// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/display/manager/touch_transform_controller.h"
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/ranges/algorithm.h"
#include "ui/display/display_layout.h"
#include "ui/display/manager/display_manager.h"
#include "ui/display/manager/managed_display_info.h"
#include "ui/display/manager/touch_device_manager.h"
#include "ui/display/manager/touch_transform_setter.h"
#include "ui/display/screen.h"
#include "ui/display/types/display_constants.h"
#include "ui/display/types/display_snapshot.h"
#include "ui/events/devices/device_data_manager.h"
#include "ui/events/devices/touch_device_transform.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/transform.h"
namespace display {
namespace {
// Given an array of touch point and display point pairs, this function computes
// and returns the constants(defined below) using a least fit algorithm.
// If (xt, yt) is a touch point then its corresponding (xd, yd) would be defined
// by the following 2 equations:
// xd = xt * A + yt * B + C
// yd = xt * D + yt * E + F
// This function computes A, B, C, D, E and F and sets |ctm| with the calibrated
// transform matrix. In case the computation fails, the function will return
// false.
// See http://crbug.com/672293
bool GetCalibratedTransform(
std::array<std::pair<gfx::Point, gfx::Point>, 4> touch_point_pairs,
const gfx::Transform& pre_calibration_tm,
gfx::Transform* ctm) {
// Transform the display points before solving the equation.
// If the calibration was performed at a resolution that is 0.5 times the
// current resolution, then the display points (x, y) for a given touch point
// now represents a display point at (2 * x, 2 * y). This and other kinds of
// similar transforms can be applied using |pre_calibration_tm|.
for (int row = 0; row < 4; row++) {
touch_point_pairs[row].first =
// Vector of the X-coordinate of display points corresponding to each of the
// touch points.
float display_points_x[4] = {
// Vector of the Y-coordinate of display points corresponding to each of the
// touch points.
float display_points_y[4] = {
// Initialize |touch_point_matrix|
// If {(xt_1, yt_1), (xt_2, yt_2), (xt_3, yt_3)....} are a set of touch points
// received during calibration, then the |touch_point_matrix| would be defined
// as:
// |xt_1 yt_1 1 0|
// |xt_2 yt_2 1 0|
// |xt_3 yt_3 1 0|
// |xt_4 yt_4 1 0|
gfx::Transform touch_point_matrix;
for (int row = 0; row < 4; row++) {
touch_point_matrix.set_rc(row, 0, touch_point_pairs[row].second.x());
touch_point_matrix.set_rc(row, 1, touch_point_pairs[row].second.y());
touch_point_matrix.set_rc(row, 2, 1);
touch_point_matrix.set_rc(row, 3, 0);
gfx::Transform touch_point_matrix_transpose = touch_point_matrix;
gfx::Transform product_matrix =
touch_point_matrix_transpose * touch_point_matrix;
// Set (3, 3) = 1 so that |determinant| of the matrix is != 0 and the inverse
// can be calculated.
product_matrix.set_rc(3, 3, 1);
gfx::Transform product_matrix_inverse;
// NOTE: If the determinant is zero then the inverse cannot be computed. The
// only solution is to restart touch calibration and get new points from user.
if (!product_matrix.GetInverse(&product_matrix_inverse)) {
<< "Touch Calibration failed. Determinant is zero.";
return false;
product_matrix_inverse.set_rc(3, 3, 0);
product_matrix = product_matrix_inverse * touch_point_matrix_transpose;
// The result [A, B, C, 0] will be used to calibrate the x-coordinate of
// touch input:
// x_new = x_old * A + y_old * B + C;
// The result [D, E, F, 0] will be used to calibrate the y-coordinate of
// touch input:
// y_new = x_old * D + y_old * E + F;
// Create a transform matrix using the touch calibration data.
// clang-format off
display_points_x[0], display_points_x[1], 0, display_points_x[2],
display_points_y[0], display_points_y[1], 0, display_points_y[2],
0, 0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1));
// clang-format on
return true;
// Returns an uncalibrated touch transform.
gfx::Transform GetUncalibratedTransform(const gfx::Transform& tm,
const ManagedDisplayInfo& display,
const ManagedDisplayInfo& touch_display,
const gfx::SizeF& touch_area,
const gfx::SizeF& touch_native_size) {
gfx::SizeF current_size(display.bounds_in_native().size());
gfx::Transform ctm(tm);
// Take care of panel fitting only if supported. Panel fitting is emulated
// in software mirroring mode (display != touch_display).
