// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/cancelable_callback.h"
#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/scoped_multi_source_observation.h"
#include "build/chromeos_buildflags.h"
#include "ui/display/display.h"
#include "ui/display/display_layout.h"
#include "ui/display/display_observer.h"
#include "ui/display/manager/display_configurator.h"
#include "ui/display/manager/display_manager_export.h"
#include "ui/display/manager/display_manager_observer.h"
#include "ui/display/manager/managed_display_info.h"
#include "ui/display/manager/touch_device_manager.h"
#include "ui/display/manager/util/display_manager_util.h"
#include "ui/display/tablet_state.h"
#include "ui/display/types/display_constants.h"
#include "ui/display/unified_desktop_utils.h"
namespace gfx {
class Insets;
class Rect;
} // namespace gfx
namespace display {
class DisplayChangeObserver;
class DisplayLayoutStore;
class DisplayObserver;
class NativeDisplayDelegate;
class Screen;
namespace test {
class DisplayManagerTestApi;
} // namespace test
// DisplayManager maintains the current display configurations,
// and notifies observers when configuration changes.
: public DisplayConfigurator::SoftwareMirroringController {
virtual ~Delegate() = default;
virtual void CreateDisplay(const Display& display) = 0;
virtual void RemoveDisplay(const Display& display) = 0;
virtual void UpdateDisplayMetrics(const Display& display,
uint32_t metrics) = 0;
// Create or updates the mirroring window with |display_info_list|.
virtual void CreateOrUpdateMirroringDisplay(
const DisplayInfoList& display_info_list) = 0;
// Closes the mirror window if not necessary.
virtual void CloseMirroringDisplayIfNotNecessary() = 0;
// Sets the primary display by display id.
virtual void SetPrimaryDisplayId(int64_t id) = 0;
// Called before and after the display configuration changes. When
// |clear_focus| is true, the implementation should deactivate the active
// window and set the focus window to NULL.
virtual void PreDisplayConfigurationChange(bool clear_focus) = 0;
virtual void PostDisplayConfigurationChange() = 0;
// How secondary displays will be used.
// 1) EXTENDED mode extends the desktop onto additional displays, creating one
// root window for each display. Each display has a shelf and status tray,
// and each user window is only rendered on a single display.
// 2) MIRRORING mode copies the content of the primary display to the second
// display via software mirroring. This only supports 2 displays for now.
// 3) UNIFIED mode creates a virtual desktop with a *single* root window that
// spans multiple physical displays via software mirroring. The primary
// physical display has a shelf and status tray, and user windows may
// render spanning across multiple displays.
// WARNING: These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be
// renumbered and numeric values should never be reused.
enum MultiDisplayMode {
// Always keep this the last item.
explicit DisplayManager(std::unique_ptr<Screen> screen);
DisplayManager(const DisplayManager&) = delete;
DisplayManager& operator=(const DisplayManager&) = delete;
~DisplayManager() override;
DisplayLayoutStore* layout_store() { return layout_store_.get(); }
void set_delegate(Delegate* delegate) { delegate_ = delegate; }
// When set to true, the DisplayManager calls OnDisplayMetricsChanged even if
// the display's bounds didn't change. Used to swap primary display.
void set_force_bounds_changed(bool force_bounds_changed) {
force_bounds_changed_ = force_bounds_changed;
void set_internal_display_has_accelerometer(bool has_accelerometer) {
internal_display_has_accelerometer_ = has_accelerometer;
// Returns the display id of the first display in the output list.
int64_t first_display_id() const { return first_display_id_; }
TouchDeviceManager* touch_device_manager() const {
return touch_device_manager_.get();
DisplayConfigurator* configurator() { return display_configurator_.get(); }
const UnifiedDesktopLayoutMatrix& current_unified_desktop_matrix() const {
return current_unified_desktop_matrix_;
void SetConfigureDisplays(bool configure_displays);
// Initializes displays using command line flag. Returns false if no command
// line flag was provided.
bool InitFromCommandLine();
// Initialize default display.
void InitDefaultDisplay();
// Update the internal display's display info.
void UpdateInternalDisplay(const ManagedDisplayInfo& display_info);
// Initializes font related params that depends on display configuration.
void RefreshFontParams();
// Returns the display layout used for current displays.
const DisplayLayout& GetCurrentDisplayLayout() const;
// Returns the actual display layout after it has been resolved and applied.
const DisplayLayout& GetCurrentResolvedDisplayLayout() const;
// Returns the currently connected display list.
