
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "ui/compositor/layer_animator.h"

#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/numerics/safe_conversions.h"
#include "base/run_loop.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/test/scoped_mock_clock_override.h"
#include "base/test/task_environment.h"
#include "base/threading/platform_thread.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "cc/trees/layer_tree_host.h"
#include "cc/trees/mutator_host.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "ui/compositor/compositor.h"
#include "ui/compositor/layer.h"
#include "ui/compositor/layer_animation_delegate.h"
#include "ui/compositor/layer_animation_element.h"
#include "ui/compositor/layer_animation_observer.h"
#include "ui/compositor/layer_animation_sequence.h"
#include "ui/compositor/layer_animator_collection.h"
#include "ui/compositor/layer_owner.h"
#include "ui/compositor/scoped_animation_duration_scale_mode.h"
#include "ui/compositor/scoped_layer_animation_settings.h"
#include "ui/compositor/test/layer_animator_test_controller.h"
#include "ui/compositor/test/test_compositor_host.h"
#include "ui/compositor/test/test_context_factories.h"
#include "ui/compositor/test/test_layer_animation_delegate.h"
#include "ui/compositor/test/test_layer_animation_observer.h"
#include "ui/compositor/test/test_utils.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/transform.h"

namespace ui {

namespace {

// Converts |color| to a string. Each component of the color is separated by a
// space and the order if A R G B.
std::string ColorToString(SkColor color) {}

// Creates vector with two LayerAnimationSequences, based on |first| and
// |second| layer animation elements.
std::vector<LayerAnimationSequence*> CreateMultiSequence(
    std::unique_ptr<LayerAnimationElement> first,
    std::unique_ptr<LayerAnimationElement> second) {}

// Creates a default animator with timers disabled for test. |delegate| and
// |observer| are attached if non-null.
scoped_refptr<LayerAnimator> CreateDefaultTestAnimator(
    LayerAnimationDelegate* delegate,
    LayerAnimationObserver* observer) {}

// Creates a default animator with timers disabled for test. |delegate| is
// attached if non-null.
scoped_refptr<LayerAnimator> CreateDefaultTestAnimator(
    LayerAnimationDelegate* delegate) {}

// Creates a default animator with timers disabled for test.
scoped_refptr<LayerAnimator> CreateDefaultTestAnimator() {}

// Creates an implicit animator with timers disabled for test. |delegate| and
// |observer| are attached if non-null.
scoped_refptr<LayerAnimator> CreateImplicitTestAnimator(
    LayerAnimationDelegate* delegate,
    LayerAnimationObserver* observer) {}

// Creates an implicit animator with timers disabled for test. |delegate| is
// attached if non-null.
scoped_refptr<LayerAnimator> CreateImplicitTestAnimator(
    LayerAnimationDelegate* delegate) {}

// Creates an implicit animator with timers disabled for test.
scoped_refptr<LayerAnimator> CreateImplicitTestAnimator() {}

class TestImplicitAnimationObserver : public ImplicitAnimationObserver {};

// When notified that an animation has ended, stops all other animations.
class DeletingLayerAnimationObserver : public LayerAnimationObserver {};

// When notified that an animation has started, aborts all animations.
class AbortAnimationsOnStartedLayerAnimationObserver
    : public LayerAnimationObserver {};

class LayerAnimatorDestructionObserver {};

class TestLayerAnimator : public LayerAnimator {};

// The test layer animation sequence updates a live instances count when it is
// created and destroyed.
class TestLayerAnimationSequence : public LayerAnimationSequence {};

}  // namespace

namespace test {

// Tracks the number of calls to the LayerAnimationObserver overrides and fails
// CHECKS if the counts are inconsistent, e.g. the number of started sequences
// is greater than the number of attached sequences.
class CountCheckingLayerAnimationObserver : public LayerAnimationObserver {};

}  // namespace test

// Checks that setting a property on an implicit animator causes an animation to
// happen.
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, ImplicitAnimation) {}

// Checks that if the animator is a default animator, that implicit animations
// are not started.
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, NoImplicitAnimation) {}

// Checks that StopAnimatingProperty stops animation for that property, and also
// skips the stopped animation to the end.
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, StopAnimatingProperty) {}

// Checks that multiple running animations for separate properties can be
// stopped simultaneously and that all animations are advanced to their target
// values.
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, StopAnimating) {}

// Checks that multiple running animations for separate properties can be
// stopped simultaneously and that aborted animations are NOT advanced to their
// target values.
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, AbortAllAnimations) {}

// Schedule a non-threaded animation that can run immediately. This is the
// trivial case and should result in the animation being started immediately.
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, ScheduleAnimationThatCanRunImmediately) {}

// Schedule a threaded animation that can run immediately.
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, ScheduleThreadedAnimationThatCanRunImmediately) {}

