48dp touch target plus 1dp margin.

    /** An observer that is notified of AnchoredPopupWindow layout changes. */
    public interface LayoutObserver {
         * Called immediately before the popup layout changes.
         * @param positionBelow Whether the popup is positioned below its anchor rect.
         * @param x The x position for the popup.
         * @param y The y position for the popup.
         * @param width The width of the popup.
         * @param height The height of the popup.
         * @param anchorRect The {@link Rect} used to anchor the popup.
        void onPreLayoutChange(
                boolean positionBelow, int x, int y, int width, int height, Rect anchorRect);

    /** VerticalOrientation preferences for the popup */
    public @interface VerticalOrientation {
         * Vertically position to whichever side of the anchor has more available space. The popup
         * will be sized to ensure it fits on screen.
        int MAX_AVAILABLE_SPACE = 0;

        /** Position below the anchor if there is enough space. */
        int BELOW = 1;

        /** Position above the anchor if there is enough space. */
        int ABOVE = 2;

    /** HorizontalOrientation preferences for the popup */
    public @interface HorizontalOrientation {
         * Horizontally position to whichever side of the anchor has more available space. The popup
         * will be sized to ensure it fits on screen.
        int MAX_AVAILABLE_SPACE = 0;

         * Horizontally center with respect to the anchor, so long as the popup still fits on the
         * screen.
        int CENTER = 1;

         * Horizontally position to side as defined by @{@link LocalizationUtils#isLayoutRtl()}. The
         * popup will be sized to ensure it fits on screen.
        int LAYOUT_DIRECTION = 2;

     * Helper class holds information of popup window (e.g. rect on screen, position to anchorRect)
    static class PopupSpec {
        /** Whether the popup window shows below the anchored rect. */
        public final boolean isPositionBelow;

        /** Whether the popup window shows to the left of the anchored rect. */
        public final boolean isPositionToLeft;

        /** Location of the popup window in the current application window. */
        public final Rect popupRect;

        private PopupSpec(Rect rect, boolean isPositionBelow, boolean isPositionToLeft) {
            this.popupRect = rect;
            this.isPositionBelow = isPositionBelow;
            this.isPositionToLeft = isPositionToLeft;

    private static class RootViewRectProvider extends RectProvider
            implements View.OnLayoutChangeListener {
        private final View mRootView;

        RootViewRectProvider(View rootView) {
            mRootView = rootView;

        public void onLayoutChange(
                View v,
                int left,
                int top,
                int right,
                int bottom,
                int oldLeft,
                int oldTop,
                int oldRight,
                int oldBottom) {
            // TODO( call notifyRectChanged() if consumers don't do it.

        private void cacheWindowVisibleDisplayFrameRect() {

            // In multi-window, the coordinates of root view will be different than (0,0).
            // So we translate the coordinates of |mRect| w.r.t. its window. This ensures the
            // |mRect| always starts at (0,0).
            int[] rootCoordinates = new int[2];
            mRect.offset(-rootCoordinates[0], -rootCoordinates[1]);

    // Cache Rect objects for querying View and Screen coordinate APIs.
    private final Rect mCachedPaddingRect = new Rect();

    // Spec of last shown popup window, or place holder value if the popup hasn't been shown yet.
    private PopupSpec mPopupSpec;

    private final Context mContext;
    private final Handler mHandler;
    private final View mRootView;
    private final RectProvider mViewportRectProvider;

    /** The actual {@link PopupWindow}.  Internalized to prevent API leakage. */
    private final PopupWindow mPopupWindow;

    /** Provides the {@link Rect} to anchor the popup to in screen space. */
    private final RectProvider mRectProvider;

    private final Runnable mDismissRunnable =
            new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    if (mPopupWindow.isShowing()) dismiss();

    private final OnDismissListener mDismissListener =
            new OnDismissListener() {
                public void onDismiss() {
                    if (mIgnoreDismissal) return;

                    for (OnDismissListener listener : mDismissListeners) listener.onDismiss();


    private boolean mDismissOnTouchInteraction;

