
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "ui/base/models/tree_node_model.h"

#include <memory>
#include <string>

#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"


namespace ui {

class TreeNodeModelTest : public testing::Test, public TreeModelObserver {};


// Verifies if the model is properly adding a new node in the tree and
// notifying the observers.
// The tree looks like this:
// root
// +-- child1
//     +-- foo1
//     +-- foo2
// +-- child2
TEST_F(TreeNodeModelTest, AddNode) {}

// Verifies if the model is properly removing a node from the tree
// and notifying the observers.
TEST_F(TreeNodeModelTest, RemoveNode) {}

// Verifies if the nodes added under the root are all deleted when calling
// DeleteAll.
// The tree looks like this:
// root
// +-- child1
//     +-- foo
//         +-- bar0
//         +-- bar1
//         +-- bar2
// +-- child2
// +-- child3
TEST_F(TreeNodeModelTest, DeleteAllNodes) {}

// Verifies if GetIndexOf() returns the correct index for the specified node.
// The tree looks like this:
// root
// +-- child1
//     +-- foo1
// +-- child2
TEST_F(TreeNodeModelTest, GetIndexOf) {}

// Verifies whether a specified node has or not an ancestor.
// The tree looks like this:
// root
// +-- child1
//     +-- foo1
// +-- child2
TEST_F(TreeNodeModelTest, HasAncestor) {}

// Verifies if GetTotalNodeCount returns the correct number of nodes from the
// node specified. The count should include the node itself.
// The tree looks like this:
// root
// +-- child1
//     +-- child2
//         +-- child3
// +-- foo1
//     +-- foo2
//         +-- foo3
//     +-- foo4
// +-- bar1
// The TotalNodeCount of root is:            9
// The TotalNodeCount of child1 is:          3
// The TotalNodeCount of child2 and foo2 is: 2
// The TotalNodeCount of bar1 is:            1
// And so on...
TEST_F(TreeNodeModelTest, GetTotalNodeCount) {}

// Makes sure that we are notified when the node is renamed,
// also makes sure the node is properly renamed.
TEST_F(TreeNodeModelTest, SetTitle) {}

TEST_F(TreeNodeModelTest, BasicOperations) {}

TEST_F(TreeNodeModelTest, IsRoot) {}

TEST_F(TreeNodeModelTest, ReorderChildren) {}

TEST_F(TreeNodeModelTest, SortChildren) {}

}  // namespace ui