// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/display/manager/touch_transform_controller.h"
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "ui/display/manager/default_touch_transform_setter.h"
#include "ui/display/manager/display_manager.h"
#include "ui/display/manager/test/touch_device_manager_test_api.h"
#include "ui/display/manager/touch_device_manager.h"
#include "ui/display/screen_base.h"
#include "ui/events/devices/device_data_manager.h"
namespace display::test {
namespace {
constexpr int kDisplayId1 = 1;
constexpr int kDisplayId2 = 2;
constexpr int kTouchId1 = 5;
constexpr int kTouchId2 = 6;
ui::TouchDeviceTransform CreateTouchDeviceTransform(
int64_t display_id,
int32_t device_id,
const gfx::Transform& transform,
double radius_scale = 1.0) {
ui::TouchDeviceTransform touch_device_transform;
touch_device_transform.display_id = display_id;
touch_device_transform.device_id = device_id;
touch_device_transform.transform = transform;
touch_device_transform.radius_scale = radius_scale;
return touch_device_transform;
ui::TouchscreenDevice CreateTouchscreenDevice(unsigned int id,
const gfx::Size& size) {
return ui::TouchscreenDevice(id, ui::InputDeviceType::INPUT_DEVICE_USB,
std::string(), size, 0);
std::string GetTouchPointString(
const TouchCalibrationData::CalibrationPointPairQuad& pts) {
std::string str = "Failed for point pairs: ";
for (std::size_t row = 0; row < pts.size(); row++) {
str += "{(" + base::NumberToString(pts[row].first.x()) + "," +
base::NumberToString(pts[row].first.y()) + "), (" +
base::NumberToString(pts[row].second.x()) + "," +
base::NumberToString(pts[row].second.y()) + ")} ";
return str;
// Checks if the touch input has been calibrated properly. The input is said to
// be calibrated if any touch input is transformed to the correct corresponding
// display point within an error delta of |max_error_delta.width()| along the X
// axis and |max_error_delta.height()| along the Y axis;
void CheckPointsOfInterests(const int touch_id,
const gfx::Size& touch_size,
const gfx::Size& display_size,
const gfx::Size& max_error_delta,
const std::string& error_msg) {
ui::DeviceDataManager* device_manager = ui::DeviceDataManager::GetInstance();
float x, y;
// Origin of the touch device should correspond to origin of the display.
x = y = 0.0;
device_manager->ApplyTouchTransformer(touch_id, &x, &y);
EXPECT_NEAR(0, x, max_error_delta.width()) << error_msg;
EXPECT_NEAR(0, y, max_error_delta.height()) << error_msg;
// Center of the touch device should correspond to the center of the display
// device.
x = touch_size.width() / 2;
y = touch_size.height() / 2;
device_manager->ApplyTouchTransformer(touch_id, &x, &y);
EXPECT_NEAR(display_size.width() / 2, x, max_error_delta.width())
<< error_msg;
EXPECT_NEAR(display_size.height() / 2, y, max_error_delta.height())
<< error_msg;
// Bottom right corner of the touch device should correspond to rightmost
// corner of display device.
x = touch_size.width();
y = touch_size.height();
device_manager->ApplyTouchTransformer(touch_id, &x, &y);
EXPECT_NEAR(display_size.width(), x, max_error_delta.width()) << error_msg;
EXPECT_NEAR(display_size.height(), y, max_error_delta.height()) << error_msg;
} // namespace
class TouchTransformControllerTest : public testing::Test {
TouchTransformControllerTest() {}
TouchTransformControllerTest(const TouchTransformControllerTest&) = delete;
TouchTransformControllerTest& operator=(const TouchTransformControllerTest&) =
~TouchTransformControllerTest() override {}
gfx::Transform GetTouchTransform(
const ManagedDisplayInfo& display,
const ManagedDisplayInfo& touch_display,
const ui::TouchscreenDevice& touchscreen) const {
return touch_transform_controller_->GetTouchTransform(
display, touch_display, touchscreen);
double GetTouchResolutionScale(
const ManagedDisplayInfo& touch_display,
const ui::TouchscreenDevice& touch_device) const {
return touch_transform_controller_->GetTouchResolutionScale(touch_display,
TouchDeviceManager* touch_device_manager() { return touch_device_manager_; }
// testing::Test:
void SetUp() override {
std::unique_ptr<ScreenBase> screen = std::make_unique<ScreenBase>();
display_manager_ = std::make_unique<DisplayManager>(std::move(screen));
touch_device_manager_ = display_manager_->touch_device_manager();
touch_transform_controller_ = std::make_unique<TouchTransformController>(
void TearDown() override {
ManagedDisplayInfo CreateDisplayInfo(int64_t id,
const ui::TouchscreenDevice& device,
const gfx::Rect& bounds) {
ManagedDisplayInfo info = display::CreateDisplayInfo(id, bounds);
// Create a default mode.