    // Pass through for the internal PopupWindow.  This class needs to intercept these for API
    // purposes, but they are still useful to callers.
    private ObserverList<OnDismissListener> mDismissListeners = new ObserverList<>();
    private OnTouchListener mTouchListener;
    private LayoutObserver mLayoutObserver;

    /** The margin to add to the popup so it doesn't bump against the edges of the screen. */
    private int mMarginPx;

     * The maximum width of the popup. This width is used as long as the popup still fits on screen.
    private int mMaxWidthPx;

    /** The desired width for the content. */
    private int mDesiredContentWidth;

    // Preferred orientation for the popup with respect to the anchor.
    // Preferred vertical orientation for the popup with respect to the anchor.
    private int mPreferredVerticalOrientation = VerticalOrientation.MAX_AVAILABLE_SPACE;

    // Preferred horizontal orientation for the popup with respect to the anchor.
    private int mPreferredHorizontalOrientation = HorizontalOrientation.MAX_AVAILABLE_SPACE;

     * Tracks whether or not we are in the process of updating the popup, which might include a
     * dismiss and show.  In that case we don't want to let the world know we're dismissing because
     * it's only temporary.
    private boolean mIgnoreDismissal;

    private boolean mVerticalOverlapAnchor;
    private boolean mHorizontalOverlapAnchor;
    private boolean mUpdateOrientationOnChange;
    private boolean mSmartAnchorWithMaxWidth;

    private @StyleRes int mAnimationStyleId;
    private boolean mAnimateFromAnchor;

    public AnchoredPopupWindow(
            Context context,
            View rootView,
            Drawable background,
            View contentView,
            RectProvider anchorRectProvider) {
        this(context, rootView, background, contentView, anchorRectProvider, null);

     * Constructs an {@link AnchoredPopupWindow} instance.
     * @param context Context to draw resources from.
     * @param rootView The {@link View} to use for size calculations and for display.
     * @param background The background {@link Drawable} to use for the popup.
     * @param contentView The content view to set on the popup. Expected to be a {@link ViewGroup}.
     * @param anchorRectProvider The {@link RectProvider} that will provide the {@link Rect} this
     *     popup attaches and orients to. The coordinates in the {@link Rect} are expected to be
     *     screen coordinates.
     * @param viewportRectProvider The {@link RectProvider} that provides the {@link Rect} for the
     *     visible viewpoint. If null, the window coordinates of the root view will be used.
    public AnchoredPopupWindow(
            Context context,
            View rootView,
            Drawable background,
            View contentView,
            RectProvider anchorRectProvider,
            @Nullable RectProvider viewportRectProvider) {
        mContext = context;
        mRootView = rootView.getRootView();
        mViewportRectProvider =
                viewportRectProvider != null
                        ? viewportRectProvider
                        : new RootViewRectProvider(mRootView);
        mPopupWindow = UiWidgetFactory.getInstance().createPopupWindow(mContext);
        mHandler = new Handler();
        mRectProvider = anchorRectProvider;
        mPopupSpec = new PopupSpec(new Rect(), false, false);



    /** Shows the popup. Will have no effect if the popup is already showing. */
    public void show() {
        if (mPopupWindow.isShowing()) return;


        if (hasMinimalSize()) showPopupWindow();

     * Disposes of the popup window.  Will have no effect if the popup isn't showing.
     * @see PopupWindow#dismiss()
    public void dismiss() {

     * @return Whether the popup is currently showing.
    public boolean isShowing() {
        return mPopupWindow.isShowing();

     * Sets the {@link LayoutObserver} for this AnchoredPopupWindow.
     * @param layoutObserver The observer to be notified of layout changes.
    public void setLayoutObserver(LayoutObserver layoutObserver) {
        mLayoutObserver = layoutObserver;

     * @param onTouchListener A callback for all touch events being dispatched to the popup.
     * @see PopupWindow#setTouchInterceptor(OnTouchListener)
    public void setTouchInterceptor(OnTouchListener onTouchListener) {
        mTouchListener = onTouchListener;

