// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/android/resources/nine_patch_resource.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/point_f.h"
namespace ui {
// static
NinePatchResource* NinePatchResource::From(Resource* resource) {
DCHECK_EQ(Type::NINE_PATCH_BITMAP, resource->type());
return static_cast<NinePatchResource*>(resource);
NinePatchResource::NinePatchResource(gfx::Rect padding, gfx::Rect aperture)
: Resource(Type::NINE_PATCH_BITMAP),
aperture_(aperture) {}
NinePatchResource::~NinePatchResource() = default;
gfx::Size NinePatchResource::DrawSize(const gfx::Size& content_size) const {
// The effective drawing size of the resource includes the size of the content
// (fit inside the expanded padding area) and the size of the margins on each
// side.
return gfx::Size(content_size.width() + size().width() - padding_.width(),
content_size.height() + size().height() - padding_.height());
gfx::PointF NinePatchResource::DrawPosition(
const gfx::Point& content_position) const {
// Offset the location of the layer by the amount taken by the left and top
// margin.
return gfx::PointF(content_position.x() - padding_.x(),
content_position.y() - padding_.y());
gfx::Rect NinePatchResource::Border(const gfx::Size& bounds) const {
return Border(bounds, gfx::InsetsF(1.f));
gfx::Rect NinePatchResource::Border(const gfx::Size& bounds,
const gfx::InsetsF& scale) const {
// Calculate whether or not we need to scale down the border if the bounds of
// the layer are going to be smaller than the aperture padding.
float x_scale = std::min((float)bounds.width() / size().width(), 1.f);
float y_scale = std::min((float)bounds.height() / size().height(), 1.f);
float left_scale = std::min(x_scale * scale.left(), 1.f);
float right_scale = std::min(x_scale * scale.right(), 1.f);
float top_scale = std::min(y_scale * scale.top(), 1.f);
float bottom_scale = std::min(y_scale * scale.bottom(), 1.f);
return gfx::Rect(aperture_.x() * left_scale, aperture_.y() * top_scale,
(size().width() - aperture_.width()) * right_scale,
(size().height() - aperture_.height()) * bottom_scale);
std::unique_ptr<Resource> NinePatchResource::CreateForCopy() {
return std::make_unique<NinePatchResource>(padding_, aperture_);
} // namespace ui