DisplayIdList GetConnectedDisplayIdList() const;
// Test if the `connected_display_id_list_` matches the internal state of
// DisplayManager, which is a combination of
// `hardware_mirroring_display_id_list_`, `software_mirroring_display_list_`
// and the `display_id_list` argument which is the list of displays that host
// the desktop environment. In unified desktop mode, the `active_id_list` will
// be ignored because it is not a real display but virtual (i.e. not a
// physical display).
bool IsConnectedDisplayIdListInSyncWithCurrentState(
const DisplayIdList& display_id_list) const;
// Sets the layout for the current display pair. The |layout| specifies the
// location of the displays relative to their parents.
void SetLayoutForCurrentDisplays(std::unique_ptr<DisplayLayout> layout);
// Returns display for given |display_id|.
const Display& GetDisplayForId(int64_t display_id) const;
// Checks the validity of given |display_id|.
bool IsDisplayIdValid(int64_t display_id) const;
void OnScreenBrightnessChanged(float brightness);
// Finds the display that contains |point| in screen coordinates. Returns
// invalid display if there is no display that can satisfy the condition.
const Display& FindDisplayContainingPoint(
const gfx::Point& point_in_screen) const;
// Sets the work area's |insets| to the display given by |display_id|.
bool UpdateWorkAreaOfDisplay(int64_t display_id, const gfx::Insets& insets);
// Registers the overscan insets for the display of the specified ID. Note
// that the insets size should be specified in DIP size. It also triggers the
// display's bounds change.
void SetOverscanInsets(int64_t display_id, const gfx::Insets& insets_in_dip);
// Sets the display's rotation for the given |source|. The new |rotation| will
// also become active.
void SetDisplayRotation(int64_t display_id,
Display::Rotation rotation,
Display::RotationSource source);
// Sets the external display's configuration, including resolution change and
// device scale factor change. Returns true if it changes the display
// resolution so that the caller needs to show a notification in case the new
// resolution actually doesn't work.
bool SetDisplayMode(int64_t display_id,
const ManagedDisplayMode& display_mode);
// Register per display properties.
// |overscan_insets| is null if the display has no custom overscan insets.
// |touch_calibration_data| is null if the display has no touch calibration
// associated data.
void RegisterDisplayProperty(
int64_t display_id,
Display::Rotation rotation,
const gfx::Insets* overscan_insets,
const gfx::Size& resolution_in_pixels,
float device_scale_factor,
float display_zoom_factor,
const DisplaySizeToZoomFactorMap& display_zoom_factor_map,
float refresh_rate,
bool is_interlaced,
VariableRefreshRateState variable_refresh_rate_state,
const std::optional<float>& vsync_rate_min);
// Register stored rotation properties for the internal display.
void RegisterDisplayRotationProperties(bool rotation_lock,
Display::Rotation rotation);
// Returns the stored rotation lock preference if it has been loaded,
// otherwise false.
bool registered_internal_display_rotation_lock() const {
return registered_internal_display_rotation_lock_;
// Returns the stored rotation preference for the internal display if it has
// been loaded, otherwise |Display::Rotate_0|.
Display::Rotation registered_internal_display_rotation() const {
return registered_internal_display_rotation_;
// Fills in the display |mode| currently in use in |display_id| if found,
// returning true in that case, otherwise false.
bool GetActiveModeForDisplayId(int64_t display_id,
ManagedDisplayMode* mode) const;
// Returns true and fills in the display's selected |mode| if found, or false.
bool GetSelectedModeForDisplayId(int64_t display_id,
ManagedDisplayMode* mode) const;
// Sets the selected mode of |display_id| to |display_mode| if it's a
// supported mode. This doesn't trigger reconfiguration or observers
// notifications. This is suitable to be used from within an observer
// notification to prevent reentrance to UpdateDisplaysWith().
void SetSelectedModeForDisplayId(int64_t display_id,
const ManagedDisplayMode& display_mode);
// Tells if the virtual resolution feature is enabled.
bool IsDisplayUIScalingEnabled() const;
// Returns the current overscan insets for the specified |display_id|.
