// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <CoreGraphics/CGDirectDisplay.h>
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "ui/display/mac/display_link_mac.h"
namespace ui {
class CASharedState;
class CADisplayLinkMac : public DisplayLinkMac {
// Create a CADisplayLinkMac for the specified display.
static scoped_refptr<CADisplayLinkMac> GetForDisplayOnCurrentThread(
CGDirectDisplayID display_id);
// DisplayLinkMac implementation
std::unique_ptr<VSyncCallbackMac> RegisterCallback(
VSyncCallbackMac::Callback callback) override;
double GetRefreshRate() const override;
void GetRefreshIntervalRange(base::TimeDelta& min_interval,
base::TimeDelta& max_interval,
base::TimeDelta& granularity) const override;
void SetPreferredInterval(base::TimeDelta interval) override;
// Use the same minimum, maximum and preferred frame rate for the fixed frame
// rate rerquest. If different minimum and maximum frame rates are set, the
// actual callback rate will be dynamically adjusted to better align with
// other animation sources.
void SetPreferredIntervalRange(base::TimeDelta min_interval,
base::TimeDelta max_interval,
base::TimeDelta preferred_interval) override;
base::TimeTicks GetCurrentTime() const override;
explicit CADisplayLinkMac(CASharedState* share_state);
~CADisplayLinkMac() override;
CADisplayLinkMac(const CADisplayLinkMac&) = delete;
CADisplayLinkMac& operator=(const CADisplayLinkMac&) = delete;
// This is called by VSyncCallbackMac's destructor.
void UnregisterCallback(VSyncCallbackMac* callback);
// Return a nearest refresh interval that is supported by CADisplaylink.
base::TimeDelta AdjustedToSupportedInterval(base::TimeDelta interval);
// A single Wrapper is shared between all CADisplayLinkMac instances that have
// same display ID on the same thread. This is manually retained and released.
raw_ptr<CASharedState> shared_state_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<CADisplayLinkMac> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace ui