     * @param onDismissListener A listener to be called when the popup is dismissed.
     * @see PopupWindow#setOnDismissListener(OnDismissListener)
    public void addOnDismissListener(OnDismissListener onDismissListener) {

     * @param onDismissListener The listener to remove and not call when the popup is dismissed.
     * @see PopupWindow#setOnDismissListener(OnDismissListener)
    public void removeOnDismissListener(OnDismissListener onDismissListener) {

     * @param dismiss Whether or not to dismiss this popup when the screen is tapped.  This will
     *                happen for both taps inside and outside the popup except when a tap is handled
     *                by child views. The default is {@code false}.
    public void setDismissOnTouchInteraction(boolean dismiss) {
        mDismissOnTouchInteraction = dismiss;

     * If set to true, popup will be notified when an outside touch happens.
     * It is not the equivalent of closing the popup on all touch events. The user can
     * still interact with the popup by sending inside touch events.
     * If set to false, the popup won't be notified about the outside touch event.
     * @param touchable Whether or not to notify the popup when an outside touch
     *                  happens. The default is {@code false}.
    public void setOutsideTouchable(boolean touchable) {

     * Sets the preferred vertical orientation of the popup with respect to the anchor Rect such as
     * above or below the anchor.  This should be called before the popup is shown.
     * @param orientation The vertical orientation preferred.
    public void setPreferredVerticalOrientation(@VerticalOrientation int orientation) {
        mPreferredVerticalOrientation = orientation;

     * Sets the preferred horizontal orientation of the popup with respect to the anchor Rect such
     * as centered with respect to the anchor.  This should be called before the popup is shown.
     * @param orientation The horizontal orientation preferred.
    public void setPreferredHorizontalOrientation(@HorizontalOrientation int orientation) {
        mPreferredHorizontalOrientation = orientation;

     * Sets the animation style for the popup. This should be called before the popup is shown.
     * Setting this style will take precedence over {@link #setAnimateFromAnchor(boolean)}.
     * @param animationStyleId The id of the animation style.
    public void setAnimationStyle(int animationStyleId) {
        mAnimationStyleId = animationStyleId;

     * Set whether the popup should enter from / exit to the anchor point. This should be
     * called before the popup is shown. If an animation style is specified by
     * {@link #setAnimationStyle(int)}, this method will have no effect.
     * @param animateFromAnchor Whether the popup should animator from anchor point.
    public void setAnimateFromAnchor(boolean animateFromAnchor) {
        mAnimateFromAnchor = animateFromAnchor;

     * If set to true, orientation will be updated every time that the {@link OnRectChanged} is
     * called.
    public void setUpdateOrientationOnChange(boolean updateOrientationOnChange) {
        mUpdateOrientationOnChange = updateOrientationOnChange;

     * Changes the focusability of the popup. See {@link PopupWindow#setFocusable(boolean)}.
     * @param focusable True if the popup is focusable, false otherwise.
    public void setFocusable(boolean focusable) {

     * Sets the margin for the popup window.  This should be called before the popup is shown.
     * @param margin The margin in pixels.
    public void setMargin(int margin) {
        mMarginPx = margin;

     * Sets the max width for the popup.  This should be called before the popup is shown.
     * @param maxWidth The max width for the popup.
    public void setMaxWidth(int maxWidth) {
        final float density = mRootView.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density;
        mMaxWidthPx = Math.max(maxWidth, (int) Math.ceil(density * MINIMAL_POPUP_WIDTH_DIP));

     * Sets whether the popup should horizontally overlap the anchor {@link Rect}.
     * Defaults to false.  This should be called before the popup is shown.
     * @param overlap Whether the popup should overlap the anchor.
    public void setHorizontalOverlapAnchor(boolean overlap) {
        mHorizontalOverlapAnchor = overlap;

     * Sets whether the popup should vertically overlap the anchor {@link Rect}.
     * Defaults to false.  This should be called before the popup is shown.
     * @param overlap Whether the popup should overlap the anchor.
    public void setVerticalOverlapAnchor(boolean overlap) {
        mVerticalOverlapAnchor = overlap;

