
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <concepts>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <string_view>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <variant>
#include <vector>

#include "base/strings/strcat.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/test/bind.h"
#include "base/test/rectify_callback.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "ui/base/interaction/element_identifier.h"
#include "ui/base/interaction/element_tracker.h"
#include "ui/base/interaction/interaction_sequence.h"
#include "ui/base/interaction/interaction_test_util.h"
#include "ui/base/interaction/interactive_test_internal.h"
#include "ui/base/interaction/polling_state_observer.h"
#include "ui/base/interaction/state_observer.h"

#include "ui/base/accelerators/accelerator.h"

namespace ui::test {

// Provides basic interactive test functionality.
// Interactive tests use InteractionSequence, ElementTracker, and
// InteractionTestUtil to provide a common library of concise test methods. This
// convenience API is nicknamed "Kombucha" (see
// //chrome/test/interaction/ for more information).
// This class is not a test fixture; it is a mixin that can be added to an
// existing test fixture using `InteractiveTestT<T>` - or just use
// `InteractiveTest`, which *is* a test fixture.
// Also, since this class does not implement input automation for any particular
// framework, you are more likely to want e.g. InteractiveViewsTest[Api] or
// InteractiveBrowserTest[Api], which inherit from this class.
class InteractiveTestApi {};

// Template that adds InteractiveTestApi to any test fixture. No simulators are
// attached to test_util() so if you want to use verbs like PressButton() you
// will need to install your own simulator.
template <typename T>
class InteractiveTestT : public T, public InteractiveTestApi {};

// A simple test fixture that brings in all of the features of
// InteractiveTestApi. No simulators are attached to test_util() so if you want
// to use verbs like PressButton() you will need to install your own simulator.
// Provided for convenience, but generally you will want InteractiveViewsTest
// or InteractiveBrowserTest instead.

// Template definitions:

// static
template <typename... Args>
InteractiveTestApi::MultiStep InteractiveTestApi::Steps(Args&&... args) {}

// static
template <typename T>
void InteractiveTestApi::AddStep(InteractionSequence::Builder& builder,
                                 T&& step) {}

template <typename... Args>
bool InteractiveTestApi::RunTestSequenceInContext(ElementContext context,
                                                  Args&&... steps) {}

template <typename A>
  requires internal::HasSignature<A, void()>
// static
InteractiveTestApi::StepBuilder InteractiveTestApi::Do(A&& action) {}

// static
template <typename T>
  requires internal::IsStepCallback<T>
InteractionSequence::StepBuilder InteractiveTestApi::AfterShow(
    ElementSpecifier element,
    T&& step_callback) {}

// static
template <typename T>
  requires internal::HasCompatibleSignature<T, void(InteractionSequence*)>
InteractionSequence::StepBuilder InteractiveTestApi::AfterActivate(
    ElementSpecifier element,
    T&& step_callback) {}

// static
template <typename T>
  requires internal::IsStepCallback<T>
InteractionSequence::StepBuilder InteractiveTestApi::AfterEvent(
    ElementSpecifier element,
    CustomElementEventType event_type,
    T&& step_callback) {}

// static
template <typename T>
  requires internal::HasCompatibleSignature<T, void(InteractionSequence*)>
InteractionSequence::StepBuilder InteractiveTestApi::AfterHide(
    ElementSpecifier element,
    T&& step_callback) {}

// static
template <typename T>
  requires internal::IsStepCallback<T>
InteractionSequence::StepBuilder InteractiveTestApi::WithElement(
    ElementSpecifier element,
    T&& step_callback) {}

// static
template <typename C>
  requires internal::HasSignature<C, TrackedElement*(TrackedElement*)>
InteractionSequence::StepBuilder InteractiveTestApi::NameElementRelative(
    ElementSpecifier relative_to,
    std::string_view name,
    C&& find_callback) {}

// static
template <typename T>
InteractionSequence::StepBuilder InteractiveTestApi::InAnyContext(T&& step) {}

// static
template <typename T>
InteractionSequence::StepBuilder InteractiveTestApi::InSameContext(T&& step) {}

template <typename T>
InteractionSequence::StepBuilder InteractiveTestApi::InContext(
    ElementContext context,
    T&& step) {}

// static
template <typename T>
InteractionSequence::StepBuilder InteractiveTestApi::WithoutDelay(T&& step) {}