// Returns an empty insets (0, 0, 0, 0) if no insets are specified for the
// display.
gfx::Insets GetOverscanInsets(int64_t display_id) const;
// Called when display configuration has changed. The new display
// configurations is passed as a vector of Display object, which contains each
// display's new information.
void OnNativeDisplaysChanged(
const std::vector<ManagedDisplayInfo>& display_info_list);
// Updates current displays using current |display_info_|.
void UpdateDisplays();
// Returns the display at |index|. The display at 0 is no longer considered
// "primary".
const Display& GetDisplayAt(size_t index) const;
const Display& GetPrimaryDisplayCandidate() const;
// This is called by ScreenAsh when the primary display is requested, but
// there is no valid display. It provides a display that
// - has a non-empty screen rect
// - has a valid gfx::BufferFormat
// This exists to enable buggy observers assume that the primary display
// will always have non-zero size and a valid gfx::BufferFormat. The right
// solution to this problem is to fix those observers.
// https://crbug.com/866714, https://crbug.com/1057501
static const Display& GetFakePrimaryDisplay();
// Returns the logical number of displays. This returns 1 when displays are
// mirrored.
size_t GetNumDisplays() const;
// Returns only the currently active displays. This list does not include the
// displays that will be removed if |UpdateDisplaysWith| is currently
// executing.
// See https://crbug.com/632755
const Displays& active_only_display_list() const {
return is_updating_display_list_ ? active_only_display_list_
: active_display_list();
const Displays& active_display_list() const { return active_display_list_; }
// Returns true if the display specified by |display_id| is currently
// connected and active. (mirroring display isn't active, for example).
bool IsActiveDisplayId(int64_t display_id) const;
// Returns the number of connected displays. For example, this returns 2 in
// mirror mode with one external display.
size_t num_connected_displays() const {
return connected_display_id_list_.size();
// Returns true if either software or hardware mirror mode is active.
bool IsInMirrorMode() const;
// Returns true if software mirror mode is active. Note that when
// SoftwareMirroringEnabled() returns true, it only means software mirroring
// mode is requested, but it does not guarantee that the mode is active. The
// mode will be active after UpdateDisplaysWith() is called.
bool IsInSoftwareMirrorMode() const;
// Returns true if hardware mirror mode is active.
bool IsInHardwareMirrorMode() const;
int64_t mirroring_source_id() const { return mirroring_source_id_; }
// Returns a list of mirroring destination display ids.
DisplayIdList GetMirroringDestinationDisplayIdList() const;
const Displays& software_mirroring_display_list() const {
return software_mirroring_display_list_;
// Used in test to prevent previous mirror modes affecting current mode.
void set_disable_restoring_mirror_mode_for_test(bool disabled) {
disable_restoring_mirror_mode_for_test_ = disabled;
const std::set<int64_t>& external_display_mirror_info() const {
return external_display_mirror_info_;
void set_external_display_mirror_info(
const std::set<int64_t>& external_display_mirror_info) {
external_display_mirror_info_ = external_display_mirror_info;
void set_should_restore_mirror_mode_from_display_prefs(bool value) {
should_restore_mirror_mode_from_display_prefs_ = value;
const std::optional<MixedMirrorModeParams>& mixed_mirror_mode_params() const {
return mixed_mirror_mode_params_;
// Set mixed mirror mode parameters. The parameters will be used to restore
// mixed mirror mode in the next display configuration. (Use SetMirrorMode()
// to immediately switch to mixed mirror mode.)
void set_mixed_mirror_mode_params(
const std::optional<MixedMirrorModeParams> mixed_params) {
mixed_mirror_mode_params_ = mixed_params;
void dec_screen_capture_active_counter() {
DCHECK_GT(screen_capture_active_counter_, 0);
void inc_screen_capture_active_counter() { ++screen_capture_active_counter_; }
bool screen_capture_is_active() const {
return screen_capture_active_counter_ > 0;
// Remove mirroring source and destination displays, so that they will be
// updated when UpdateDisplaysWith() is called.
void ClearMirroringSourceAndDestination();
// Sets/gets if the unified desktop feature is enabled.
void SetUnifiedDesktopEnabled(bool enabled);
bool unified_desktop_enabled() const { return unified_desktop_enabled_; }
// Returns true if it's in unified desktop mode.
bool IsInUnifiedMode() const;
// Sets the Unified Desktop layout using the given |matrix| and sets the
// current mode to Unified Desktop.
void SetUnifiedDesktopMatrix(const UnifiedDesktopLayoutMatrix& matrix);
// Returns the Unified Desktop mode mirroring display according to the
// supplied |cell_position| in the matrix. Returns invalid display if we're
// not in Unified mode.
