// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import "ui/base/cocoa/menu_controller.h"
#include "base/apple/bridging.h"
#include "base/apple/foundation_util.h"
#include "base/apple/owned_objc.h"
#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/functional/bind.h"
#include "base/numerics/safe_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h"
#include "ui/base/accelerators/accelerator.h"
#include "ui/base/accelerators/platform_accelerator_cocoa.h"
#include "ui/base/interaction/element_tracker_mac.h"
#include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util_mac.h"
#include "ui/base/models/image_model.h"
#include "ui/base/models/simple_menu_model.h"
#import "ui/events/event_utils.h"
#include "ui/gfx/font_list.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image.h"
#include "ui/strings/grit/ui_strings.h"
namespace {
// Called when an empty submenu is created. This inserts a menu item labeled
// "(empty)" into the submenu. Matches Windows behavior.
NSMenu* MakeEmptySubmenu() {
NSMenu* submenu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@""];
NSString* empty_menu_title =
[submenu addItemWithTitle:empty_menu_title action:nullptr keyEquivalent:@""];
[submenu itemAtIndex:0].enabled = NO;
return submenu;
// Called when adding a submenu to the menu and checks if the submenu, via its
// |model|, has visible child items.
bool MenuHasVisibleItems(const ui::MenuModel* model) {
size_t count = model->GetItemCount();
for (size_t index = 0; index < count; ++index) {
if (model->IsVisibleAt(index))
return true;
return false;
} // namespace
// This class stores a base::WeakPtr<ui::MenuModel> as an Objective-C object,
// which allows it to be stored in the representedObject field of an NSMenuItem.
@interface WeakPtrToMenuModelAsNSObject : NSObject
+ (instancetype)weakPtrForModel:(ui::MenuModel*)model;
+ (ui::MenuModel*)getFrom:(id)instance;
- (instancetype)initWithModel:(ui::MenuModel*)model;
- (ui::MenuModel*)menuModel;
@implementation WeakPtrToMenuModelAsNSObject {
base::WeakPtr<ui::MenuModel> _model;
+ (instancetype)weakPtrForModel:(ui::MenuModel*)model {
return [[WeakPtrToMenuModelAsNSObject alloc] initWithModel:model];
+ (ui::MenuModel*)getFrom:(id)instance {
return [base::apple::ObjCCastStrict<WeakPtrToMenuModelAsNSObject>(instance)
- (instancetype)initWithModel:(ui::MenuModel*)model {
if ((self = [super init])) {
_model = model->AsWeakPtr();
return self;
- (ui::MenuModel*)menuModel {
return _model.get();
// Internal methods.
@interface MenuControllerCocoa ()
// Called before the menu is to be displayed to update the state (enabled,
// radio, etc) of each item in the menu. Also will update the title if the item
// is marked as "dynamic".
- (BOOL)validateUserInterfaceItem:(id<NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem>)item;
// Adds the item at |index| in |model| as an NSMenuItem at |index| of |menu|.
// Associates a submenu if the MenuModel::ItemType is TYPE_SUBMENU.
- (void)addItemToMenu:(NSMenu*)menu
// Creates a NSMenu from the given model. If the model has submenus, this can
// be invoked recursively.
- (NSMenu*)menuFromModel:(ui::MenuModel*)model;
// Adds a separator item at the given index. As the separator doesn't need
// anything from the model, this method doesn't need the model index as the
// other method below does.
- (void)addSeparatorToMenu:(NSMenu*)menu atIndex:(size_t)index;
// Called when the user chooses a particular menu item. AppKit sends this only
// after the menu has fully faded out. |sender| is the menu item chosen.
- (void)itemSelected:(id)sender;
@implementation MenuControllerCocoa {
base::WeakPtr<ui::MenuModel> _model;
NSMenu* __strong _menu;
BOOL _useWithPopUpButtonCell; // If YES, 0th item is blank
BOOL _isMenuOpen;
id<MenuControllerCocoaDelegate> __weak _delegate;
@synthesize useWithPopUpButtonCell = _useWithPopUpButtonCell;
- (ui::MenuModel*)model {
return _model.get();
- (void)setModel:(ui::MenuModel*)model {
_model = model->AsWeakPtr();
- (instancetype)init {
self = [super init];
return self;
- (instancetype)initWithModel:(ui::MenuModel*)model
useWithPopUpButtonCell:(BOOL)useWithCell {
if ((self = [super init])) {
_model = model->AsWeakPtr();
_delegate = delegate;
_useWithPopUpButtonCell = useWithCell;
[self maybeBuild];
return self;
- (void)dealloc {
_menu.delegate = nil;
// Close the menu if it is still open. This could happen if a tab gets closed
// while its context menu is still open.
[self cancel];
_model = nullptr;
- (void)cancel {
if (_isMenuOpen) {
[_menu cancelTracking];
if (_model)
_isMenuOpen = NO;
- (NSMenu*)menuFromModel:(ui::MenuModel*)model {
NSMenu* menu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@""];
const size_t count = model->GetItemCount();
for (size_t index = 0; index < count; ++index) {
if (model->GetTypeAt(index) == ui::MenuModel::TYPE_SEPARATOR) {
[self addSeparatorToMenu:menu atIndex:index];
} else {
[self addItemToMenu:menu atIndex:index fromModel:model];
return menu;
- (void)addSeparatorToMenu:(NSMenu*)menu atIndex:(size_t)index {
NSMenuItem* separator = [NSMenuItem separatorItem];
[menu insertItem:separator atIndex:base::checked_cast<NSInteger>(index)];
- (void)addItemToMenu:(NSMenu*)menu
fromModel:(ui::MenuModel*)model {
auto rawLabel = model->GetLabelAt(index);
NSString* label = model->MayHaveMnemonicsAt(index)
? l10n_util::FixUpWindowsStyleLabel(rawLabel)
: base::SysUTF16ToNSString(rawLabel);
NSMenuItem* item = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:label
// If the menu item has an icon, set it.
ui::ImageModel icon = model->GetIconAt(index);
if (icon.IsImage())
item.image = icon.GetImage().ToNSImage();
ui::MenuModel::ItemType type = model->GetTypeAt(index);
const NSInteger modelIndex = base::checked_cast<NSInteger>(index);
if (type == ui::MenuModel::TYPE_SUBMENU && model->IsVisibleAt(index)) {
ui::MenuModel* submenuModel = model->GetSubmenuModelAt(index);
// If there are visible items, recursively build the submenu.
