// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/raw_ref.h"
#include "base/observer_list_types.h"
#include "ui/display/display.h"
#include "ui/display/manager/display_manager_export.h"
namespace display {
class DISPLAY_MANAGER_EXPORT DisplayManagerObserver
: public base::CheckedObserver {
using Displays = std::vector<Display>;
// Wraps updated metrics for `display`. `changed_metrics` is a bitmask of
// DisplayObserver::DisplayMetric types.
struct DISPLAY_EXPORT DisplayMetricsChange {
DisplayMetricsChange(const Display& display, uint32_t changed_metrics);
const raw_ref<const Display> display;
const uint32_t changed_metrics;
// Represents an atomic change in the display configuration of the user's
// desktop environment maintained by DisplayManager.
struct DISPLAY_EXPORT DisplayConfigurationChange {
Displays added_displays,
Displays removed_displays,
std::vector<DisplayMetricsChange> display_metrics_changes);
const Displays added_displays;
const Displays removed_displays;
const std::vector<DisplayMetricsChange> display_metrics_changes;
// Invoked only once after all displays are initialized after startup in
// DisplayManager delegate.
virtual void OnDisplaysInitialized() {}
// Called before the DisplayManager begins processing a change / update to
// the current display configuration.
virtual void OnWillProcessDisplayChanges() {}
// Called after the display configuration changes processed by the
// DisplayManager have completed.
virtual void OnDidProcessDisplayChanges(
const DisplayConfigurationChange& configuration_change) {}
// Called before the DisplayManager delegate starts applying the display
// configuration changes.
virtual void OnWillApplyDisplayChanges() {}
// Called after the DisplayManager delegate has applied the display
// configuration changes.
virtual void OnDidApplyDisplayChanges() {}
} // namespace display