// If panel fitting is enabled then the aspect ratio is preserved and the
// display is scaled accordingly. In this case blank regions would be present
// in order to center the displayed area.
if (display.is_aspect_preserving_scaling() ||
display.id() != touch_display.id()) {
float touch_calib_ar =
touch_native_size.width() / touch_native_size.height();
float current_ar = current_size.width() / current_size.height();
if (current_ar > touch_calib_ar) { // Letterboxing
0, (1 - current_ar / touch_calib_ar) * 0.5 * current_size.height());
ctm.Scale(1, current_ar / touch_calib_ar);
} else if (touch_calib_ar > current_ar) { // Pillarboxing
(1 - touch_calib_ar / current_ar) * 0.5 * current_size.width(), 0);
ctm.Scale(touch_calib_ar / current_ar, 1);
// Take care of scaling between touchscreen area and display resolution.
ctm.Scale(current_size.width() / touch_area.width(),
current_size.height() / touch_area.height());
return ctm;
DisplayIdList GetConnectedDisplayIdList(const DisplayManager* display_manager) {
if (display_manager->num_connected_displays() == 1)
return DisplayIdList{display_manager->first_display_id()};
return display_manager->GetConnectedDisplayIdList();
} // namespace
TouchTransformController::UpdateData::UpdateData() = default;
TouchTransformController::UpdateData::~UpdateData() = default;
// This is to compute the scale ratio for the TouchEvent's radius. The
// configured resolution of the display is not always the same as the touch
// screen's reporting resolution, e.g. the display could be set as
// 1920x1080 while the touchscreen is reporting touch position range at
// 32767x32767. Touch radius is reported in the units the same as touch position
// so we need to scale the touch radius to be compatible with the display's
// resolution. We compute the scale as
// sqrt of (display_area / touchscreen_area)
double TouchTransformController::GetTouchResolutionScale(
const ManagedDisplayInfo& touch_display,
const ui::TouchscreenDevice& touch_device) const {
if (touch_device.id == ui::InputDevice::kInvalidId ||
touch_device.size.IsEmpty() ||
return 1.0;
double display_area = touch_display.bounds_in_native().size().Area64();
double touch_area = touch_device.size.Area64();
double ratio = std::sqrt(display_area / touch_area);
VLOG(2) << "Display size: "
<< touch_display.bounds_in_native().size().ToString()
<< ", Touchscreen size: " << touch_device.size.ToString()
<< ", Touch radius scale ratio: " << ratio;
return ratio;
gfx::Transform TouchTransformController::GetTouchTransform(
const ManagedDisplayInfo& display,
const ManagedDisplayInfo& touch_display,
const ui::TouchscreenDevice& touchscreen) const {
auto current_size = gfx::SizeF(display.bounds_in_native().size());
auto touch_native_size = gfx::SizeF(touch_display.GetNativeModeSize());
auto touch_area = gfx::SizeF(touchscreen.size);
gfx::Transform ctm;
if (current_size.IsEmpty() || touch_native_size.IsEmpty() ||
touch_area.IsEmpty() || touchscreen.id == ui::InputDevice::kInvalidId)
return ctm;
// Translate the touch so that it falls within the display bounds. This
// should not be performed if the displays are mirrored.
if (display.id() == touch_display.id()) {
// If the device is currently under calibration, then do not return any
// transform as we want to use the raw native touch input data for calibration
if (is_calibrating_)
return ctm;
TouchCalibrationData calibration_data =
touchscreen, touch_display.id());
// If touch calibration data is unavailable, use naive approach.
if (calibration_data.IsEmpty()) {
return GetUncalibratedTransform(ctm, display, touch_display, touch_area,
// The resolution at which the touch calibration was performed.
gfx::SizeF touch_calib_size(calibration_data.bounds);
// Any additional transformation that needs to be applied to the display
// points, before we solve for the final transform.
gfx::Transform pre_transform;
if (display.id() != touch_display.id() ||
display.is_aspect_preserving_scaling()) {
// Case of displays being mirrored or in panel fitting mode.