ManagedDisplayInfo::ManagedDisplayModeList default_modes(
1, ManagedDisplayMode(bounds.size(), 60, false, true));
// Associate the display and touch device.
test::TouchDeviceManagerTestApi tdm_test_api(touch_device_manager_);
tdm_test_api.Associate(&info, device);
return info;
std::unique_ptr<DisplayManager> display_manager_;
std::unique_ptr<TouchTransformController> touch_transform_controller_;
raw_ptr<TouchDeviceManager> touch_device_manager_;
TEST_F(TouchTransformControllerTest, MirrorModeLetterboxing) {
gfx::Size fb_size(1920, 1200);
// TODO(kylechar): Check the TouchscreenDevice size makes sense for Ozone.
ui::TouchscreenDevice internal_touchscreen =
CreateTouchscreenDevice(10, fb_size);
ui::TouchscreenDevice external_touchscreen =
CreateTouchscreenDevice(11, fb_size);
// The internal display has native resolution of 2560x1700, and in
// mirror mode it is configured as 1920x1200. This is in letterboxing
// mode.
ManagedDisplayInfo internal_display_info =
CreateDisplayInfo(1, internal_touchscreen, gfx::Rect(0, 0, 1920, 1200));
ManagedDisplayInfo::ManagedDisplayModeList internal_modes;
ManagedDisplayMode(gfx::Size(2560, 1700), 60, false, true));
ManagedDisplayMode(gfx::Size(1920, 1200), 60, false, false));
ManagedDisplayInfo external_display_info =
CreateDisplayInfo(2, external_touchscreen, gfx::Rect(0, 0, 1920, 1200));
ui::DeviceDataManager* device_manager = ui::DeviceDataManager::GetInstance();
std::vector<ui::TouchDeviceTransform> transforms;
internal_display_info.id(), internal_touchscreen.id,
GetTouchTransform(internal_display_info, internal_display_info,
internal_display_info.id(), external_touchscreen.id,
GetTouchTransform(external_display_info, external_display_info,
EXPECT_EQ(1, device_manager->GetTargetDisplayForTouchDevice(10));
EXPECT_EQ(1, device_manager->GetTargetDisplayForTouchDevice(11));
// External touch display has the default TouchTransformer.
float x = 100.0;
float y = 100.0;
device_manager->ApplyTouchTransformer(11, &x, &y);
EXPECT_EQ(100, x);
EXPECT_EQ(100, y);
// In letterboxing, there is (1-2560*(1200/1920)/1700)/2 = 2.95% of the
// height on both the top & bottom region of the screen is blank.
// When touch events coming at Y range [0, 1200), the mapping should be
// [0, ~35] ---> < 0
// [~35, ~1165] ---> [0, 1200)
// [~1165, 1200] ---> >= 1200
x = 100.0;
y = 35.0;
device_manager->ApplyTouchTransformer(10, &x, &y);
EXPECT_NEAR(100, x, 0.5);
EXPECT_NEAR(0, y, 0.5);
x = 100.0;
y = 1165.0;
device_manager->ApplyTouchTransformer(10, &x, &y);
EXPECT_NEAR(100, x, 0.5);
EXPECT_NEAR(1200, y, 0.5);
TEST_F(TouchTransformControllerTest, MirrorModePillarboxing) {
gfx::Size fb_size(1024, 768);
// TODO(kylechar): Check the TouchscreenDevice size makes sense for Ozone.
ui::TouchscreenDevice internal_touchscreen =
CreateTouchscreenDevice(10, fb_size);
ui::TouchscreenDevice external_touchscreen =
CreateTouchscreenDevice(11, fb_size);
// The internal display has native resolution of 1366x768, and in
// mirror mode it is configured as 1024x768. This is in pillarboxing
// mode.
