
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <windows.h>

#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "base/i18n/rtl.h"
#include "ui/base/ime/input_method_base.h"

namespace ui {

// A common InputMethod base implementation for Windows.
    : public InputMethodBase {
  InputMethodWinBase(ImeKeyEventDispatcher* ime_key_event_dispatcher,
                     HWND attached_window_handle);

  InputMethodWinBase(const InputMethodWinBase&) = delete;
  InputMethodWinBase& operator=(const InputMethodWinBase&) = delete;

  ~InputMethodWinBase() override;

  void OnDidChangeFocusedClient(TextInputClient* focused_before,
                                TextInputClient* focused) override;
  ui::EventDispatchDetails DispatchKeyEvent(ui::KeyEvent* event) override;

  // Returns true if the Win32 native window bound to |client| is considered
  // to be ready for receiving keyboard input.
  bool IsWindowFocused(const TextInputClient* client) const;

  // For both WM_CHAR and WM_SYSCHAR
  LRESULT OnChar(HWND window_handle,
                 UINT message,
                 WPARAM wparam,
                 LPARAM lparam,
                 const CHROME_MSG& event,
                 BOOL* handled);

  // Some IMEs rely on WM_IME_REQUEST message even when TSF is enabled. So
  // OnImeRequest (and its actual implementations as OnDocumentFeed,
  // OnReconvertString, and OnQueryCharPosition) are placed in this base class.
  LRESULT OnImeRequest(UINT message,
                       WPARAM wparam,
                       LPARAM lparam,
                       BOOL* handled);
  LRESULT OnDocumentFeed(RECONVERTSTRING* reconv);
  LRESULT OnReconvertString(RECONVERTSTRING* reconv);
  LRESULT OnQueryCharPosition(IMECHARPOSITION* char_positon);

  // Callback function for TextInputMethod::ProcessKeyEvent.
  void ProcessKeyEventDone(ui::KeyEvent* event,
                           const std::vector<CHROME_MSG>* char_msgs,
                           bool is_handled);

  ui::EventDispatchDetails ProcessUnhandledKeyEvent(
      ui::KeyEvent* event,
      const std::vector<CHROME_MSG>* char_msgs);

  // For standard Chromium browser this should always be the top-level window.
  // However for embedded Chromium windows this might be the embedder or the
  // ancestor of the embedder.
  const HWND attached_window_handle_;

  // Represents if WM_CHAR[wparam=='\r'] should be dispatched to the focused
  // text input client or ignored silently. This flag is introduced as a quick
  // workaround against
  // TODO(yukawa, IME): Figure out long-term solution.
  bool accept_carriage_return_ = false;

  // The new text direction and layout alignment requested by the user by
  // pressing ctrl-shift. It'll be sent to the text input client when the key
  // is released.
  base::i18n::TextDirection pending_requested_direction_;

  // Used for making callbacks.
  base::WeakPtrFactory<InputMethodWinBase> weak_ptr_factory_{this};

  // Return false if |this| is destroyed during |PeekMessage| call.
  bool HandlePeekMessage(HWND hwnd,
                         UINT msg_filter_min,
                         UINT msg_filter_max,
                         std::vector<CHROME_MSG>* char_msgs);

}  // namespace ui