     * Set whether we want position the context menu around the anchor to maximize its width.
     * If this is set, in some cases the popup will be shown differently than the settings for
     * {@link #setVerticalOverlapAnchor} and {@link #setHorizontalOverlapAnchor}.
     * (e.g. Side of anchor is too narrow to make it not horizontally smartAnchor).
     * This should be called before the popup is shown.
     * @param smartAnchor Whether the popup should smartAnchor the anchor.
    public void setSmartAnchorWithMaxWidth(boolean smartAnchor) {
        mSmartAnchorWithMaxWidth = smartAnchor;

     * Changes the background of the popup.
     * @param background The {@link Drawable} that is set to be background.
    public void setBackgroundDrawable(Drawable background) {

    /** Sets the elevation of the popup. */
    public void setElevation(float elevation) {

     * Sets the width for the content of the popup window. The popup window will be shown in this
     * exact width unless certain constraint presents (e.g. desiredContentWidth > maxWidthPx).
    public void setDesiredContentWidth(int width) {
        mDesiredContentWidth = width;

    // RectProvider.Observer implementation.
    public void onRectChanged() {

    public void onRectHidden() {

     * Causes this popup to position/size itself.  The calculations will happen even if the popup
     * isn't visible.
    private void updatePopupLayout() {
        // If the root view is not attached to the Window, this may result in an
        // IllegalArgumentException. Regardless, sizing the popup won't work properly so exit early.
        // See for details.
        if (!mRootView.isAttachedToWindow()) return;

        int paddingX = mCachedPaddingRect.left + mCachedPaddingRect.right;
        int paddingY = + mCachedPaddingRect.bottom;

        Rect anchorRect = mRectProvider.getRect();
        boolean currentPositionBelow = mPopupSpec.isPositionBelow;
        boolean currentPositionToLeft = mPopupSpec.isPositionToLeft;
        boolean preferCurrentOrientation = mPopupWindow.isShowing() && !mUpdateOrientationOnChange;

        // Determine whether or not the popup should be above or below the anchor.
        // Aggressively try to put it below the anchor.  Put it above only if it would fit better.
        View contentView = mPopupWindow.getContentView();

        mPopupSpec =

        boolean isPositionBelow = mPopupSpec.isPositionBelow;
        Rect popupRect = mPopupSpec.popupRect;
        if (mLayoutObserver != null) {

        if (mPopupWindow.isShowing() && !hasMinimalSize()) {
        } else if (mPopupWindow.isShowing() && isPositionBelow != currentPositionBelow) {
            // If the position of the popup has changed, callers may change the background drawable
            // in response. In this case the padding of the background drawable in the PopupWindow
            // changes.
            try {
                mIgnoreDismissal = true;
            } finally {
                mIgnoreDismissal = false;

        if (hasMinimalSize()) {
                    popupRect.left,, popupRect.width(), popupRect.height());

     * Helps to figure out whether the actual pixel size is sufficient that users see what they are
     * tapping. Popups can be very narrow (e.g. in landscape) and still be interactive.
     * @return True iff the popup is large enough to be safely shown to users.
    private boolean hasMinimalSize() {
        final float density = mRootView.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density;
        return mPopupSpec.popupRect.height() >= density * MINIMAL_POPUP_HEIGHT_DIP
                && mPopupSpec.popupRect.width() >= density * MINIMAL_POPUP_WIDTH_DIP;