ManagedDisplayInfo internal_display_info =
CreateDisplayInfo(1, internal_touchscreen, gfx::Rect(0, 0, 1024, 768));
ManagedDisplayInfo::ManagedDisplayModeList internal_modes;
ManagedDisplayMode(gfx::Size(1366, 768), 60, false, true));
ManagedDisplayMode(gfx::Size(1024, 768), 60, false, false));
ManagedDisplayInfo external_display_info =
CreateDisplayInfo(2, external_touchscreen, gfx::Rect(0, 0, 1024, 768));
ui::DeviceDataManager* device_manager = ui::DeviceDataManager::GetInstance();
std::vector<ui::TouchDeviceTransform> transforms;
internal_display_info.id(), internal_touchscreen.id,
GetTouchTransform(internal_display_info, internal_display_info,
internal_display_info.id(), external_touchscreen.id,
GetTouchTransform(external_display_info, external_display_info,
EXPECT_EQ(1, device_manager->GetTargetDisplayForTouchDevice(10));
EXPECT_EQ(1, device_manager->GetTargetDisplayForTouchDevice(11));
// External touch display has the default TouchTransformer.
float x = 100.0;
float y = 100.0;
device_manager->ApplyTouchTransformer(11, &x, &y);
EXPECT_EQ(100, x);
EXPECT_EQ(100, y);
// In pillarboxing, there is (1-768*(1024/768)/1366)/2 = 12.5% of the
// width on both the left & right region of the screen is blank.
// When touch events coming at X range [0, 1024), the mapping should be
// [0, ~128] ---> < 0
// [~128, ~896] ---> [0, 1024)
// [~896, 1024] ---> >= 1024
x = 128.0;
y = 100.0;
device_manager->ApplyTouchTransformer(10, &x, &y);
EXPECT_NEAR(0, x, 0.5);
EXPECT_NEAR(100, y, 0.5);
x = 896.0;
y = 100.0;
device_manager->ApplyTouchTransformer(10, &x, &y);
EXPECT_NEAR(1024, x, 0.5);
EXPECT_NEAR(100, y, 0.5);
TEST_F(TouchTransformControllerTest, SoftwareMirrorMode) {
gfx::Size fb_size(1920, 1990);
// TODO(kylechar): Check the TouchscreenDevice size makes sense for Ozone.
ui::TouchscreenDevice display1_touchscreen =
CreateTouchscreenDevice(10, fb_size);
ui::TouchscreenDevice display2_touchscreen =
CreateTouchscreenDevice(11, fb_size);
// External display 1 has size 1280x850. External display 2 has size
// 1920x1080. When using software mirroring to mirror display 1 onto
// display 2, the displays are in extended mode and we map touches from both
// displays to display 1.
// The total frame buffer is 1920x1990,
// where 1990 = 850 + 60 (hidden gap) + 1080 and the second monitor is
// translated to point (0, 950) in the framebuffer.
ManagedDisplayInfo display1_info =
CreateDisplayInfo(1, display1_touchscreen, gfx::Rect(0, 0, 1280, 850));
ManagedDisplayInfo::ManagedDisplayModeList display1_modes;
ManagedDisplayMode(gfx::Size(1280, 850), 60, false, true));
ManagedDisplayInfo display2_info =
CreateDisplayInfo(2, display2_touchscreen, gfx::Rect(0, 950, 1920, 1080));
ManagedDisplayInfo::ManagedDisplayModeList display2_modes;
ManagedDisplayMode(gfx::Size(1920, 1080), 60, false, true));
ui::DeviceDataManager* device_manager = ui::DeviceDataManager::GetInstance();
std::vector<ui::TouchDeviceTransform> transforms;
display1_info.id(), display1_touchscreen.id,
GetTouchTransform(display1_info, display1_info, display1_touchscreen)));
display1_info.id(), display2_touchscreen.id,
GetTouchTransform(display1_info, display2_info, display2_touchscreen)));
EXPECT_EQ(1, device_manager->GetTargetDisplayForTouchDevice(10));
EXPECT_EQ(1, device_manager->GetTargetDisplayForTouchDevice(11));
// Mapping for touch events from display 1's touchscreen:
// [0, 1920) x [0, 1990) -> [0, 1280) x [0, 850)
float x = 0.0;
float y = 0.0;
device_manager->ApplyTouchTransformer(10, &x, &y);
EXPECT_NEAR(0, x, 0.5);
EXPECT_NEAR(0, y, 0.5);
x = 1920.0;
y = 1990.0;
device_manager->ApplyTouchTransformer(10, &x, &y);
EXPECT_NEAR(1280, x, 0.5);
EXPECT_NEAR(850, y, 0.5);
// In pillarboxing, there is (1-1280*(1080/850)/1920)/2 = 7.65% of the
// width on both the left & right region of the screen is blank.