Display GetMirroringDisplayForUnifiedDesktop(
DisplayPositionInUnifiedMatrix cell_position) const;
// Returns the index of the row in the Unified Mode layout matrix which
// contains the display with |display_id|.
int GetMirroringDisplayRowIndexInUnifiedMatrix(int64_t display_id) const;
// Returns the maximum display height of the row with |row_index| in the
// Unified Mode layout matrix.
int GetUnifiedDesktopRowMaxHeight(int row_index) const;
// Returns the display used for software mirroring. Returns invalid display
// if not found.
const Display GetMirroringDisplayById(int64_t id) const;
// Retuns the display info associated with |display_id|.
const ManagedDisplayInfo& GetDisplayInfo(int64_t display_id) const;
// Returns the human-readable name for the display |id|.
std::string GetDisplayNameForId(int64_t id) const;
// Returns true if mirror mode should be set on for the specified displays.
// If |should_check_hardware_mirroring| is true, the state of
// IsInHardwareMirroringMode() will also be taken into account.
bool ShouldSetMirrorModeOn(const DisplayIdList& id_list,
bool should_check_hardware_mirroring);
// Change the mirror mode. |mixed_params| will be ignored if mirror mode is
// off or normal. When mirror mode is off, display mode will be set to default
// mode (either extended mode or unified desktop mode). When mirror mode is
// normal, the default source display will be mirrored to all other displays.
// When mirror mode is mixed, the specified source display will be mirrored to
// the specified destination displays and all other connected displays will be
// extended.
void SetMirrorMode(MirrorMode mode,
const std::optional<MixedMirrorModeParams>& mixed_params);
// Used to emulate display change when run in a desktop environment instead
// of on a device.
void AddRemoveDisplay();
void ToggleDisplayScaleFactor();
void InitConfigurator(std::unique_ptr<NativeDisplayDelegate> delegate);
void ForceInitialConfigureWithObservers(
display::DisplayChangeObserver* display_change_observer,
display::DisplayConfigurator::Observer* display_error_observer);
// SoftwareMirroringController override:
void SetSoftwareMirroring(bool enabled) override;
bool SoftwareMirroringEnabled() const override;
bool IsSoftwareMirroringEnforced() const override;
// Sets the touch calibration data via `TouchDeviceManager`, mapping
// `touchdevice` to the given `display_id`. If `apply_spatial_calibration` is
// true, the bounds and valid screen space of the target touch device are also
// calibrated, otherwise this information is thrown out.
void SetTouchCalibrationData(
int64_t display_id,
const TouchCalibrationData::CalibrationPointPairQuad& point_pair_quad,
const gfx::Size& display_bounds,
const ui::TouchscreenDevice& touchdevice,
bool apply_spatial_calibration);
void ClearTouchCalibrationData(
int64_t display_id,
std::optional<ui::TouchscreenDevice> touchdevice);
void UpdateZoomFactor(int64_t display_id, float zoom_factor);
bool HasUnassociatedDisplay() const;
// Sets/gets default multi display mode.
void SetDefaultMultiDisplayModeForCurrentDisplays(MultiDisplayMode mode);
MultiDisplayMode current_default_multi_display_mode() const {
return current_default_multi_display_mode_;
// Sets multi display mode.
void SetMultiDisplayMode(MultiDisplayMode mode);
// Reconfigure display configuration using the same physical display.