     * Calculate the Rect where the popup window will displayed on the current application window.
     * @param freeSpaceRect The rect representing the window size. Always starts from (0,0) as top
     *     left.
     * @param anchorRect The rect that popup anchored to in the window.
     * @param contentView The content view of popup window. Expected to be a {@link ViewGroup}.
     * @param rootViewWidth The width of root view.
     * @param paddingX The padding on the X axis of popup window.
     * @param paddingY The padding on the Y axis of popup window.
     * @param marginPx Value set by {@link #setMargin(int)}.
     * @param maxWidthPx Value set by {@link #setMaxWidth(int)}.
     * @param desiredContentWidth Value set by {@link #setDesiredContentWidth(int)}.
     * @param preferredHorizontalOrientation Value set by {@link
     *     #setPreferredHorizontalOrientation(int)}.
     * @param preferredVerticalOrientation Value set by {@link
     *     #setPreferredVerticalOrientation(int)}.
     * @param currentPositionBelow Whether the currently shown popup window is presented below
     *     anchored rect.
     * @param currentPositionToLeft Whether the currently shown popup window is presented to the
     *     left of anchored rect.
     * @param preferCurrentOrientation Whether prefer to reserve the popup orientation. If this set
     *     to true, popup window will prefer to show below / to left of anchored window the same way
     *     as |currentPositionBelow| and |currentPositionToLeft|.
     * @param horizontalOverlapAnchor Value set by {@link #setHorizontalOverlapAnchor(boolean)}.
     * @param verticalOverlapAnchor Value set by {@link #setVerticalOverlapAnchor(boolean)}.
     * @param smartAnchorWithMaxWidth Value set by {@link #setSmartAnchorWithMaxWidth(boolean)}.
     * @return {@link PopupSpec} that includes the popup specs (e.g. location in window)
    static PopupSpec calculatePopupWindowSpec(
            final Rect freeSpaceRect,
            final Rect anchorRect,
            final View contentView,
            final int rootViewWidth,
            int paddingX,
            int paddingY,
            int marginPx,
            int maxWidthPx,
            int desiredContentWidth,
            @HorizontalOrientation int preferredHorizontalOrientation,
            @VerticalOrientation int preferredVerticalOrientation,
            boolean currentPositionBelow,
            boolean currentPositionToLeft,
            boolean preferCurrentOrientation,
            boolean horizontalOverlapAnchor,
            boolean verticalOverlapAnchor,
            boolean smartAnchorWithMaxWidth) {
        // Determine the size of the text popup.
        final int maxContentWidth =
                getMaxContentWidth(maxWidthPx, rootViewWidth, marginPx, paddingX);
        final int widthSpec =
                desiredContentWidth > 0
                        ? MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(
                                Math.min(desiredContentWidth, maxContentWidth), MeasureSpec.EXACTLY)
                        : MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(maxContentWidth, MeasureSpec.AT_MOST);

        contentView.measure(widthSpec, MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(0, MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED));
        final int idealContentHeight = contentView.getMeasuredHeight();
        final int idealContentWidth = contentView.getMeasuredWidth();

        // Width adjustments based on the anchor and settings.
        boolean isPositionToLeft = currentPositionToLeft;
        boolean allowHorizontalOverlap = horizontalOverlapAnchor;
        boolean allowVerticalOverlap = verticalOverlapAnchor;
        if (preferredHorizontalOrientation == HorizontalOrientation.MAX_AVAILABLE_SPACE) {
            int spaceLeftOfAnchor =
                    getSpaceLeftOfAnchor(anchorRect, freeSpaceRect, allowHorizontalOverlap);
            int spaceRightOfAnchor =
                    getSpaceRightOfAnchor(anchorRect, freeSpaceRect, allowHorizontalOverlap);
            isPositionToLeft =
                            idealContentWidth + paddingX + marginPx,

            int idealWidthAroundAnchor = isPositionToLeft ? spaceLeftOfAnchor : spaceRightOfAnchor;
            if (idealWidthAroundAnchor < maxContentWidth && smartAnchorWithMaxWidth) {
                allowHorizontalOverlap = true;
                allowVerticalOverlap = false;
        } else if (preferredHorizontalOrientation == HorizontalOrientation.LAYOUT_DIRECTION) {
            isPositionToLeft = LocalizationUtils.isLayoutRtl();

        // Height adjustment based on anchorRect and settings.