// Events come in the range [0, 1920) x [0, 1990).
// X mapping:
// [0, ~147] ---> < 0
// [~147, ~1773] ---> [0, 1280)
// [~1773, 1920] ---> >= 1280
// Y mapping:
// [0, 1990) -> [0, 1080)
x = 147.0;
y = 0.0;
device_manager->ApplyTouchTransformer(11, &x, &y);
EXPECT_NEAR(0, x, 0.5);
EXPECT_NEAR(0, y, 0.5);
x = 1773.0;
y = 1990.0;
device_manager->ApplyTouchTransformer(11, &x, &y);
EXPECT_NEAR(1280, x, 0.5);
EXPECT_NEAR(850, y, 0.5);
TEST_F(TouchTransformControllerTest, ExtendedMode) {
gfx::Size fb_size(2560, 2428);
// TODO(kylechar): Check the TouchscreenDevice size makes sense for Ozone.
ui::TouchscreenDevice touchscreen1 = CreateTouchscreenDevice(5, fb_size);
ui::TouchscreenDevice touchscreen2 = CreateTouchscreenDevice(6, fb_size);
// The internal display has size 1366 x 768. The external display has
// size 2560x1600. The total frame buffer is 2560x2428,
// where 2428 = 768 + 60 (hidden gap) + 1600
// and the second monitor is translated to Point (0, 828) in the
// framebuffer.
ManagedDisplayInfo display1 =
CreateDisplayInfo(1, touchscreen1, gfx::Rect(0, 0, 1366, 768));
ManagedDisplayInfo display2 =
CreateDisplayInfo(2, touchscreen2, gfx::Rect(0, 828, 2560, 1600));
ui::DeviceDataManager* device_manager = ui::DeviceDataManager::GetInstance();
std::vector<ui::TouchDeviceTransform> transforms;
display1.id(), touchscreen1.id,
GetTouchTransform(display1, display1, touchscreen1)));
display2.id(), touchscreen2.id,
GetTouchTransform(display2, display2, touchscreen2)));
EXPECT_EQ(1, device_manager->GetTargetDisplayForTouchDevice(5));
EXPECT_EQ(2, device_manager->GetTargetDisplayForTouchDevice(6));
// Mapping for touch events from internal touch display:
// [0, 2560) x [0, 2428) -> [0, 1366) x [0, 768)
float x = 0.0;
float y = 0.0;
device_manager->ApplyTouchTransformer(5, &x, &y);
EXPECT_NEAR(0, x, 0.5);
EXPECT_NEAR(0, y, 0.5);
x = 2559.0;
y = 2427.0;
device_manager->ApplyTouchTransformer(5, &x, &y);
EXPECT_NEAR(1365, x, 0.5);
EXPECT_NEAR(768, y, 0.5);
// Mapping for touch events from external touch display:
// [0, 2560) x [0, 2428) -> [0, 2560) x [0, 1600)
x = 0.0;
y = 0.0;
device_manager->ApplyTouchTransformer(6, &x, &y);
// On ozone we expect screen coordinates so add display origin.
EXPECT_NEAR(0 + 0, x, 0.5);
EXPECT_NEAR(0 + 828, y, 0.5);
x = 2559.0;
y = 2427.0;
device_manager->ApplyTouchTransformer(6, &x, &y);
// On ozone we expect screen coordinates so add display origin.
