// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.ui.test.util;
import android.graphics.Bitmap;
import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable;
import android.os.Build;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.EditText;
import android.widget.ImageView;
import androidx.annotation.StringDef;
import androidx.vectordrawable.graphics.drawable.AnimatedVectorDrawableCompat;
import com.google.android.material.textfield.TextInputLayout;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.rules.TestWatcher;
import org.junit.runner.Description;
import org.chromium.base.CommandLine;
import org.chromium.base.ThreadUtils;
import org.chromium.base.test.util.Feature;
import org.chromium.base.test.util.TestThreadUtils;
import org.chromium.ui.UiUtils;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
* A TestRule for creating Render Tests. The comparison is performed using the Skia Gold image
* diffing service on the host.
* General usage:
* <pre>
* {@code
* @RunWith(BaseJUnit4ClassRunner.class)
* public class MyTest extends BlankUiTestActivityTestCase {
* @Rule
* public RenderTestRule mRenderTestRule = new RenderTestRule.Builder()
* // Required. If using ANDROID_RENDER_TESTS_PUBLIC, the Builder can be created with
* // the shorthand RenderTestRule.Builder.withPublicCorpus().
* .setCorpus(RenderTestRule.Corpus.ANDROID_RENDER_TESTS_PUBLIC)
* // Required. If adding a test for the first time for a component, add the string
* // value to the Component @StringDef and @interface.
* .setBugComponent(RenderTestRule.Component.BLINK_FORMS_COLOR)
* // Optional, only necessary once a CL lands that should invalidate previous golden
* // images, e.g. a UI rework.
* .setRevision(2)
* // Optional, only necessary if you want a message to be associated with these
* // golden images and shown in the Gold web UI, e.g. the reason why the revision was
* // incremented.
* .setDescription("Material design rework")
* .build();
* @Test
* // "RenderTest" feature required.
* @Feature({"RenderTest"})
* public void testViewAppearance() {
* // Setup the UI.
* ...
* // Render the UI Elements.
* mRenderTestRule.render(bigWidgetView, "big_widget");
* mRenderTestRule.render(smallWidgetView, "small_widget");
* }
* }
* }
* </pre>
public class RenderTestRule extends TestWatcher {
private static final String TAG = "RenderTest";
private static final String SKIA_GOLD_FOLDER_RELATIVE = "/skia_gold";
// State for a test class.
private final String mOutputFolder;
// State for a test method.
private String mTestClassName;
private String mFullTestName;
private boolean mHasRenderTestFeature;
/** Parameterized tests have a prefix inserted at the front of the test description. */
private String mVariantPrefix;
/** Prefix on the render test images that describes light/dark mode. */
private String mNightModePrefix;
private String mSkiaGoldCorpus;
private int mSkiaGoldRevision;
private String mSkiaGoldRevisionDescription;
private boolean mFailOnUnsupportedConfigs;
private String mBugComponent;
public @interface Corpus {
// Corpus for general use and public results.
String ANDROID_RENDER_TESTS_PUBLIC = "android-render-tests";
// Corpus for general use and internal results.
String ANDROID_RENDER_TESTS_INTERNAL = "android-render-tests-internal";
// Corpus for VR (virtual reality) features.