        // TODO(dtrainor): This follows the previous logic.  But we should look into if we want to
        // use the root view dimensions instead of the window dimensions here so the popup can't
        // bleed onto the decorations.
        final int spaceAboveAnchor =
                (allowVerticalOverlap ? anchorRect.bottom :
                        - paddingY
                        - marginPx;
        final int spaceBelowAnchor =
                        - (allowVerticalOverlap ? : anchorRect.bottom)
                        - paddingY
                        - marginPx;

        // Bias based on the center of the popup and where it is on the screen.
        final boolean idealFitsBelow = idealContentHeight <= spaceBelowAnchor;
        final boolean idealFitsAbove = idealContentHeight <= spaceAboveAnchor;

        // Position the popup in the largest available space where it can fit.  This will bias the
        // popups to show below the anchor if it will not fit in either place.
        // TODO( Address cases where spaceBelowAnchor = 0, popup is still
        // biased to anchored below the rect.
        boolean isPositionBelow =
                (idealFitsBelow && spaceBelowAnchor >= spaceAboveAnchor) || !idealFitsAbove;

        // Override the ideal popup orientation if we are trying to maintain the current one.
        if (preferCurrentOrientation && currentPositionBelow != isPositionBelow) {
            if (currentPositionBelow && idealFitsBelow) isPositionBelow = true;
            if (!currentPositionBelow && idealFitsAbove) isPositionBelow = false;

        if (preferredVerticalOrientation == VerticalOrientation.BELOW && idealFitsBelow) {
            isPositionBelow = true;
        if (preferredVerticalOrientation == VerticalOrientation.ABOVE && idealFitsAbove) {
            isPositionBelow = false;

        final int maxContentHeight = isPositionBelow ? spaceBelowAnchor : spaceAboveAnchor;
        final int heightMeasureSpec =
                MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(maxContentHeight, MeasureSpec.AT_MOST);
        contentView.measure(widthSpec, heightMeasureSpec);

        int width = contentView.getMeasuredWidth() + paddingX;
        int height = contentView.getMeasuredHeight() + paddingY;

        // Calculate the width of the contentView by adding the width of its children, their margin,
        // and its own padding. This is necessary when a TextView overflows to multiple lines
        // because the contentView(parent) would return the maximum available width, which is larger
        // than the actual needed width.
        ViewGroup parent = (ViewGroup) contentView;
        boolean isHorizontalLinearLayout =
                parent instanceof LinearLayout
                        && ((LinearLayout) parent).getOrientation() == LinearLayout.HORIZONTAL;
        if (isHorizontalLinearLayout && parent.getChildCount() > 0) {
            int contentMeasuredWidth = contentView.getPaddingStart() + contentView.getPaddingEnd();
            for (int index = 0; index < parent.getChildCount(); index++) {
                View childView = parent.getChildAt(index);
                int childWidth = childView.getMeasuredWidth();
                if (childWidth > 0) {
                    contentMeasuredWidth += childWidth;
                    LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) childView.getLayoutParams();
                    contentMeasuredWidth += lp.leftMargin + lp.rightMargin;
            width = contentMeasuredWidth + paddingX;

        // Determine the position of the text popup.
        final int popupX =
        final int popupY = getPopupY(anchorRect, height, allowVerticalOverlap, isPositionBelow);

        return new PopupSpec(
                new Rect(popupX, popupY, popupX + width, popupY + height),

    static int getMaxContentWidth(
            int desiredMaxWidthPx, int rootViewWidth, int marginPx, int paddingX) {
        int maxWidthBasedOnRootView = rootViewWidth - marginPx * 2;
        int maxWidth;
        if (desiredMaxWidthPx != 0 && desiredMaxWidthPx < maxWidthBasedOnRootView) {
            maxWidth = desiredMaxWidthPx;
        } else {
            maxWidth = maxWidthBasedOnRootView;

        return maxWidth > paddingX ? maxWidth - paddingX : 0;

    static int getSpaceLeftOfAnchor(Rect anchorRect, Rect windowRect, boolean overlapAnchor) {
        return (overlapAnchor ? anchorRect.right : anchorRect.left) - windowRect.left;

    static int getSpaceRightOfAnchor(Rect anchorRect, Rect windowRect, boolean overlapAnchor) {
        return windowRect.right - (overlapAnchor ? anchorRect.left : anchorRect.right);

    static boolean shouldPositionLeftOfAnchor(
            int spaceToLeftOfAnchor,
            int spaceToRightOfAnchor,
            int idealPopupWidth,
            boolean currentPositionToLeft,
            boolean preferCurrentOrientation) {
        boolean positionToLeft = spaceToLeftOfAnchor >= spaceToRightOfAnchor;