EXPECT_NEAR(2559 + 0, x, 0.5);
EXPECT_NEAR(1599 + 828, y, 0.5);
TEST_F(TouchTransformControllerTest, TouchRadiusScale) {
ui::TouchscreenDevice touch_device =
CreateTouchscreenDevice(5, gfx::Size(100001, 100001));
ManagedDisplayInfo display =
CreateDisplayInfo(1, touch_device, gfx::Rect(0, 0, 2560, 1600));
// Default touchscreen position range is 100001x100001;
EXPECT_EQ(sqrt((2560.0 * 1600.0) / (100001.0 * 100001.0)),
GetTouchResolutionScale(display, touch_device));
TEST_F(TouchTransformControllerTest, OzoneTranslation) {
// The internal display has size 1920 x 1200. The external display has
// size 1920x1200. The total frame buffer is 1920x2450,
// where 2458 = 1200 + 50 (hidden gap) + 1200
// and the second monitor is translated to Point (0, 1250) in the
// framebuffer.
const gfx::Size kDisplaySize(1920, 1200);
const int kHiddenGap = 50;
ui::TouchscreenDevice touchscreen1 =
CreateTouchscreenDevice(kTouchId1, kDisplaySize);
ui::TouchscreenDevice touchscreen2 =
CreateTouchscreenDevice(kTouchId2, kDisplaySize);
ManagedDisplayInfo display1 = CreateDisplayInfo(
kDisplayId1, touchscreen1,
gfx::Rect(0, 0, kDisplaySize.width(), kDisplaySize.height()));
ManagedDisplayInfo display2 =
CreateDisplayInfo(kDisplayId2, touchscreen2,
gfx::Rect(0, kDisplaySize.height() + kHiddenGap,
kDisplaySize.width(), kDisplaySize.height()));
ui::DeviceDataManager* device_manager = ui::DeviceDataManager::GetInstance();
std::vector<ui::TouchDeviceTransform> transforms;
// Mirror displays. Touch screen 2 is associated to display 1.
display1.id(), touchscreen1.id,
GetTouchTransform(display1, display1, touchscreen1)));
display1.id(), touchscreen2.id,
GetTouchTransform(display1, display2, touchscreen2)));
float x, y;
x = y = 0.0;
device_manager->ApplyTouchTransformer(kTouchId1, &x, &y);
EXPECT_NEAR(0, x, 0.5);
EXPECT_NEAR(0, y, 0.5);
x = y = 0.0;
device_manager->ApplyTouchTransformer(kTouchId2, &x, &y);
EXPECT_NEAR(0, x, 0.5);
EXPECT_NEAR(0, y, 0.5);
x = 1920.0;
y = 1200.0;
device_manager->ApplyTouchTransformer(kTouchId1, &x, &y);
EXPECT_NEAR(1920, x, 0.5);
EXPECT_NEAR(1200, y, 0.5);
x = 1920.0;
y = 1200.0;
device_manager->ApplyTouchTransformer(kTouchId2, &x, &y);
EXPECT_NEAR(1920, x, 0.5);
EXPECT_NEAR(1200, y, 0.5);
// Remove mirroring of displays.
display2.id(), touchscreen2.id,
GetTouchTransform(display2, display2, touchscreen2)));
x = 1920.0;
y = 1200.0;
device_manager->ApplyTouchTransformer(kTouchId1, &x, &y);
EXPECT_NEAR(1920, x, 0.5);
EXPECT_NEAR(1200, y, 0.5);
x = 1920.0;
y = 1200.0;
device_manager->ApplyTouchTransformer(kTouchId2, &x, &y);
EXPECT_NEAR(1920, x, 0.5);
EXPECT_NEAR(1200 + kDisplaySize.height() + kHiddenGap, y, 0.5);
TEST_F(TouchTransformControllerTest, AccurateUserTouchCalibration) {
const gfx::Size kDisplaySize(1920, 1200);
const gfx::Size kTouchSize(1920, 1200);
ui::TouchscreenDevice touchscreen =
CreateTouchscreenDevice(kTouchId1, kTouchSize);
ManagedDisplayInfo display = CreateDisplayInfo(
kDisplayId1, touchscreen,
gfx::Rect(0, 0, kDisplaySize.width(), kDisplaySize.height()));
// Assuming the user provided accurate inputs during calibration. ie the user
// actually tapped (100,100) when asked to tap (100,100) with no human error.
