
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// TODO( Remove this and convert code to safer constructs.
#pragma allow_unsafe_buffers

#include <stdint.h>

#include <list>

#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/containers/heap_array.h"
#include "base/location.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/run_loop.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/task/single_thread_task_runner.h"
#include "base/test/simple_test_tick_clock.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "ui/aura/env.h"
#include "ui/aura/test/aura_test_base.h"
#include "ui/aura/test/test_window_delegate.h"
#include "ui/aura/test/test_windows.h"
#include "ui/aura/window.h"
#include "ui/aura/window_event_dispatcher.h"
#include "ui/base/hit_test.h"
#include "ui/base/ui_base_switches.h"
#include "ui/events/event.h"
#include "ui/events/event_switches.h"
#include "ui/events/event_utils.h"
#include "ui/events/gesture_detection/gesture_configuration.h"
#include "ui/events/gesture_detection/gesture_provider.h"
#include "ui/events/gestures/gesture_recognizer_impl.h"
#include "ui/events/gestures/gesture_types.h"
#include "ui/events/test/event_generator.h"
#include "ui/events/test/events_test_utils.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/point.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"

namespace aura {
namespace test {

namespace {

std::string WindowIDAsString(ui::GestureConsumer* consumer) {}

#define EXPECT_0_EVENTS(events)

#define EXPECT_1_EVENT(events, e0)

#define EXPECT_2_EVENTS(events, e0, e1)

#define EXPECT_3_EVENTS(events, e0, e1, e2)

#define EXPECT_4_EVENTS(events, e0, e1, e2, e3)

// A delegate that keeps track of gesture events.
class GestureEventConsumeDelegate : public TestWindowDelegate {};

class QueueTouchEventDelegate : public GestureEventConsumeDelegate {};

// A delegate that ignores gesture events but keeps track of [synthetic] mouse
// events.
class GestureEventSynthDelegate : public TestWindowDelegate {};

class TimedEvents {};

// An event handler to keep track of events.
class TestEventHandler : public ui::EventHandler {};

// Removes the target window from its parent when it receives a touch-cancel
// event.
class RemoveOnTouchCancelHandler : public TestEventHandler {};

void DelayByLongPressTimeout() {}

void DelayByShowPressTimeout() {}

void SetTouchRadius(ui::TouchEvent* event, float radius_x, float radius_y) {}

}  // namespace

class GestureRecognizerTest : public AuraTestBase {};

class GestureRecognizerWithSwitchTest : public GestureRecognizerTest {};

// Verify that we do not crash when removing a window during a cancel touch
// event originating from CancelActiveTouchesExcept. This monitors for
// regressions on
TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, TouchCancelCanDestroyWindow) {}

// Check that appropriate touch events generate tap gesture events.
TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, GestureEventTap) {}

// Check that appropriate touch events generate tap gesture events
// when information about the touch radii are provided.
TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, GestureEventTapRegion) {}

// Check that appropriate touch events generate scroll gesture events.
TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, GestureEventScroll) {}

// Check that predicted scroll update positions are correct.
TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, GestureEventScrollPrediction) {}

// Check that the bounding box during a scroll event is correct.
TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, GestureEventScrollBoundingBox) {}

// Check Scroll End Events report correct velocities
// if the user was on a horizontal rail
TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, GestureEventHorizontalRailFling) {}

// Check Scroll End Events report correct velocities
// if the user was on a vertical rail
TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, GestureEventVerticalRailFling) {}

// Check Scroll End Events report non-zero velocities if the user is not on a
// rail
TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, GestureEventNonRailFling) {}

// Check that appropriate touch events generate long press events
TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, GestureEventLongPress) {}

// Check that scrolling prevents a long press.
TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, GestureEventLongPressCancelledByScroll) {}

// Check that appropriate touch events generate long tap events
TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, GestureEventLongTap) {}

// Check that second tap cancels a long press
TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, GestureEventLongPressCancelledBySecondTap) {}

// Check that horizontal scroll gestures cause scrolls on horizontal rails.
// Also tests that horizontal rails can be broken.
TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, GestureEventHorizontalRailScroll) {}

// Check that vertical scroll gestures cause scrolls on vertical rails.
// Also tests that vertical rails can be broken.
TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, GestureEventVerticalRailScroll) {}

TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, GestureTapFollowedByScroll) {}

// Verifies that destroying a gesture provider aura instance before a touch
// event is ACKed works as expected (see
TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, DestroyGestureProviderAuraBeforeAck) {}

TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, AsynchronousGestureRecognition) {}

// Check that appropriate touch events generate pinch gesture events.
TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, GestureEventPinchFromScroll) {}

TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, GestureEventPinchFromScrollFromPinch) {}

TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, GestureEventPinchFromTap) {}

TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, GestureEventIgnoresDisconnectedEvents) {}

// Check that a touch is locked to the window of the closest current touch
// within max_separation_for_gesture_touches_in_pixels
TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, GestureEventTouchLockSelectsCorrectWindow) {}

// Check that a touch's target will not be effected by a touch on a different
// screen.
TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, GestureEventTouchLockIgnoresOtherScreens) {}

// Check that touch events outside the root window are still handled
// by the root window's gesture sequence.
TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, GestureEventOutsideRootWindowTap) {}

TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, NoTapWithPreventDefaultedRelease) {}

TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, PinchScrollWithPreventDefaultedRelease) {}

TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, GestureEndLocation) {}

TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, CaptureSendsGestureEnd) {}

// Check that previous touch actions that are completely finished (either
// released or cancelled), do not receive extra synthetic cancels upon change of
// capture.
TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, CaptureDoesNotCancelFinishedTouches) {}

// Tests that a press with the same touch id as an existing touch is ignored.
TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, PressDoesNotCrash) {}

TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, TwoFingerTap) {}

TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, TwoFingerTapExpired) {}

TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, TwoFingerTapChangesToPinch) {}

TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, NoTwoFingerTapWhenFirstFingerHasScrolled) {}

TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, MultiFingerSwipe) {}

TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, TwoFingerTapCancelled) {}

TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, VeryWideTwoFingerTouchDownShouldBeAPinch) {}

// Verifies if a window is the target of multiple touch-ids and we hide the
// window everything is cleaned up correctly.
TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, FlushAllOnHide) {}

TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, LongPressTimerStopsOnPreventDefaultedTouchMoves) {}

// Same as GestureEventConsumeDelegate, but consumes all the touch-move events.
class ConsumesTouchMovesDelegate : public GestureEventConsumeDelegate {};

// Same as GestureEventScroll, but tests that the behavior is the same
// even if all the touch-move events are consumed.
TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, GestureEventScrollTouchMoveConsumed) {}

// Tests the behavior of 2F scroll when some of the touch-move events are
// consumed.
TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, GestureEventScrollTwoFingerTouchMoveConsumed) {}

// Like as GestureEventTouchMoveConsumed but tests the different behavior
// depending on whether the events were consumed before or after the scroll
// started.
TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, GestureEventScrollTouchMovePartialConsumed) {}

// Check that appropriate touch events generate double tap gesture events.
TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, GestureEventDoubleTap) {}

// Check that appropriate touch events generate triple tap gesture events.
TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, GestureEventTripleTap) {}

// Check that we don't get a double tap when the two taps are far apart.
TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, TwoTapsFarApart) {}

// Check that we don't get a double tap when the two taps have a long enough
// delay in between.
TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, TwoTapsWithDelayBetween) {}

// Checks that if the bounding-box of a gesture changes because of change in
// radius of a touch-point, and not because of change in position, then there
// are not gesture events from that.
TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, BoundingBoxRadiusChange) {}

// Checks that slow scrolls deliver the correct deltas.
// In particular, fix for http;//
TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, NoDriftInScroll) {}

// Ensure that move events which are preventDefaulted will cause a tap
// cancel gesture event to be fired if the move would normally cause a
// scroll. See bug
TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, GestureEventConsumedTouchMoveCanFireTapCancel) {}

TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, CancelAllActiveTouches) {}

// Check that appropriate touch events generate show press events
TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, GestureEventShowPress) {}

// Check that scrolling cancels a show press
TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, GestureEventShowPressCancelledByScroll) {}

// Test that show press events are sent immediately on tap
TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, GestureEventShowPressSentOnTap) {}

// Test that consuming the first move touch event prevents a scroll.
TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, GestureEventConsumedTouchMoveScrollTest) {}

// Test that consuming the first move touch doesn't prevent a tap.
TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, GestureEventConsumedTouchMoveTapTest) {}

// Test that consuming the first move touch doesn't prevent a long press.
TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, GestureEventConsumedTouchMoveLongPressTest) {}

// Tests that the deltas are correct when leaving the slop region very slowly.
TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, TestExceedingSlopSlowly) {}

TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, ScrollAlternatelyConsumedTest) {}

TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, PinchAlternatelyConsumedTest) {}

// Test that touch event flags are passed through to the gesture event.
TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, GestureEventFlagsPassedFromTouchEvent) {}

// A delegate that deletes a window on long press.
class GestureEventDeleteWindowOnLongPress : public GestureEventConsumeDelegate {};

// Check that deleting the window in response to a long press gesture doesn't
// crash.
TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, GestureEventLongPressDeletingWindow) {}

TEST_F(GestureRecognizerWithSwitchTest, GestureEventSmallPinchDisabled) {}

TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, GestureEventSmallPinchEnabled) {}

// Tests that delaying the ack of a touch release doesn't trigger a long press
// gesture.
TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, EagerGestureDetection) {}

// This tests, in which touch events which the gesture detector
// ignores interfere with gesture recognition.
TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, IgnoredEventsDontBreakGestureRecognition) {}

// Tests that an event stream can have a mix of sync and async acks.
       MixedSyncAndAsyncAcksDontCauseOutOfOrderDispatch) {}

TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, GestureEventTwoWindowsActive) {}

// Test for crbug/698843. Checks whether the events are routed to the correct
// consumer in the event of TransferEventsTo() function call.
TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, TransferEventsToRoutesAckCorrectly) {}

TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, GestureConsumerCleanupBeforeTouchAck) {}

// Verifies that destructing a `GestureRecognizerImpl` instance with gesture
// providers works as expected (
TEST_F(GestureRecognizerTest, ResetGestureRecognizerWithGestureProvider) {}

}  // namespace test
}  // namespace aura