
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "ui/aura/aura_export.h"

namespace aura {
class Window;

namespace client {

class CaptureClientObserver;

// An interface implemented by an object that manages input capture.
// The intended semantics of window-capture are that:
//   * At most one window on the system can register as "capturing" input.
//   * If a window is capturing input, then all input events will get routed to
//     this window.
//   * The window may choose to release capture while processing an event. The
//     resulting behavior is platform dependent (e.g. whether the event is
//     redispatched to the window server).
class AURA_EXPORT CaptureClient {};

// Sets/Gets the capture client on the root Window.
AURA_EXPORT void SetCaptureClient(Window* root_window,
                                  CaptureClient* client);
AURA_EXPORT CaptureClient* GetCaptureClient(Window* root_window);

// A utility function to get the current capture window. Returns NULL
// if the window doesn't have a root window, or there is no capture window.
AURA_EXPORT Window* GetCaptureWindow(Window* window);

}  // namespace client
}  // namespace aura