
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "components/autofill/content/browser/content_autofill_driver.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect_f.h"

class Profile;

namespace autofill {

class AutofillProfile;
class CreditCard;

void AddTestProfile(Profile* base_profile, const AutofillProfile& profile);
void AddTestCreditCard(Profile* base_profile, const CreditCard& card);
void AddTestServerCreditCard(Profile* base_profile, const CreditCard& card);
void AddTestAutofillData(Profile* base_profile,
                         const AutofillProfile& profile,
                         const CreditCard& card);
void WaitForPersonalDataChange(Profile* base_profile);
void WaitForPersonalDataManagerToBeLoaded(Profile* base_profile);

// Displays an Autofill popup with a dummy suggestion for an element at
// `element_bounds`.
// Unlike `autofill::test::GenerateTestAutofillPopup()`, this function triggers
// the popup through `driver->AskForValuesToFill()`, instead of
// AutofillExternalDelegate::OnQuery(). This initializes the form's meta data
// and prepares ContentAutofillDriver's and AutofillDriverRouter's state to
// process events such as `AutofillDriver::PopupHidden()` triggered by the
// popup.
[[nodiscard]] testing::AssertionResult GenerateTestAutofillPopup(
    ContentAutofillDriver& driver,
    Profile* profile,
    bool expect_popup_to_be_shown,
    gfx::RectF element_bounds = gfx::RectF(100.0f, 100.0f));

}  // namespace autofill