// static
template <typename C, typename T, typename E>
  requires internal::IsCheckCallback<C, bool>
InteractionSequence::StepBuilder InteractiveTestApi::IfElement(
    ElementSpecifier element,
    C&& condition,
    T&& then_steps,
    E&& else_steps) {}

// static
template <typename F, typename M, typename T, typename E, typename R>
  requires internal::IsCheckCallback<F, R>
InteractionSequence::StepBuilder InteractiveTestApi::IfElementMatches(
    ElementSpecifier element,
    F&& function,
    M&& matcher,
    T&& then_steps,
    E&& else_steps) {}

// static
template <typename C, typename T, typename E>
  requires internal::HasSignature<C, bool()>
InteractionSequence::StepBuilder InteractiveTestApi::If(C&& condition,
                                                        T&& then_steps,
                                                        E&& else_steps) {}

// static
template <typename F, typename M, typename T, typename E, typename R>
  requires internal::HasCompatibleSignature<F, R(const InteractionSequence*)>
InteractionSequence::StepBuilder InteractiveTestApi::IfMatches(F&& function,
                                                               M&& matcher,
                                                               T&& then_steps,
                                                               E&& else_steps) {}

// static
template <typename... Args>
InteractionSequence::StepBuilder InteractiveTestApi::InParallel(
    Args&&... sequences) {}

// static
template <typename... Args>
InteractionSequence::StepBuilder InteractiveTestApi::AnyOf(
    Args&&... sequences) {}

template <typename ObserverBase, typename Observer>
  requires std::derived_from<Observer, ObserverBase> &&
           internal::IsValidMatcherType<typename Observer::ValueType>
InteractionSequence::StepBuilder InteractiveTestApi::ObserveState(
    StateIdentifier<ObserverBase> id,
    std::unique_ptr<Observer> observer) {}

template <typename Observer, typename... Args>
  requires internal::IsValidMatcherType<typename Observer::ValueType>
InteractionSequence::StepBuilder InteractiveTestApi::ObserveState(
    StateIdentifier<Observer> id,
    Args&&... args) {}

template <typename T, typename C>
  requires internal::IsValidMatcherType<T>
InteractionSequence::StepBuilder InteractiveTestApi::PollState(
    StateIdentifier<PollingStateObserver<T>> id,
    C&& callback,
    base::TimeDelta polling_interval) {}

template <typename T, typename C>
  requires internal::IsValidMatcherType<T>
InteractionSequence::StepBuilder InteractiveTestApi::PollElement(
    StateIdentifier<PollingElementStateObserver<T>> id,
    ui::ElementIdentifier element_identifier,
    C&& callback,
    base::TimeDelta polling_interval) {}

// static
template <typename O, typename V>
InteractiveTestApi::MultiStep InteractiveTestApi::WaitForState(
    StateIdentifier<O> id,
    V&& value) {}

template <typename O>
InteractiveTestApi::StepBuilder InteractiveTestApi::StopObservingState(
    StateIdentifier<O> id) {}

// static
template <typename... Args>
InteractiveTestApi::StepBuilder InteractiveTestApi::Log(Args... args) {}

// static
template <typename C>
  requires internal::HasSignature<C, bool()>
InteractiveTestApi::StepBuilder InteractiveTestApi::Check(
    C&& check_callback,
    std::string check_description) {}

// static
template <typename C, typename M, typename R>
  requires internal::HasSignature<C, R()>
InteractionSequence::StepBuilder InteractiveTestApi::CheckResult(
    C&& function,
    M&& matcher,
    std::string check_description) {}

// static
template <typename V, typename M, typename T>
InteractionSequence::StepBuilder InteractiveTestApi::CheckVariable(
    V& variable,
    M&& matcher,
    std::string check_description) {}

// static
template <typename C>
  requires internal::HasSignature<C, bool(TrackedElement*)>
InteractionSequence::StepBuilder InteractiveTestApi::CheckElement(
    ElementSpecifier element,
    C&& check) {}

// static
template <typename F, typename M, typename R>
  requires internal::HasSignature<F, R(TrackedElement*)>
InteractionSequence::StepBuilder InteractiveTestApi::CheckElement(
    ElementSpecifier element,
    F&& function,
    M&& matcher) {}

}  // namespace ui::test