// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include "base/android/jni_array.h"
#include "base/android/jni_weak_ref.h"
#include "base/functional/bind.h"
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "ui/android/ui_android_export.h"
#include "ui/android/view_android_observer.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect_f.h"
namespace cc::slim {
class Layer;
namespace gfx {
class Point;
class Size;
namespace viz {
class CopyOutputRequest;
namespace ui {
class Cursor;
class DragEventAndroid;
class EventForwarder;
class EventHandlerAndroid;
class GestureEventAndroid;
class KeyEventAndroid;
class MotionEventAndroid;
class WindowAndroid;
class ViewAndroidObserver;
// View-related parameters from frame updates.
struct FrameInfo {
gfx::SizeF viewport_size; // In dip.
// Content offset from the top. Used to translate snapshots to
// the correct part of the view. In dip.
float content_offset;
// A simple container for a UI layer.
// At the root of the hierarchy is a WindowAndroid, when attached.
// Dispatches input/view events coming from Java layer. Hit testing against
// those events is implemented so that the |ViewClient| will be invoked
// when the event got hit on the area defined by |layout_params_|.
// Hit testing is done in the order of parent -> child, and from top
// of the stack to back among siblings.
class UI_ANDROID_EXPORT ViewAndroid {
using CopyViewCallback =
// Stores an anchored view to delete itself at the end of its lifetime
// automatically. This helps manage the lifecyle without the dependency
// on |ViewAndroid|.
class ScopedAnchorView {
ScopedAnchorView(JNIEnv* env,
const base::android::JavaRef<jobject>& jview,
const base::android::JavaRef<jobject>& jdelegate);
ScopedAnchorView(ScopedAnchorView&& other);
ScopedAnchorView& operator=(ScopedAnchorView&& other);
// Calls JNI removeView() on the delegate for cleanup.
void Reset();
const base::android::ScopedJavaLocalRef<jobject> view() const;
// TODO(jinsukkim): Following weak refs can be cast to strong refs which
// cannot be garbage-collected and leak memory. Rewrite not to use them.
// see comments in crrev.com/2103243002.
JavaObjectWeakGlobalRef view_;
JavaObjectWeakGlobalRef delegate_;
// Default copy/assign disabled by move constructor.
enum class LayoutType {
// Can have its own size given by |OnSizeChanged| events.
// Always follows its parent's size.
explicit ViewAndroid(LayoutType layout_type);
ViewAndroid(const ViewAndroid&) = delete;
ViewAndroid& operator=(const ViewAndroid&) = delete;
virtual ~ViewAndroid();
void UpdateFrameInfo(const FrameInfo& frame_info);
// content_offset is in dip.
float content_offset() const { return frame_info_.content_offset; }
gfx::SizeF viewport_size() const { return frame_info_.viewport_size; }
// Returns the window at the root of this hierarchy, or |null|
// if disconnected.
virtual WindowAndroid* GetWindowAndroid() const;
// Virtual for testing.
virtual float GetDipScale();
cc::slim::Layer* GetLayer() const;
void SetLayer(scoped_refptr<cc::slim::Layer> layer);
void SetDelegate(const base::android::JavaRef<jobject>& delegate);
// Gets (creates one if not present) Java object of the EventForwarder
// for a view tree in the view hierarchy including this node.
// Only one instance per the view tree is allowed.
base::android::ScopedJavaLocalRef<jobject> GetEventForwarder();
// Adds a child to this view.
void AddChild(ViewAndroid* child);
// Moves the give child ViewAndroid to the front of the list so that it can be
// the first responder of events.
void MoveToFront(ViewAndroid* child);
// Moves the given child ViewAndroid to the back of the list so that any other
// view may respond to events first.
void MoveToBack(ViewAndroid* child);
// Detaches this view from its parent.
void RemoveFromParent();
bool HasFocus();
void RequestFocus();
// Pass necessary |jdrop_data| to build Android ClipData for drag and drop.
// |jshadow_image| is a bitmap presentation of the shadow image to be used
// for dragging.
// |cursor_offset_x| is the x offset of the cursor w.r.t. to top-left corner
// of the drag-image.
// |cursor_offset_y| is the y offset of the cursor w.r.t. to top-left corner
// of the drag-image.
// |drag_obj_rect_width| is the width of the drag object.
// |drag_obj_rect_height| is the height of the drag object.
bool StartDragAndDrop(const base::android::JavaRef<jobject>& jshadow_image,
const base::android::JavaRef<jobject>& jdrop_data,
jint cursor_offset_x,
jint cursor_offset_y,
jint drag_obj_rect_width,
jint drag_obj_rect_height);
gfx::Size GetPhysicalBackingSize() const;
gfx::Size GetSize() const;
gfx::Rect bounds() const { return bounds_; }
void OnSizeChanged(int width, int height);
// |deadline_override| if not nullopt will be used as the cc::DeadlinePolicy
// timeout for this resize.
void OnPhysicalBackingSizeChanged(
const gfx::Size& size,
std::optional<base::TimeDelta> deadline_override = std::nullopt);
void OnCursorChanged(const Cursor& cursor);
void NotifyHoverActionStylusWritable(bool stylus_writable);
void OnBackgroundColorChanged(unsigned int color);
void OnControlsChanged(float top_controls_offset,
float top_content_offset,
float top_controls_min_height_offset,
float bottom_controls_offset,
float bottom_controls_min_height_offset);
void OnBrowserControlsHeightChanged();
// |current_scroll_ratio| is the ratio of vertical scroll in [0, 1] range.