// TODO(oshima): Refactor and move this impl to |SetDefaultMultiDisplayMode|.
void ReconfigureDisplays();
// Update the bounds of the display given by |display_id|.
bool UpdateDisplayBounds(int64_t display_id, const gfx::Rect& new_bounds);
// Creates mirror window asynchronously if the software mirror mode is
// enabled.
void CreateMirrorWindowAsyncIfAny();
// A unit test may change the internal display id (which never happens on a
// real device). This will update the mode list for internal display for this
// test scenario.
void UpdateInternalManagedDisplayModeListForTest();
// Zooms the display identified by |display_id| by increasing or decreasing
// its zoom factor value by 1 unit. Zooming in will have no effect on the
// display if it is already at its maximum zoom. Vice versa for zooming out.
bool ZoomDisplay(int64_t display_id, bool up);
// Resets the zoom value to 1 for the display identified by |display_id|.
void ResetDisplayZoom(int64_t display_id);
// Sets `tablet_state_` and notifies observers of display.
void SetTabletState(const TabletState& tablet_state);
// DisplayObserver notification utilities.
void NotifyMetricsChanged(const Display& display, uint32_t metrics);
void NotifyDisplayAdded(const Display& display);
void NotifyWillRemoveDisplays(const Displays& display);
void NotifyDisplaysRemoved(const Displays& displays);
// DisplayManagerObserver notification utilities.
void NotifyDisplaysInitialized();
void NotifyWillProcessDisplayChanges();
void NotifyDidProcessDisplayChanges(
const DisplayManagerObserver::DisplayConfigurationChange& config_change);
void NotifyWillApplyDisplayChanges(bool clear_focus);
void NotifyDidApplyDisplayChanges();
// Delegated from the Screen implementation.
void AddDisplayObserver(DisplayObserver* observer);
void RemoveDisplayObserver(DisplayObserver* observer);
// Add/Remove interface for DisplayManager::Obserevrs.
void AddDisplayManagerObserver(DisplayManagerObserver* observer);
void RemoveDisplayManagerObserver(DisplayManagerObserver* observer);
display::TabletState GetTabletState() const;
friend class test::DisplayManagerTestApi;
friend class DisplayLayoutStore;
// See description above |notify_depth_| for details.
class BeginEndNotifier {
explicit BeginEndNotifier(DisplayManager* display_manager,
bool notify_on_pending_change_only = false);
BeginEndNotifier(const BeginEndNotifier&) = delete;
BeginEndNotifier& operator=(const BeginEndNotifier&) = delete;
// Uses the pending display change data in display manager to create the
// config change object propagated to observers.
DisplayManagerObserver::DisplayConfigurationChange CreateConfigChange()
// Propagates change notifications only if `pending_display_changes_` is
// non-empty. This is necessary to handle change notifications triggering
// further changes and nested notifications.
// TODO(crbug.com/328134509): Update DisplayManager to better handle display
// changes during change propagation.
bool notify_on_pending_change_only_ = false;
raw_ptr<DisplayManager> display_manager_;
// Tracks the in-progress change to the current display configuration. This is
// reported to observers when the last BeginEndNotifier goes out of scope.
struct PendingDisplayChanges {
PendingDisplayChanges(const PendingDisplayChanges&) = delete;
PendingDisplayChanges& operator=(const PendingDisplayChanges&) = delete;
// True if there are no stored pending changes.
bool IsEmpty() const;
// Store added display_ids to avoid copying potentially stale display
// objects while update state is accumulated.
DisplayIdList added_display_ids;
// Store displays by value as removed displays are no longer persisted by
// the manager once removed from the `active_display_list_`.
Displays removed_displays;
// Maps the display_id to its metrics change.
base::flat_map<int64_t, uint32_t> display_metrics_changes;
void set_change_display_upon_host_resize(bool value) {
change_display_upon_host_resize_ = value;
// Updates the internal display data using `updated_display_info_list` and
// notifies observers about the changes.
void UpdateDisplaysWith(
const std::vector<ManagedDisplayInfo>& updated_display_info_list);
// Creates software mirroring display related information. The display used to
// mirror the content is removed from the |display_info_list|.
void CreateSoftwareMirroringDisplayInfo(DisplayInfoList* display_info_list);
// Same as above but for Unified Desktop.
void CreateUnifiedDesktopDisplayInfo(DisplayInfoList* display_info_list);
// Finds an display for given |display_id|. Returns nullptr if not found.
Display* FindDisplayForId(int64_t display_id);
// Add the mirror display's display info if the software based mirroring is in
// use. This should only be called before UpdateDisplaysWith().
void AddMirrorDisplayInfoIfAny(DisplayInfoList* display_info_list);
// Inserts and update the ManagedDisplayInfo according to the overscan state.