// Schedule two non-threaded animations on separate properties. Both animations
// should start immediately and should progress in lock step.
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, ScheduleTwoAnimationsThatCanRunImmediately) {}

// Schedule a threaded and a non-threaded animation on separate properties. Both
// animations should progress in lock step.
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, ScheduleThreadedAndNonThreadedAnimations) {}

// Schedule two animations on the same property. In this case, the two
// animations should run one after another.
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, ScheduleTwoAnimationsOnSameProperty) {}

// Schedule [{g}, {g,b}, {b}] and ensure that {b} doesn't run right away. That
// is, ensure that all animations targetting a particular property are run in
// order.
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, ScheduleBlockedAnimation) {}

// Schedule {g} and then schedule {g} and {b} together. In this case, since
// ScheduleTogether is being used, the bounds animation should not start until
// the second grayscale animation starts.
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, ScheduleTogether) {}

// Start non-threaded animation (that can run immediately). This is the trivial
// case (see the trival case for ScheduleAnimation).
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, StartAnimationThatCanRunImmediately) {}

// Start threaded animation (that can run immediately).
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, StartThreadedAnimationThatCanRunImmediately) {}

// Preempt by immediately setting new target.
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, PreemptBySettingNewTarget) {}

// Preempt by animating to new target, with a non-threaded animation.
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, PreemptByImmediatelyAnimatingToNewTarget) {}

// Preempt by animating to new target, with a threaded animation.
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, PreemptThreadedByImmediatelyAnimatingToNewTarget) {}

// Preempt by enqueuing the new animation.
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, PreemptEnqueueNewAnimation) {}

// Start an animation when there are sequences waiting in the queue. In this
// case, all pending and running animations should be finished, and the new
// animation started.
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, PreemptyByReplacingQueuedAnimations) {}

TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, StartTogetherSetsLastStepTime) {}

// Preempt by immediately setting new target.
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, MultiPreemptBySettingNewTarget) {}

// Preempt by animating to new target.
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, MultiPreemptByImmediatelyAnimatingToNewTarget) {}

// Preempt a threaded animation by animating to new target.
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, MultiPreemptThreadedByImmediatelyAnimatingToNewTarget) {}

// Preempt by enqueuing the new animation.
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, MultiPreemptEnqueueNewAnimation) {}

// Start an animation when there are sequences waiting in the queue. In this
// case, all pending and running animations should be finished, and the new
// animation started.
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, MultiPreemptByReplacingQueuedAnimations) {}
// Test that non-threaded cyclic sequences continue to animate.
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, CyclicSequences) {}

// Test that threaded cyclic sequences continue to animate.
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, ThreadedCyclicSequences) {}

TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, AddObserverExplicit) {}

// Tests that an observer added to a scoped settings object is still notified
// when the object goes out of scope.
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, ImplicitAnimationObservers) {}

// Tests that caching render surface added to a scoped settings object is still
// reset when the object goes out of scope.
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, CacheRenderSurface) {}

// Tests that caching render surface added to a scoped settings object will not
// crash when the layer was destroyed.
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, CacheRenderSurfaceOnWillBeDestroyedLayer) {}

// Tests that caching render surface added to two scoped settings objects is
// still reset when animation finishes.
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, CacheRenderSurfaceInTwoAnimations) {}

// Tests that deferred painting request added to a scoped settings object is
// still reset when the object goes out of scope.
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, DeferredPaint) {}

// Tests that deferred painting request is added to child layers and will be
// removed even the child layer was reparented.
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, DeferredPaintOnChildLayer) {}

// Tests that deffered paint request added to two scoped settings objects is
// still reset when animation finishes.
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, DeferredPaintInTwoAnimations) {}

// Tests that deferred paint request added to a scoped settings object will
// not crash when the layer was destroyed.
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, DeferredPaintOnWillBeDestroyedLayer) {}

// Tests that trilinear filtering request added to a scoped settings object is
// still reset when the object goes out of scope.
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, TrilinearFiltering) {}

// Tests that trilinear filtering request added to a scoped settings object will
// not crash when the layer was destroyed.
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, TrilinearFilteringOnWillBeDestroyedLayer) {}

// Tests that trilinear filtering request added to two scoped settings objects
// is still reset when animation finishes.
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, TrilinearFilteringInTwoAnimations) {}

// Tests that an observer added to a scoped settings object is still notified
// when the object goes out of scope due to the animation being interrupted.
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, InterruptedImplicitAnimationObservers) {}

// Tests that LayerAnimator is not deleted after the animation completes as long
// as there is a live ScopedLayerAnimationSettings object wrapped around it.
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, AnimatorKeptAliveBySettings) {}

// Tests that an observer added to a scoped settings object is not notified
// when the animator is destroyed unless explicitly requested.
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, ImplicitObserversAtAnimatorDestruction) {}

TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, AbortedAnimationStatusInImplicitObservers) {}

TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, RemoveObserverShouldRemoveFromSequences) {}

TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, ObserverReleasedBeforeAnimationSequenceEnds) {}

TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, ObserverAttachedAfterAnimationStarted) {}

TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, ObserverDetachedBeforeAnimationFinished) {}

// This checks that if an animation is deleted due to a callback, that the
// animator does not try to use the deleted animation. For example, if we have
// two running animations, and the first finishes and the resulting callback
// causes the second to be deleted, we should not attempt to animate the second
// animation.
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, ObserverDeletesAnimationsOnEnd) {}

// Ensure that stopping animation in a bounds change does not crash and that
// animation gets stopped correctly.
// This scenario is possible when animation is restarted from inside a
// callback triggered by the animation progress.
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, CallbackDeletesAnimationInProgress) {}

// Similar to the ObserverDeletesAnimationsOnEnd test above except that it
// tests the behavior when the OnLayerAnimationAborted() callback causes
// all of the animator's other animations to be deleted.
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, ObserverDeletesAnimationsOnAbort) {}

// Check that setting a property during an animation with a default animator
// cancels the original animation.
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, SettingPropertyDuringAnAnimation) {}

// Tests that the preemption mode IMMEDIATELY_SET_NEW_TARGET, doesn't cause the
// second sequence to be leaked.
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, ImmediatelySettingNewTargetDoesNotLeak) {}

// Verifies GetTargetOpacity() works when multiple sequences are scheduled.
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, GetTargetOpacity) {}

// Verifies GetTargetBrightness() works when multiple sequences are scheduled.
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, GetTargetBrightness) {}

// Verifies GetTargetGrayscale() works when multiple sequences are scheduled.
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, GetTargetGrayscale) {}

// Verifies color property is modified appropriately.
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, Color) {}

// Verifies SchedulePauseForProperties().
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, SchedulePauseForProperties) {}

// Verifies that IsAnimatingOnePropertyOf() returns true iff at least one of the
// input properties is animated.
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, IsAnimatingOnePropertyOf) {}

class AnimatorOwner {};

class DeletingObserver : public LayerAnimationObserver {};

TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, ObserverDeletesAnimatorAfterFinishingAnimation) {}

TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, ObserverDeletesAnimatorAfterStoppingAnimating) {}

TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, ObserverDeletesAnimatorAfterScheduling) {}

TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, ObserverDeletesAnimatorAfterAborted) {}

TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, TestSetterRespectEnqueueStrategy) {}

class CollectionLayerAnimationDelegate : public TestLayerAnimationDelegate {};

TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, LayerAnimatorCollectionTickTime) {}

// Verifies that sequences are removed from the animation queue prior to be
// notified of being started. This will allow observers to abort animations in
// the OnLayerAnimationStarted() callback without triggering a sequence to be
// started a second time.
     SequencesAreRemovedFromQueueBeforeBeingNotifiedOfStarted) {}

TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, AnimatorStartedCorrectly) {}

TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, AnimatorRemovedFromCollectionWhenLayerIsDestroyed) {}

TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, LayerMovedBetweenCompositorsDuringAnimation) {}

TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, ThreadedAnimationSurvivesIfLayerRemovedAdded) {}

class LayerOwnerAnimationObserver : public LayerAnimationObserver {};

TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, ObserverDeletesLayerInStopAnimating) {}

     SetPropertyWithObserverThatDeletesLayerInStopAnimating) {}

     SetPropertyWithObserverThatDeletesLayerOnImplicitAnimationCompletion) {}

class CountCyclesObserver : public LayerAnimationObserver {};

// Verifies that an observer is notified each time a LayerAnimationSequence's
// cycle has ended.
TEST(LayerAnimatorTest, ObserverGetsNotifiedOnCycleEnded) {}

// Verifies the LayerAnimatorObserver notification order for an animation
// sequence that completes successfully.
     SuccessfulCompletionOfSequence) {}

// Verifies the LayerAnimatorObserver notification order for an animation
// sequence that is aborted after being scheduled.
TEST(LayerAnimatorObserverNotificationOrderTest, AbortingAScheduledSequence) {}

// Verifies the LayerAnimatorObserver notification order for an animation
// sequence that is queued up after another sequence that
// completes successfully.
     RunningASequenceThatIsQueuedForLaterStartTime) {}

// Verifies the LayerAnimatorObserver notification order for an animation
// sequence that pre-empts another sequence.
     RunningASequenceThatPreEmptsAnotherSequence) {}

// Verifies that an observer can be attached to a LayerAnimationSequence that
// has already been scheduled.
     ObserverAddedAfterAnimationStarts) {}

}  // namespace ui