TouchCalibrationData::CalibrationPointPairQuad user_input = {{
std::make_pair(gfx::Point(100, 100), gfx::Point(100, 100)),
std::make_pair(gfx::Point(1820, 100), gfx::Point(1820, 100)),
std::make_pair(gfx::Point(100, 1100), gfx::Point(100, 1100)),
std::make_pair(gfx::Point(1820, 1100), gfx::Point(1820, 1100)),
TouchCalibrationData touch_data(user_input, kDisplaySize);
const std::string msg = GetTouchPointString(user_input);
touch_device_manager()->AddTouchCalibrationData(touchscreen, display.id(),
->GetCalibrationData(touchscreen, display.id())
ui::DeviceDataManager* device_manager = ui::DeviceDataManager::GetInstance();
std::vector<ui::TouchDeviceTransform> transforms;
display.id(), touchscreen.id,
GetTouchTransform(display, display, touchscreen)));
CheckPointsOfInterests(kTouchId1, kTouchSize, kDisplaySize, gfx::Size(1, 1),
TEST_F(TouchTransformControllerTest, ErrorProneUserTouchCalibration) {
const gfx::Size kDisplaySize(1920, 1200);
const gfx::Size kTouchSize(1920, 1200);
// User touch inputs have a max error of 5%.
const float kError = 0.05;
// The maximum user error rate is |kError|%. Since the calibration is
// performed with a best fit algorithm, the error rate observed should be less
// than |kError|.
const gfx::Size kMaxErrorDelta = gfx::ScaleToCeiledSize(kTouchSize, kError);
ui::TouchscreenDevice touchscreen =
CreateTouchscreenDevice(kTouchId1, kTouchSize);
ManagedDisplayInfo display = CreateDisplayInfo(
kDisplayId1, touchscreen,
gfx::Rect(0, 0, kDisplaySize.width(), kDisplaySize.height()));
// Assuming the user provided inaccurate inputs during calibration. ie the
// user did not tap (100,100) when asked to tap (100,100) due to human error.
TouchCalibrationData::CalibrationPointPairQuad user_input = {
{std::make_pair(gfx::Point(100, 100), gfx::Point(130, 60)),
std::make_pair(gfx::Point(1820, 100), gfx::Point(1878, 130)),
std::make_pair(gfx::Point(100, 1100), gfx::Point(158, 1060)),
std::make_pair(gfx::Point(1820, 1100), gfx::Point(1790, 1140))}};
TouchCalibrationData touch_data(user_input, kDisplaySize);
const std::string msg = GetTouchPointString(user_input);
touch_device_manager()->AddTouchCalibrationData(touchscreen, display.id(),
->GetCalibrationData(touchscreen, display.id())
ui::DeviceDataManager* device_manager = ui::DeviceDataManager::GetInstance();
std::vector<ui::TouchDeviceTransform> transforms;
display.id(), touchscreen.id,
GetTouchTransform(display, display, touchscreen)));
CheckPointsOfInterests(kTouchId1, kTouchSize, kDisplaySize, kMaxErrorDelta,
TEST_F(TouchTransformControllerTest, ResolutionChangeUserTouchCalibration) {
const gfx::Size kDisplaySize(2560, 1600);
const gfx::Size kTouchSize(1920, 1200);
// User touch inputs have a max error of 5%.
const float kError = 0.05;
// The maximum user error rate is |kError|%. Since the calibration is
// performed with a best fit algorithm, the error rate observed should be less
// tha |kError|.
gfx::Size kMaxErrorDelta = gfx::ScaleToCeiledSize(kDisplaySize, kError);
ui::TouchscreenDevice touchscreen =
CreateTouchscreenDevice(kTouchId1, kTouchSize);
ManagedDisplayInfo display = CreateDisplayInfo(
kDisplayId1, touchscreen,
gfx::Rect(0, 0, kDisplaySize.width(), kDisplaySize.height()));
// The calibration was performed at a resolution different from the curent
// resolution of the display.
const gfx::Size CALIBRATION_SIZE(1920, 1200);
TouchCalibrationData::CalibrationPointPairQuad user_input = {
{std::make_pair(gfx::Point(100, 100), gfx::Point(50, 70)),
std::make_pair(gfx::Point(1820, 100), gfx::Point(1780, 70)),
std::make_pair(gfx::Point(100, 1100), gfx::Point(70, 1060)),
std::make_pair(gfx::Point(1820, 1100), gfx::Point(1770, 1140))}};
TouchCalibrationData touch_data(user_input, CALIBRATION_SIZE);
const std::string msg = GetTouchPointString(user_input);
touch_device_manager()->AddTouchCalibrationData(touchscreen, display.id(),
->GetCalibrationData(touchscreen, display.id())
ui::DeviceDataManager* device_manager = ui::DeviceDataManager::GetInstance();
std::vector<ui::TouchDeviceTransform> transforms;
display.id(), touchscreen.id,
GetTouchTransform(display, display, touchscreen)));
CheckPointsOfInterests(kTouchId1, kTouchSize, kDisplaySize, kMaxErrorDelta,
TEST_F(TouchTransformControllerTest, DifferentBoundsUserTouchCalibration) {
// The display bounds is different from the touch device bounds in this test.