String ANDROID_VR_RENDER_TESTS = "android-vr-render-tests";
public @interface Component {
String BLINK_CONTACTS = "Blink>Contacts";
String BLINK_FORMS_COLOR = "Blink>Forms>Color";
String BLINK_PAYMENTS = "Blink>Payments";
String BLINK_VIEW_TRANSITIONS = "Blink>ViewTransitions";
String FREEZE_DRIED_TABS = "Internals>FreezeDriedTabs";
String PRIVACY = "Privacy";
String PRIVACY_INCOGNITO = "Privacy>Incognito";
String SERVICES_SIGN_IN = "Services>SignIn";
String SERVICES_SYNC = "Services>Sync";
String UI_BROWSER_AUTOFILL = "UI>Browser>Autofill";
String UI_BROWSER_BOOKMARKS = "UI>Browser>Bookmarks";
String UI_BROWSER_BUBBLES_PAGE_INFO = "UI>Browser>Bubbles>PageInfo";
String UI_BROWSER_CONTENT_SUGGESTIONS = "UI>Browser>ContentSuggestions";
String UI_BROWSER_CONTENT_SUGGESTIONS_FEED = "UI>Browser>ContentSuggestions>Feed";
String UI_BROWSER_CONTENT_SUGGESTIONS_HISTORY = "UI>Browser>ContentSuggestions>History";
String UI_BROWSER_FIRST_RUN = "UI>Browser>FirstRun";
String UI_BROWSER_INCOGNITO = "UI>Browser>Incognito";
String UI_BROWSER_INFOBARS = "UI>Browser>Infobars";
String UI_BROWSER_MEDIA_PICKER = "UI>Browser>MediaPicker";
String UI_BROWSER_MOBILE = "UI>Browser>Mobile";
String UI_BROWSER_MOBILE_APP_MENU = "UI>Browser>Mobile>AppMenu";
String UI_BROWSER_MOBILE_CONTEXT_MENU = "UI>Browser>Mobile>ContextMenu";
String UI_BROWSER_MOBILE_CUSTOM_TABS = "UI>Browser>Mobile>CustomTabs";
String UI_BROWSER_MOBILE_HUB = "UI>Browser>Mobile>Hub";
String UI_BROWSER_MOBILE_MESSAGES = "UI>Browser>Mobile>Messages";
String UI_BROWSER_MOBILE_RECENT_TABS = "UI>Browser>Mobile>RecentTabs";
String UI_BROWSER_MOBILE_SETTINGS = "UI>Browser>Mobile>Settings";
String UI_BROWSER_MOBILE_START = "UI>Browser>Mobile>Start";
String UI_BROWSER_MOBILE_TAB_GROUPS = "UI>Browser>Mobile>TabGroups";
String UI_BROWSER_MOBILE_TAB_SWITCHER = "UI>Browser>Mobile>TabSwitcher";
String UI_BROWSER_MOBILE_TAB_SWITCHER_GRID = "UI>Browser>Mobile>TabSwitcher>Grid";
String UI_BROWSER_NAVIGATION_GESTURENAV = "UI>Browser>Navigation>GestureNav";
String UI_BROWSER_NEW_TAB_PAGE = "UI>Browser>NewTabPage";
String UI_BROWSER_OMNIBOX = "UI>Browser>Omnibox";
String UI_BROWSER_PASSWORDS = "UI>Browser>Passwords";
String UI_BROWSER_SEARCH_VOICE = "UI>Browser>Search>Voice";
String UI_BROWSER_SHARING = "UI>Browser>Sharing";
String UI_BROWSER_SHOPPING = "UI>Browser>Shopping";
String UI_BROWSER_SHOPPING_MERCHANT_TRUST = "UI>Browser>Shopping>MerchantTrust";
String UI_BROWSER_SHOPPING_PRICE_TRACKING = "UI>Browser>Shopping>PriceTracking";
String UI_BROWSER_THUMBNAIL = "UI>Browser>Thumbnail";
String UI_BROWSER_TOOLBAR = "UI>Browser>Toolbar";
String UI_BROWSER_WEB_APP_INSTALLS = "UI>Browser>WebAppInstalls";
String UI_SETTINGS_PRIVACY = "UI>Settings>Privacy";
// Skia Gold-specific constructor used by the builder.
// Note that each corpus/description combination results in some additional initialization
// on the host (~250 ms), so consider whether adding unique descriptions is necessary before
// adding them to a bunch of test classes.
protected RenderTestRule(
int revision,
@Corpus String corpus,
String description,
boolean failOnUnsupportedConfigs,
@Component String component) {
assert revision >= 0;
// Don't have a default corpus so that users explicitly specify whether
// they want their test results to be public or not.
assert corpus != null;
assert component != null;
mSkiaGoldCorpus = corpus;
mSkiaGoldRevisionDescription = description;
mSkiaGoldRevision = revision;
mFailOnUnsupportedConfigs = failOnUnsupportedConfigs;
mBugComponent = component;
// The output folder can be overridden with the --render-test-output-dir command.
mOutputFolder = CommandLine.getInstance().getSwitchValue("render-test-output-dir");
protected void starting(Description desc) {
// desc.getClassName() gets the fully qualified name.
mTestClassName = desc.getTestClass().getSimpleName();
mFullTestName = desc.getClassName() + "#" + desc.getMethodName();
Feature feature = desc.getAnnotation(Feature.class);
mHasRenderTestFeature =
(feature != null && Arrays.asList(feature.value()).contains("RenderTest"));
* Renders the |view| and compares it to the golden view with the |id|. Image comparison is
* performed on the host after the test has finished running. Comparison will fail if the given
* image does not exactly match one of the images in Gold and the image came from a device that
* should have baselines maintained (see the RENDER_TEST_MODEL_SDK_CONFIGS constant in the
* Python test runner code at
* //build/android/pylib/local/device/local_device_instrumentation_test_run.py).
