// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#include "base/component_export.h"
namespace ui {
class MenuModel;
@protocol MenuControllerCocoaDelegate
// Called as each item is created during menu or submenu creation.
- (void)controllerWillAddItem:(NSMenuItem*)menuItem
// Called after all menu items in a menu or submenu are created.
- (void)controllerWillAddMenu:(NSMenu*)menu fromModel:(ui::MenuModel*)model;
// A controller for the cross-platform menu model. The menu that's created
// has the tag and represented object set for each menu item. The object is a
// NSValue holding a pointer to the model for that level of the menu (to
// allow for hierarchical menus). The tag is the index into that model for
// that particular item. It is important that the model outlives this object
// as it only maintains weak references.
@interface MenuControllerCocoa
: NSObject<NSMenuDelegate, NSUserInterfaceValidations>
// Note that changing this will have no effect if you use
// |-initWithModel:useWithPopUpButtonCell:| or after the first call to |-menu|.
@property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL useWithPopUpButtonCell;
// NIB-based initializer. This does not create a menu. Clients can set the
// properties of the object and the menu will be created upon the first call to
// |-maybeBuildWithColorProvider:| or |-menu|.
- (instancetype)init;
// Builds a NSMenu from the pre-built model (must not be nil). Changes made
// to the contents of the model after calling this will not be noticed. If
// the menu will be displayed by a NSPopUpButtonCell, it needs to be of a
// slightly different form (0th item is empty).
- (instancetype)initWithModel:(ui::MenuModel*)model
// Programmatically close the constructed menu.
- (void)cancel;
- (ui::MenuModel*)model;
- (void)setModel:(ui::MenuModel*)model;
// Access to the constructed menu if the complex initializer was used. If the
// menu has not bee built yet it will be built on the first call.
- (NSMenu*)menu;
// Whether the menu is currently open.
- (BOOL)isMenuOpen;
@interface MenuControllerCocoa (TestingAPI)
// Whether the NSMenu has been built.
- (BOOL)isMenuBuiltForTesting;