const gfx::Size kDisplaySize(1024, 600);
const gfx::Size kTouchSize(4096, 4096);
const float kAcceptableError = 0.04;
gfx::Size kMaxErrorDelta =
gfx::ScaleToCeiledSize(kDisplaySize, kAcceptableError);
ui::TouchscreenDevice touchscreen =
CreateTouchscreenDevice(kTouchId1, kTouchSize);
ManagedDisplayInfo display = CreateDisplayInfo(
kDisplayId1, touchscreen,
gfx::Rect(0, 0, kDisplaySize.width(), kDisplaySize.height()));
// Real world data.
TouchCalibrationData::CalibrationPointPairQuad user_input = {
{std::make_pair(gfx::Point(136, 136), gfx::Point(538, 931)),
std::make_pair(gfx::Point(873, 136), gfx::Point(3475, 922)),
std::make_pair(gfx::Point(136, 411), gfx::Point(611, 2800)),
std::make_pair(gfx::Point(873, 411), gfx::Point(3535, 2949))}};
TouchCalibrationData touch_data(user_input, kDisplaySize);
const std::string msg = GetTouchPointString(user_input);
touch_device_manager()->AddTouchCalibrationData(touchscreen, display.id(),
->GetCalibrationData(touchscreen, display.id())
ui::DeviceDataManager* device_manager = ui::DeviceDataManager::GetInstance();
std::vector<ui::TouchDeviceTransform> transforms;
display.id(), touchscreen.id,
GetTouchTransform(display, display, touchscreen)));
CheckPointsOfInterests(kTouchId1, kTouchSize, kDisplaySize, kMaxErrorDelta,
TEST_F(TouchTransformControllerTest, LetterboxingUserTouchCalibration) {
// The internal display has native resolution of 2560x1700, and in
// mirror mode it is configured as 1920x1200. This is in letterboxing
// mode.
const gfx::Size kNativeDisplaySize(2560, 1700);
const gfx::Size kDisplaySize(1920, 1200);
const gfx::Size kTouchSize(1920, 1200);
ui::TouchscreenDevice internal_touchscreen =
CreateTouchscreenDevice(kTouchId1, kTouchSize);
ManagedDisplayInfo internal_display_info = CreateDisplayInfo(
kDisplayId1, internal_touchscreen,
gfx::Rect(0, 0, kDisplaySize.width(), kDisplaySize.height()));
ManagedDisplayInfo::ManagedDisplayModeList internal_modes;
gfx::Size(kNativeDisplaySize.width(), kNativeDisplaySize.height()), 60,
false, true));
ManagedDisplayMode(gfx::Size(kDisplaySize.width(), kDisplaySize.height()),
60, false, false));
ui::DeviceDataManager* device_manager = ui::DeviceDataManager::GetInstance();
// Assuming the user provided inaccurate inputs during calibration. ie the
// user did not tap (100,100) when asked to tap (100,100) due to human error.
// Since the display is of size 2560x1700 and the touch device is of size
// 1920x1200, the corresponding points have to be scaled.
TouchCalibrationData::CalibrationPointPairQuad user_input = {{
std::make_pair(gfx::Point(100, 100), gfx::Point(75, 71)),
std::make_pair(gfx::Point(2460, 100), gfx::Point(1845, 71)),
std::make_pair(gfx::Point(100, 1600), gfx::Point(75, 1130)),
std::make_pair(gfx::Point(2460, 1600), gfx::Point(1845, 1130)),
// The calibration was performed at the native display resolution.
TouchCalibrationData touch_data(user_input, kNativeDisplaySize);
internal_touchscreen, internal_display_info.id(), touch_data);
->GetCalibrationData(internal_touchscreen, internal_display_info.id())
std::vector<ui::TouchDeviceTransform> transforms;
internal_display_info.id(), internal_touchscreen.id,
GetTouchTransform(internal_display_info, internal_display_info,
float x, y;
// In letterboxing, there is (1-2560*(1200/1920)/1700)/2 = 2.95% of the
// height on both the top & bottom region of the screen is blank.