NSMenu* submenu = MenuHasVisibleItems(submenuModel)
? [self menuFromModel:submenuModel]
: MakeEmptySubmenu();
item.target = nil;
item.action = nil;
item.submenu = submenu;
// [item setSubmenu] updates target and action which means clicking on a
// submenu entry will not call [self validateUserInterfaceItem].
DCHECK_EQ(item.action, @selector(submenuAction:));
DCHECK_EQ(item.target, submenu);
// Set the enabled state here as submenu entries do not call into
// validateUserInterfaceItem. See crbug.com/981294 and crbug.com/991472.
[item setEnabled:model->IsEnabledAt(index)];
} else {
// The MenuModel works on indexes so we can't just set the command id as the
// tag like we do in other menus. Also set the represented object to be
// the model so hierarchical menus check the correct index in the correct
// model. Setting the target to |self| allows this class to participate
// in validation of the menu items.
item.tag = modelIndex;
item.target = self;
item.representedObject =
[WeakPtrToMenuModelAsNSObject weakPtrForModel:model];
// On the Mac, context menus never have accelerators. Menus constructed
// for context use have useWithPopUpButtonCell_ set to NO.
if (_useWithPopUpButtonCell) {
ui::Accelerator accelerator;
if (model->GetAcceleratorAt(index, &accelerator)) {
KeyEquivalentAndModifierMask* equivalent =
item.keyEquivalent = equivalent.keyEquivalent;
item.keyEquivalentModifierMask = equivalent.modifierMask;
if (_delegate) {
[_delegate controllerWillAddItem:item fromModel:model atIndex:index];
[menu insertItem:item atIndex:modelIndex];
- (BOOL)validateUserInterfaceItem:(id<NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem>)item {
NSMenuItem* menuItem = base::apple::ObjCCastStrict<NSMenuItem>(item);
SEL action = menuItem.action;
if (action != @selector(itemSelected:))
return NO;
ui::MenuModel* model =
[WeakPtrToMenuModelAsNSObject getFrom:menuItem.representedObject];
if (!model)
return NO;
const size_t modelIndex = base::checked_cast<size_t>(menuItem.tag);
BOOL checked = model->IsItemCheckedAt(modelIndex);
menuItem.state = checked ? NSControlStateValueOn : NSControlStateValueOff;
menuItem.hidden = !model->IsVisibleAt(modelIndex);
if (model->IsItemDynamicAt(modelIndex)) {
// Update the label and the icon.
NSString* label =
menuItem.title = label;
ui::ImageModel icon = model->GetIconAt(modelIndex);
menuItem.image = icon.IsImage() ? icon.GetImage().ToNSImage() : nil;
const gfx::FontList* font_list = model->GetLabelFontListAt(modelIndex);
if (font_list) {
CTFontRef font = font_list->GetPrimaryFont().GetCTFont();
NSDictionary* attributes =
@{NSFontAttributeName : base::apple::CFToNSPtrCast(font)};
NSAttributedString* title =
[[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:menuItem.title
menuItem.attributedTitle = title;
return model->IsEnabledAt(modelIndex);
- (void)itemSelected:(id)sender {
NSMenuItem* menuItem = base::apple::ObjCCastStrict<NSMenuItem>(sender);
ui::MenuModel* model =
[WeakPtrToMenuModelAsNSObject getFrom:menuItem.representedObject];
const size_t modelIndex = base::checked_cast<size_t>(menuItem.tag);
const ui::ElementIdentifier identifier =
if (identifier) {
// Note: |self| may be destroyed by the call to ActivatedAt().
- (void)maybeBuild {
if (_menu || !_model)
_menu = [self menuFromModel:_model.get()];
_menu.delegate = self;
// TODO(dfried): Ideally we'd do this after each submenu is created.
// However, the way we currently hook menu events only supports the root
// menu. Therefore we call this method here and submenus are not supported
// for auto-highlighting or ElementTracker events.
if (_delegate)
[_delegate controllerWillAddMenu:_menu fromModel:_model.get()];
// If this is to be used with a NSPopUpButtonCell, add an item at the 0th
// position that's empty. Doing it after the menu has been constructed won't
// complicate creation logic, and since the tags are model indexes, they
// are unaffected by the extra item.
if (_useWithPopUpButtonCell) {
NSMenuItem* blankItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:@""
[_menu insertItem:blankItem atIndex:0];
- (NSMenu*)menu {
[self maybeBuild];
return _menu;
- (BOOL)isMenuOpen {
return _isMenuOpen;
- (void)menuWillOpen:(NSMenu*)menu {
_isMenuOpen = YES;
if (_model)
_model->MenuWillShow(); // Note: |model_| may trigger -[self dealloc].
- (void)menuDidClose:(NSMenu*)menu {
if (_isMenuOpen) {
_isMenuOpen = NO;
if (_model)
_model->MenuWillClose(); // Note: |model_| may trigger -[self dealloc].
@implementation MenuControllerCocoa (TestingAPI)
- (BOOL)isMenuBuiltForTesting {
return _menu != nil;