* @throws IOException if the rendered image cannot be saved to the device.
public void render(final View view, String id) throws IOException {
Assert.assertTrue("Render Tests must have the RenderTest feature.", mHasRenderTestFeature);
// De-flake by flushing the tasks that are already queued on the Looper's Handler.
// TODO(crbug.com/40260566): Remove this and properly fix flaky tests.
Bitmap testBitmap =
new Callable<Bitmap>() {
public Bitmap call() {
int height = view.getMeasuredHeight();
int width = view.getMeasuredWidth();
if (height <= 0 || width <= 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Invalid view dimensions: " + width + "x" + height);
return UiUtils.generateScaledScreenshot(
view, 0, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
compareForResult(testBitmap, id);
* Compares the given |testBitmap| to the images in Gold for |id|. Image comparison is performed
* on the host after the test has finished running. Comparison will fail if the given image
* does not exactly match one of the images in Gold and the image came from a device that should
* have baselines maintained (see the RENDER_TEST_MODEL_SDK_CONFIGS constant in the Python test
* runner code at //build/android/pylib/local/device/local_device_instrumentation_test_run.py).
* Tests should prefer {@link RenderTestRule#render(View, String) render} to this if possible.
* @throws IOException if the rendered image cannot be saved to the device.
public void compareForResult(Bitmap testBitmap, String id) throws IOException {
Assert.assertTrue("Render Tests must have the RenderTest feature.", mHasRenderTestFeature);
// Save the image and its metadata to a location where it can be pulled by the test runner
// for comparison after the test finishes.
String imageName = getImageName(mTestClassName, mVariantPrefix, id);
String jsonName = getJsonName(mTestClassName, mVariantPrefix, id);
saveBitmap(testBitmap, createOutputPath(SKIA_GOLD_FOLDER_RELATIVE, imageName));
JSONObject goldKeys = new JSONObject();
JSONObject optionalKeys = new JSONObject();
try {
goldKeys.put("source_type", mSkiaGoldCorpus);
goldKeys.put("model", Build.MODEL);
goldKeys.put("sdk_version", String.valueOf(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT));
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(mSkiaGoldRevisionDescription)) {
optionalKeys.put("revision_description", mSkiaGoldRevisionDescription);
"fail_on_unsupported_configs", String.valueOf(mFailOnUnsupportedConfigs));
optionalKeys.put("bug_component", mBugComponent);
// This key will be deleted by the test runner before uploading to Gold. It is used to
// differentiate results from different tests if the test runner has batched multiple
// tests together in a single run.
goldKeys.put("full_test_name", mFullTestName);
// This key will be deleted by the test runner and its contents passed into Gold as
// optional key/value pairs. These are purely informational as opposed to indicating
// something that might have an effect on test output such as device model.
goldKeys.put("optional_keys", optionalKeys);
} catch (JSONException e) {
Assert.fail("Failed to create Skia Gold JSON keys: " + e.toString());
saveString(goldKeys.toString(), createOutputPath(SKIA_GOLD_FOLDER_RELATIVE, jsonName));
* Searches the View hierarchy and modifies the Views to provide better stability in tests. For
* example it will disable the blinking cursor in EditTexts.
public static void sanitize(View view) {
// Add more sanitizations as we discover more flaky attributes.
if (view instanceof ViewGroup) {
ViewGroup viewGroup = (ViewGroup) view;
for (int i = 0; i < viewGroup.getChildCount(); i++) {
} else if (view instanceof EditText) {
EditText editText = (EditText) view;
} else if (view instanceof ImageView) {
Drawable drawable = ((ImageView) view).getDrawable();
if (drawable instanceof AnimatedVectorDrawableCompat) {
((AnimatedVectorDrawableCompat) drawable).stop();
if (view instanceof TextInputLayout) {
TextInputLayout textInputLayout = (TextInputLayout) view;
// Scrollbars fade slowly, making tests flaky due to differences in rendered images.