// When touch events coming at Y range [0, 1200), the mapping should be
// [0, ~35] ---> < 0
// [~35, ~1165] ---> [0, 1200)
// [~1165, 1200] ---> >= 1200
x = 100.0;
y = 35.0;
device_manager->ApplyTouchTransformer(kTouchId1, &x, &y);
EXPECT_NEAR(100, x, 0.5);
EXPECT_NEAR(0, y, 0.5);
x = 100.0;
y = 1165.0;
device_manager->ApplyTouchTransformer(kTouchId1, &x, &y);
EXPECT_NEAR(100, x, 0.5);
EXPECT_NEAR(1200, y, 0.5);
TEST_F(TouchTransformControllerTest, PillarBoxingUserTouchCalibration) {
// The internal display has native resolution of 2560x1700, and in
// mirror mode it is configured as 1920x1200. This is in letterboxing
// mode.
const gfx::Size kNativeDisplaySize(2560, 1600);
const gfx::Size kDisplaySize(1920, 1400);
ui::TouchscreenDevice internal_touchscreen =
CreateTouchscreenDevice(kTouchId1, kDisplaySize);
ManagedDisplayInfo internal_display_info = CreateDisplayInfo(
kDisplayId1, internal_touchscreen,
gfx::Rect(0, 0, kDisplaySize.width(), kDisplaySize.height()));
ManagedDisplayInfo::ManagedDisplayModeList internal_modes;
gfx::Size(kNativeDisplaySize.width(), kNativeDisplaySize.height()), 60,
false, true));
ManagedDisplayMode(gfx::Size(kDisplaySize.width(), kDisplaySize.height()),
60, false, false));
ui::DeviceDataManager* device_manager = ui::DeviceDataManager::GetInstance();
// Assuming the user provided accurate inputs during calibration. ie the user
// actually tapped (100,100) when asked to tap (100,100) with no human error.
// Since the display is of size 2560x1600 and the touch device is of size
// 1920x1400, the corresponding points have to be scaled.
TouchCalibrationData::CalibrationPointPairQuad user_input = {{
std::make_pair(gfx::Point(100, 100), gfx::Point(75, 88)),
std::make_pair(gfx::Point(2460, 100), gfx::Point(1845, 88)),
std::make_pair(gfx::Point(100, 1500), gfx::Point(75, 1313)),
std::make_pair(gfx::Point(2460, 1500), gfx::Point(1845, 1313)),
// The calibration was performed at the native display resolution.
TouchCalibrationData touch_data(user_input, kNativeDisplaySize);
internal_touchscreen, internal_display_info.id(), touch_data);
->GetCalibrationData(internal_touchscreen, internal_display_info.id())
std::vector<ui::TouchDeviceTransform> transforms;
internal_display_info.id(), internal_touchscreen.id,
GetTouchTransform(internal_display_info, internal_display_info,
float x, y;
// In pillarboxing, there is (1-1600*(1920/1400)/2560)/2 = 7.14% of the
// width on both the left & region region of the screen is blank.
// When touch events coming at X range [0, 1920), the mapping should be
// [0, ~137] ---> < 0
// [~137, ~1782] ---> [0, 1920)
// [~1782, 1920] ---> >= 1920
x = 136.0;
y = 0.0;
device_manager->ApplyTouchTransformer(kTouchId1, &x, &y);
EXPECT_LT(-1.0f, x);
EXPECT_LT(x, 0.0f);
EXPECT_NEAR(0.0f, y, 0.01f);
x = 137.0;
y = 0.0;
device_manager->ApplyTouchTransformer(kTouchId1, &x, &y);
EXPECT_LT(0.0f, x);
EXPECT_LT(x, 1.0f);
EXPECT_NEAR(0.0f, y, 0.01f);
x = 1782.0;
y = 0.0;
device_manager->ApplyTouchTransformer(kTouchId1, &x, &y);
EXPECT_LT(1919.0f, x);
EXPECT_LT(x, 1920.0f);
EXPECT_NEAR(0.0f, y, 0.01f);
x = 1783.0;
y = 0.0;
device_manager->ApplyTouchTransformer(kTouchId1, &x, &y);
EXPECT_LT(1920.0f, x);
EXPECT_LT(x, 1921.0f);
EXPECT_NEAR(0.0f, y, 0.01f);
} // namespace display::test