// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "ui/display/manager/display_manager_export.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size_f.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/transform.h"
namespace ui {
struct TouchscreenDevice;
struct TouchDeviceTransform;
} // namespace ui
namespace display {
class DisplayManager;
class ManagedDisplayInfo;
class TouchTransformSetter;
namespace test {
class TouchTransformControllerTest;
class TouchTransformControllerTestApi;
} // namespace test
// TouchTransformController matches touchscreen displays with touch
// input-devices and computes the coordinate transforms between display space
// and input-device space.
class DISPLAY_MANAGER_EXPORT TouchTransformController {
TouchTransformController(DisplayManager* display_manager,
std::unique_ptr<TouchTransformSetter> setter);
TouchTransformController(const TouchTransformController&) = delete;
TouchTransformController& operator=(const TouchTransformController&) = delete;
// Updates the transform for touch input-devices and pushes the new transforms
// into device manager.
void UpdateTouchTransforms() const;
// During touch calibration we remove the previous transform and update touch
// transformer until calibration is complete.
void SetForCalibration(bool is_calibrating);
friend class test::TouchTransformControllerTest;
friend class test::TouchTransformControllerTestApi;
// Contains the data that is passed to TouchTransformSetter.
struct UpdateData {
std::map<int, double> device_to_scale;
std::vector<ui::TouchDeviceTransform> touch_device_transforms;
void UpdateTouchTransforms(UpdateData* data) const;
// Returns a transform that will be used to change an event's location from
// the touchscreen's coordinate system into |display|'s coordinate system.
// The transform is also responsible for properly scaling the display if the
// display supports panel fitting.
// On Ozone events are reported in the touchscreen's resolution, so
// |touch_display| is used to determine the size and scale the event.
gfx::Transform GetTouchTransform(
const ManagedDisplayInfo& display,
const ManagedDisplayInfo& touch_display,
const ui::TouchscreenDevice& touchscreen) const;
// Returns the scaling factor for the touch radius such that it scales the
// radius from |touch_device|'s coordinate system to the |touch_display|'s
// coordinate system.
double GetTouchResolutionScale(
const ManagedDisplayInfo& touch_display,
const ui::TouchscreenDevice& touch_device) const;
// For the provided |display| update the touch radius mapping in
// |update_data|.
void UpdateTouchRadius(const ManagedDisplayInfo& display,
UpdateData* update_data) const;
// For a given |target_display| and |target_display_id| update the touch
// transformation in |update_data| based on the touchscreen associated with
// |touch_display|. |target_display_id| is the display id to update the
// transform for.
// |touch_display| is the physical display that has the touchscreen
// from which the events arrive.
// |target_display| provides the dimensions to which the touch event will be
// transformed.
void UpdateTouchTransform(int64_t target_display_id,
const ManagedDisplayInfo& touch_display,
const ManagedDisplayInfo& target_display,
UpdateData* update_data) const;
// |display_manager_| are not owned and must outlive TouchTransformController.
raw_ptr<DisplayManager> display_manager_;
bool is_calibrating_ = false;
std::unique_ptr<TouchTransformSetter> touch_transform_setter_;
} // namespace display