// Scroll at top of page is 0, and bottom of page is 1. It is defined as 0
// if page is not scrollable, though this should not be called in that case.
void OnVerticalScrollDirectionChanged(bool direction_up,
float current_scroll_ratio);
void OnControlsResizeViewChanged(bool controls_resize_view);
// Gets the Visual Viewport inset to apply in physical pixels.
int GetViewportInsetBottom();
ScopedAnchorView AcquireAnchorView();
void SetAnchorRect(const base::android::JavaRef<jobject>& anchor,
const gfx::RectF& bounds);
// This may return null.
base::android::ScopedJavaLocalRef<jobject> GetContainerView();
// Return the location of the container view in physical pixels.
gfx::Point GetLocationOfContainerViewInWindow();
// Return the location of the point relative to screen coordinate in pixels.
gfx::PointF GetLocationOnScreen(float x, float y);
// ViewAndroid does not own |observer|s.
void AddObserver(ViewAndroidObserver* observer);
void RemoveObserver(ViewAndroidObserver* observer);
void RequestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent();
void RequestUnbufferedDispatch(const MotionEventAndroid& event);
void SetCopyOutputCallback(CopyViewCallback callback);
// Return the CopyOutputRequest back if view cannot perform readback.
std::unique_ptr<viz::CopyOutputRequest> MaybeRequestCopyOfView(
std::unique_ptr<viz::CopyOutputRequest> request);
void set_event_handler(EventHandlerAndroid* handler) {
event_handler_ = handler;
ViewAndroid* parent() const { return parent_; }
bool OnTouchEventForTesting(const MotionEventAndroid& event) {
return OnTouchEvent(event);
void NotifyVirtualKeyboardOverlayRect(const gfx::Rect& keyboard_rect);
void SetLayoutForTesting(int x, int y, int width, int height);
EventForwarder* event_forwarder() { return event_forwarder_.get(); }
size_t GetChildrenCountForTesting() const;
const ViewAndroid* GetTopMostChildForTesting() const;
void RemoveAllChildren(bool attached_to_window);
raw_ptr<ViewAndroid> parent_;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ViewAndroidBoundsTest, MatchesViewInFront);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ViewAndroidBoundsTest, MatchesViewArea);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ViewAndroidBoundsTest, MatchesViewAfterMove);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ViewAndroidBoundsTest, MatchesViewsWithOffset);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ViewAndroidBoundsTest, OnSizeChanged);
friend class EventForwarder;
friend class ViewAndroidBoundsTest;
bool OnDragEvent(const DragEventAndroid& event);
bool OnTouchEvent(const MotionEventAndroid& event);
bool OnMouseEvent(const MotionEventAndroid& event);
bool OnMouseWheelEvent(const MotionEventAndroid& event);
bool OnGestureEvent(const GestureEventAndroid& event);
bool OnGenericMotionEvent(const MotionEventAndroid& event);
bool OnKeyUp(const KeyEventAndroid& event);
bool DispatchKeyEvent(const KeyEventAndroid& event);
bool ScrollBy(float delta_x, float delta_y);
bool ScrollTo(float x, float y);
void RemoveChild(ViewAndroid* child);
void OnAttachedToWindow();
void OnDetachedFromWindow();
template <typename E>
using EventHandlerCallback =
const base::RepeatingCallback<bool(EventHandlerAndroid*, const E&)>;
template <typename E>
bool HitTest(EventHandlerCallback<E> handler_callback,
const E& event,
const gfx::PointF& point);
static bool SendDragEventToHandler(EventHandlerAndroid* handler,
const DragEventAndroid& event);
static bool SendTouchEventToHandler(EventHandlerAndroid* handler,
const MotionEventAndroid& event);
static bool SendMouseEventToHandler(EventHandlerAndroid* handler,
const MotionEventAndroid& event);
static bool SendMouseWheelEventToHandler(EventHandlerAndroid* handler,
const MotionEventAndroid& event);
static bool SendGestureEventToHandler(EventHandlerAndroid* handler,
const GestureEventAndroid& event);
bool has_event_forwarder() const { return !!event_forwarder_; }
bool match_parent() const { return layout_type_ == LayoutType::MATCH_PARENT; }
// Checks if there is any event forwarder in any node up to root.
static bool RootPathHasEventForwarder(ViewAndroid* view);
// Checks if there is any event forwarder in the node paths down to
// each leaf of subtree.
static bool SubtreeHasEventForwarder(ViewAndroid* view);
void OnSizeChangedInternal(const gfx::Size& size);
void DispatchOnSizeChanged();
// Returns the Java delegate for this view. This is used to delegate work
// up to the embedding view (or the embedder that can deal with the
// implementation details).
const base::android::ScopedJavaLocalRef<jobject> GetViewAndroidDelegate()
std::list<raw_ptr<ViewAndroid, CtnExperimental>> children_;
base::ObserverList<ViewAndroidObserver>::Unchecked observer_list_;
scoped_refptr<cc::slim::Layer> layer_;
JavaObjectWeakGlobalRef delegate_;
raw_ptr<EventHandlerAndroid> event_handler_ = nullptr; // Not owned
// Basic view layout information. Used to do hit testing deciding whether
// the passed events should be processed by the view. Unit in DIP.
gfx::Rect bounds_;
const LayoutType layout_type_;
// In physical pixel.
gfx::Size physical_size_;
FrameInfo frame_info_;
std::unique_ptr<EventForwarder> event_forwarder_;
// Copy output of View rather than window.
CopyViewCallback copy_view_callback_;
bool controls_resize_view_ = false;
} // namespace ui