// Aspect ratio of the touch display's resolution during calibration.
float calib_ar = touch_calib_size.width() / touch_calib_size.height();
// Aspect ratio of the display that is being mirrored.
float current_ar = current_size.width() / current_size.height();
if (current_ar < calib_ar) {
pre_transform.Scale(current_size.height() / touch_calib_size.height(),
current_size.height() / touch_calib_size.height());
(current_ar / calib_ar - 1.f) * touch_calib_size.width() * 0.5f, 0);
} else {
pre_transform.Scale(current_size.width() / touch_calib_size.width(),
current_size.width() / touch_calib_size.width());
0, (calib_ar / current_ar - 1.f) * touch_calib_size.height() * 0.5f);
} else {
// Case of current resolution being different from the resolution when the
// touch calibration was performed.
pre_transform.Scale(current_size.width() / touch_calib_size.width(),
current_size.height() / touch_calib_size.height());
// Solve for coefficients and compute transform matrix.
gfx::Transform stored_ctm;
if (!GetCalibratedTransform(calibration_data.point_pairs, pre_transform,
&stored_ctm)) {
// TODO(malaykeshav): This can be checked at the calibration step before
// storing the calibration associated data. This will allow us to explicitly
// inform the user with proper UX.
// Return uncalibrated transform.
return GetUncalibratedTransform(ctm, display, touch_display, touch_area,
return stored_ctm;
DisplayManager* display_manager,
std::unique_ptr<TouchTransformSetter> setter)
: display_manager_(display_manager),
touch_transform_setter_(std::move(setter)) {}
TouchTransformController::~TouchTransformController() {}
void TouchTransformController::UpdateTouchTransforms() const {
UpdateData update_data;
void TouchTransformController::UpdateTouchRadius(
const ManagedDisplayInfo& display,
UpdateData* update_data) const {
for (const auto& device :
->GetAssociatedTouchDevicesForDisplay(display.id())) {
DCHECK_EQ(0u, update_data->device_to_scale.count(device.id));
device.id, GetTouchResolutionScale(display, device));
void TouchTransformController::UpdateTouchTransform(
int64_t target_display_id,
const ManagedDisplayInfo& touch_display,
const ManagedDisplayInfo& target_display,
UpdateData* update_data) const {
ui::TouchDeviceTransform touch_device_transform;
touch_device_transform.display_id = target_display_id;
for (const auto& device :
->GetAssociatedTouchDevicesForDisplay(touch_display.id())) {
touch_device_transform.device_id = device.id;
touch_device_transform.transform =
GetTouchTransform(target_display, touch_display, device);
auto device_to_scale_iter = update_data->device_to_scale.find(device.id);
if (device_to_scale_iter != update_data->device_to_scale.end())
touch_device_transform.radius_scale = device_to_scale_iter->second;
void TouchTransformController::UpdateTouchTransforms(
UpdateData* update_data) const {
if (display_manager_->num_connected_displays() == 0)
DisplayIdList display_id_list = GetConnectedDisplayIdList(display_manager_);
DisplayInfoList display_info_list;
for (int64_t display_id : display_id_list) {
DCHECK(display_id != kInvalidDisplayId);
UpdateTouchRadius(display_info_list.back(), update_data);
if (display_manager_->IsInMirrorMode()) {
std::size_t primary_display_id_index = std::distance(
for (std::size_t index = 0; index < display_id_list.size(); index++) {
// In extended but software mirroring mode, there is a WindowTreeHost
// for each display, but all touches are forwarded to the primary root
// window's WindowTreeHost.
// In mirror mode, there is just one WindowTreeHost and two displays.
// Make the WindowTreeHost accept touch events from both displays.
std::size_t touch_display_index =
? primary_display_id_index
: index;
display_info_list[touch_display_index], update_data);
for (std::size_t index = 0; index < display_id_list.size(); index++) {
UpdateTouchTransform(display_id_list[index], display_info_list[index],
display_info_list[index], update_data);
void TouchTransformController::SetForCalibration(bool is_calibrating) {
is_calibrating_ = is_calibrating;
} // namespace display