// Note that The ManagedDisplayInfo stored in the |internal_display_info_| can
// be different from |new_info| (due to overscan state), so you must use
// |GetDisplayInfo| to get the correct ManagedDisplayInfo for a display.
void InsertAndUpdateDisplayInfo(const ManagedDisplayInfo& new_info);
// Applies recommended zoom factor when necessary, only used when an external
// display is connected for the first time. e.g. when a 4K native mode is used
// when firstly connected, the content is almost certainly too small.
void ApplyDefaultZoomFactorIfNecessary(ManagedDisplayInfo& info);
// Creates a display object from the ManagedDisplayInfo for
// |display_id|.
Display CreateDisplayFromDisplayInfoById(int64_t display_id);
// Creates a display object from the ManagedDisplayInfo for |display_id| for
// mirroring. The size of the display will be scaled using |scale| with the
// offset using |origin|.
Display CreateMirroringDisplayFromDisplayInfoById(int64_t display_id,
const gfx::Point& origin,
float scale);
// Updates the bounds of all non-primary displays in |display_list| and append
// the indices of displays updated to |updated_indices|. When the size of
// |display_list| equals 2, the bounds are updated using the layout registered
// for the display pair. For more than 2 displays, the bounds are updated
// using horizontal layout.
void UpdateNonPrimaryDisplayBoundsForLayout(
Displays* display_list,
std::vector<size_t>* updated_indices);
void CreateMirrorWindowIfAny();
void RunPendingTasksForTest();
// Applies the |layout| and updates the bounds of displays in |display_list|.
// |updated_ids| contains the ids for displays whose bounds have changed.
void ApplyDisplayLayout(DisplayLayout* layout,
Displays* display_list,
std::vector<int64_t>* updated_ids);
// Update the info used to restore mirror mode.
void UpdateInfoForRestoringMirrorMode();
void UpdatePrimaryDisplayIdIfNecessary();
void UpdateLayoutForMixedMode();
raw_ptr<Delegate> delegate_ = nullptr; // not owned.
// When set to true, DisplayManager will use DisplayConfigurator to configure
// displays. By default, this is set to true when running on device and false
// when running off device.
bool configure_displays_ = false;
std::unique_ptr<Screen> screen_;
std::unique_ptr<DisplayLayoutStore> layout_store_;
std::unique_ptr<DisplayLayout> current_resolved_layout_;
// The matrix that's used to layout the displays in Unified Desktop mode.
UnifiedDesktopLayoutMatrix current_unified_desktop_matrix_;
std::map<int64_t, int> mirroring_display_id_to_unified_matrix_row_;
std::vector<int> unified_display_rows_heights_;
int64_t first_display_id_ = kInvalidDisplayId;
// List of current active displays. Active displays are the ones used to host
// the user's desktop environment and exclude displays that mirror other
// displays. This may contain the off-screen, virtual display (e.g. in unified
// desktop mode).
Displays active_display_list_;
// This list does not include the displays that will be removed if
// |UpdateDisplaysWith| is under execution.
// See https://crbug.com/632755
Displays active_only_display_list_;
// True if active_display_list is being modified and has displays that are not
// presently active.
// See https://crbug.com/632755
bool is_updating_display_list_ = false;
// True if the display manager is currently performing an update in
// `UpdateDisplaysWith()`. Remove once root cause behind primary display
// issue has been resolved (see crbug.com/330166338).
bool is_updating_displays_ = false;
DisplayIdList connected_display_id_list_;
bool force_bounds_changed_ = false;
// The mapping from the display ID to its internal data.
std::map<int64_t, ManagedDisplayInfo> display_info_;
// Selected display modes for displays. Key is the displays' ID.
std::map<int64_t, ManagedDisplayMode> display_modes_;
// When set to true, the host window's resize event updates the display's
// size. This is set to true when running on desktop environment (for
// debugging) so that resizing the host window will update the display
// properly. This is set to false on device as well as during the unit tests.
bool change_display_upon_host_resize_ = false;
MultiDisplayMode multi_display_mode_ = EXTENDED;
MultiDisplayMode current_default_multi_display_mode_ = EXTENDED;
// This is used in two distinct ways:
// 1. The source display id when software mirroring is active.