* Sets a string that will be inserted at the start of the description in the golden image name.
* This is used to create goldens for multiple different variants of the UI.
public void setVariantPrefix(String variantPrefix) {
mVariantPrefix = variantPrefix;
/** Sets a string prefix that describes the light/dark mode in the golden image name. */
public void setNightModeEnabled(boolean nightModeEnabled) {
mNightModePrefix = nightModeEnabled ? "NightModeEnabled" : "NightModeDisabled";
* Creates an image name combining the image description with details about the device
* (e.g. current orientation).
private String getImageName(String testClass, String variantPrefix, String desc) {
return String.format("%s.png", getFileName(testClass, variantPrefix, desc));
* Creates a JSON name combining the description with details about the device (e.g. current
* orientation).
private String getJsonName(String testClass, String variantPrefix, String desc) {
return String.format("%s.json", getFileName(testClass, variantPrefix, desc));
* Creates a generic filename (without a file extension) combining the description with details
* about the device (e.g. current orientation).
private String getFileName(String testClass, String variantPrefix, String desc) {
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(mNightModePrefix)) {
desc = mNightModePrefix + "-" + desc;
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(variantPrefix)) {
desc = variantPrefix + "-" + desc;
return String.format("%s.%s.rev_%s", testClass, desc, mSkiaGoldRevision);
* Returns a string encoding the device model and sdk. It is used to identify device goldens.
private static String modelSdkIdentifier() {
return Build.MODEL.replace(' ', '_') + "-" + Build.VERSION.SDK_INT;
/** Saves a the given |bitmap| to the |file|. */
private static void saveBitmap(Bitmap bitmap, File file) throws IOException {
FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file);
try {
bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 100, out);
} finally {
/** Saves the given |string| to the |file|. */
private static void saveString(String string, File file) throws IOException {
try (PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(file)) {
* Convenience method to create a File pointing to |filename| in the |subfolder| in
* |mOutputFolder|.
private File createOutputPath(String subfolder, String filename) throws IOException {
return createPath(mOutputFolder + subfolder, filename);
private static File createPath(String folder, String filename) throws IOException {
File path = new File(folder);
if (!path.exists()) {
if (!path.mkdirs()) {
throw new IOException("Could not create " + path.getAbsolutePath());
return new File(path + "/" + filename);
/** Base Builder class for creating RenderTestRules and its derivatives. */
protected abstract static class BaseBuilder<B extends BaseBuilder<B>> {
protected int mRevision;
protected @Corpus String mCorpus;
protected String mDescription;
protected boolean mFailOnUnsupportedConfigs;
protected @Component String mBugComponent;
* Sets the revision that will be appended to the test name reported to Gold. This should
* be incremented anytime output changes significantly enough that previous baselines
* should be considered invalid.
public B setRevision(int revision) {
mRevision = revision;
return self();
/** Sets the corpus in the Gold instance that images belong to. */
public B setCorpus(@Corpus String corpus) {
mCorpus = corpus;
return self();
* Sets the optional description that will be shown alongside the image in the Gold web UI.
public B setDescription(String description) {
mDescription = description;
return self();
* Sets whether failures should still be reported on unsupported hardware/software configs.
* Supported configurations are listed in the Python test runner code in
* //build/android/pylib/local/device/local_device_instrumentation_test_run.py under the
public B setFailOnUnsupportedConfigs(boolean fail) {
mFailOnUnsupportedConfigs = fail;
return self();
/** Sets the bug component that will be shown alongside the image in the Gold web UI. */
public B setBugComponent(@Component String component) {
mBugComponent = component;
return self();
protected B self() {
return (B) this;
public abstract RenderTestRule build();
/** Builder to create a RenderTestRule. */
public static class Builder extends BaseBuilder<Builder> {
public RenderTestRule build() {
return new RenderTestRule(
mRevision, mCorpus, mDescription, mFailOnUnsupportedConfigs, mBugComponent);
/** Creates a Builder with the default public corpus. */
public static Builder withPublicCorpus() {
return new Builder().setCorpus(Corpus.ANDROID_RENDER_TESTS_PUBLIC);