// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <optional>
#include <string>
@protocol NSAccessibility;
namespace ui {
struct NSAXTreeProblemDetails {
enum ProblemType {
// `node_a` (the child node) is not a child of `node_b` (its "parent").
// `node_a` (a supplied root node) is non-nil but does not conform to
// NSAccessibility.
// `node_a` (the child node)'s parent `node_b` is non-nil but does not
// conform to NSAccessibility.
NSAXTreeProblemDetails(ProblemType type, id node_a, id node_b);
ProblemType type;
// These aren't id<NSAccessibility> because some kinds of problem are caused
// by them not conforming to NSAccessibility.
id node_a;
id node_b;
std::string ToString();
// Validates the accessibility tree rooted at `root`. If at least one problem is
// found, returns an `AXTreeProblemDetails` as described above; if not, returns
// std::nullopt.
std::optional<NSAXTreeProblemDetails> ValidateNSAXTree(id<NSAccessibility> root,
size_t* nodes_visited);
// Prints the accessibility tree rooted at `root`. This function is useful for
// debugging failures of ValidateNSAXTree tests.
void PrintNSAXTree(id<NSAccessibility> root);
} // ui