// 2. There's no source and destination display in hardware mirroring, so we
// treat the first mirroring display id as source id when hardware mirroring
// is active.
int64_t mirroring_source_id_ = kInvalidDisplayId;
// This is used in two distinct ways:
// 1. when software mirroring is active this contains the destination
// displays.
// 2. when unified mode is enabled this is the set of physical displays.
Displays software_mirroring_display_list_;
// There's no source and destination display in hardware mirroring, so we
// treat the first mirroring display as source and store its id in
// |mirroring_source_id_| and treat the rest of mirroring displays as
// destination and store their ids in this list.
DisplayIdList hardware_mirroring_display_id_list_;
// Stores external displays that were in mirror mode before.
// These are display ids without output index.
std::set<int64_t> external_display_mirror_info_;
// This is set to true when the display prefs have been loaded from local
// state to signal that we should restore the mirror mode state from
// |external_display_mirror_info_| in the upcoming display re-configuration.
bool should_restore_mirror_mode_from_display_prefs_ = false;
// True if mirror mode should not be restored. Only used in test.
bool disable_restoring_mirror_mode_for_test_ = false;
// Cached mirror mode for metrics changed notification.
bool mirror_mode_for_metrics_ = false;
// User preference for rotation lock of the internal display.
bool registered_internal_display_rotation_lock_ = false;
// User preference for the rotation of the internal display.
Display::Rotation registered_internal_display_rotation_ = Display::ROTATE_0;
bool unified_desktop_enabled_ = false;
bool internal_display_has_accelerometer_ = false;
// Set during screen capture to enable software compositing of mouse cursor,
// this is a counter to enable multiple active sessions at once.
int screen_capture_active_counter_ = 0;
// Holds a callback to help RunPendingTasksForTest() to exit at the correct
// time.
base::OnceClosure created_mirror_window_;
// TODO(oshima): Make this non reentrant.
base::ObserverList<DisplayObserver> display_observers_;
base::ObserverList<DisplayManagerObserver> manager_observers_;
// Not empty if mixed mirror mode should be turned on (the specified source
// display is mirrored to the specified destination displays). Empty if mixed
// mirror mode is disabled.
std::optional<MixedMirrorModeParams> mixed_mirror_mode_params_;
// This is incremented whenever a BeginEndNotifier is created and decremented
// when destroyed. BeginEndNotifier uses this to track when it should call
// OnWillProcessDisplayChanges() and OnDidProcessDisplayChanges().
int notify_depth_ = 0;
// State accumulated during a display configuration update. Created when
// BeginEndNotifier is created and propagated in OnDidProcessDisplayChanges()
// when the last BeginEndNotifier is destroyed.
std::optional<PendingDisplayChanges> pending_display_changes_;
std::unique_ptr<display::DisplayConfigurator> display_configurator_;
std::unique_ptr<TouchDeviceManager> touch_device_manager_;
// A cancelable callback to trigger sending UMA metrics when display zoom is
// updated. The reason we need a cancelable callback is because we dont want
// to record UMA metrics for changes to the display zoom that are temporary.
// Temporary changes may include things like the user trying out different
// zoom levels before making the final decision.
base::CancelableOnceClosure on_display_zoom_modify_timeout_;
// Stores the id of the display being added during creation process. This is
// used to skip updating.
// TODO(crbug.com/329003664): Consolidate this logic and BeginEndNotifier.
std::optional<int64_t> in_creating_display_;
display::TabletState tablet_state_ = display::TabletState::kInClamshellMode;
base::WeakPtrFactory<DisplayManager> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace display
namespace base {
// Since DisplayManagerObserver and DisplayObserver has custom methods to add
// and remove observers, we need define new trait customizations to use
// `base::ScopedObservation` and `base::ScopedMultiSourceObservation`. See
// `base/scoped_observation_traits.h` for more details.
template <>
struct ScopedObservationTraits<display::DisplayManager,
display::DisplayManagerObserver> {
static void AddObserver(display::DisplayManager* source,
display::DisplayManagerObserver* observer) {
static void RemoveObserver(display::DisplayManager* source,
display::DisplayManagerObserver* observer) {
template <>
struct ScopedObservationTraits<display::DisplayManager,
display::DisplayObserver> {
static void AddObserver(display::DisplayManager* source,
display::DisplayObserver* observer) {
static void RemoveObserver(display::DisplayManager* source,
display::DisplayObserver* observer) {
} // namespace base