        // Override the ideal popup orientation if we are trying to maintain the current one.
        if (preferCurrentOrientation && positionToLeft != currentPositionToLeft) {
            if (currentPositionToLeft && idealPopupWidth <= spaceToLeftOfAnchor) {
                positionToLeft = true;
            if (!currentPositionToLeft && idealPopupWidth <= spaceToRightOfAnchor) {
                positionToLeft = false;

        return positionToLeft;

    static int getPopupX(
            Rect anchorRect,
            Rect windowRect,
            int popupWidth,
            int marginPx,
            boolean overlapAnchor,
            @HorizontalOrientation int horizontalOrientation,
            boolean positionToLeft) {
        int x;

        if (horizontalOrientation == HorizontalOrientation.CENTER) {
            x = anchorRect.left + (anchorRect.width() - popupWidth) / 2 + marginPx;
        } else if (positionToLeft) {
            x = (overlapAnchor ? anchorRect.right : anchorRect.left) - popupWidth;
        } else {
            x = overlapAnchor ? anchorRect.left : anchorRect.right;

        // In landscape mode, root view includes the decorations in some devices. So we guard the
        // window dimensions against |windowRect.right| instead.
        return clamp(x, marginPx, windowRect.right - popupWidth - marginPx);

    // TODO( Account margin when position above the anchor.
    static int getPopupY(
            Rect anchorRect, int popupHeight, boolean overlapAnchor, boolean positionBelow) {
        if (positionBelow) {
            return overlapAnchor ? : anchorRect.bottom;
        } else {
            return (overlapAnchor ? anchorRect.bottom : - popupHeight;

    // OnTouchListener implementation.
    public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
        boolean touchInterceptedByClient =
                mTouchListener != null && mTouchListener.onTouch(v, event);

                event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_OUTSIDE
                        ? "InProductHelp.OutsideTouch"
                        : "InProductHelp.InsideTouch");

        if (mDismissOnTouchInteraction) {
            // Pass down the touch event to child views. If the content view has clickable children,
            // make sure we give them the opportunity to trigger.
            // TODO( Revisit handling touches on content when
            // mDismissOnTouchInteraction is true.
            boolean touchInterceptedByChild =
                            && mPopupWindow.getContentView().dispatchTouchEvent(event);
            if (!touchInterceptedByChild) dismiss();

        return touchInterceptedByClient;

    private static int clamp(int value, int a, int b) {
        int min = (a > b) ? b : a;
        int max = (a > b) ? a : b;
        if (value < min) {
            value = min;
        } else if (value > max) {
            value = max;
        return value;

     * Calculate the style Id to use when showing the popup window,
     * when {@link #setAnimateFromAnchor(true)}.
     * @param isPositionBelow Whether the popup is positioned below the anchor rect.
     * @param isPositionToLeft Whether the popup is positioned below the anchor rect.
     * @return The style resource Id to use for {@link PopupWindow#setAnimationStyle}
    static @StyleRes int calculateAnimationStyle(
            boolean isPositionBelow, boolean isPositionToLeft) {
        if (isPositionToLeft) {
            return isPositionBelow
                    ? // Left + below -> enter top right (end)
                    :; // Left + above -> enter bottom right
            // (end)
        return isPositionBelow
                ? // Right & below -> enter top left (start)
                :; // Right & above -> enter bottom left
        // (start)

    void showPopupWindow() {
        if (mAnimateFromAnchor && mAnimationStyleId == 0) {
            int animationStyle =
                            mPopupSpec.isPositionBelow, mPopupSpec.isPositionToLeft);
        try {
            assert hasMinimalSize();
                    Gravity.TOP | Gravity.START,
        } catch (WindowManager.BadTokenException e) {
            // Intentionally ignore BadTokenException. This can happen in a real edge case where
            // parent.getWindowToken is not valid. See