
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <stdint.h>

#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>

#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "ui/display/manager/configure_displays_task.h"
#include "ui/display/manager/display_configurator.h"
#include "ui/display/types/native_display_observer.h"

namespace display {

class DisplaySnapshot;
class DisplayLayoutManager;
class NativeDisplayDelegate;

class DISPLAY_MANAGER_EXPORT UpdateDisplayConfigurationTask
    : public NativeDisplayObserver {
  using ResponseCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(
      const std::vector<raw_ptr<DisplaySnapshot, VectorExperimental>>&,
      const std::vector<raw_ptr<DisplaySnapshot, VectorExperimental>>&,

      NativeDisplayDelegate* delegate,
      DisplayLayoutManager* layout_manager,
      MultipleDisplayState new_display_state,
      chromeos::DisplayPowerState new_power_state,
      int power_flags,
      const base::flat_set<int64_t>& new_vrr_state,
      const DisplayConfigurator::RefreshRateOverrideMap& refresh_rate_overrides,
      bool force_configure,
      ConfigurationType configuration_type,
      ResponseCallback callback);

  UpdateDisplayConfigurationTask(const UpdateDisplayConfigurationTask&) =
  UpdateDisplayConfigurationTask& operator=(
      const UpdateDisplayConfigurationTask&) = delete;

  ~UpdateDisplayConfigurationTask() override;

  void Run();

  // display::NativeDisplayObserver:
  void OnConfigurationChanged() override;
  void OnDisplaySnapshotsInvalidated() override;

  // Callback to NativeDisplayDelegate::GetDisplays().
  void OnDisplaysUpdated(
      const std::vector<raw_ptr<DisplaySnapshot, VectorExperimental>>&

  // Callback to ConfigureDisplaysTask used to process the result of a display
  // configuration run.
  void OnStateEntered(ConfigureDisplaysTask::Status status);

  // If the initial display configuration run failed due to errors entering
  // mirror more, another configuration run is executed to enter software
  // mirroring. This is the callback used to process the result of that
  // configuration.
  void OnEnableSoftwareMirroring(ConfigureDisplaysTask::Status status);

  // Starts the configuration process. |callback| is used to continue the task
  // after |configure_task_| finishes executing.
  void EnterState(ConfigureDisplaysTask::ResponseCallback callback);

  // Finishes display configuration and runs |callback_|.
  void FinishConfiguration(bool success);

  // Returns true if the DPMS state should be force to on.
  bool ShouldForceDpms() const;

  // Returns true if a display configuration is required.
  bool ShouldConfigure() const;

  // Returns a display state based on the power state.
  MultipleDisplayState ChooseDisplayState() const;

  // Returns whether a display configuration is required to meet the desired
  // variable refresh rate setting.
  bool ShouldConfigureVrr() const;

  // Returns whether a display configuration is required to apply or remove
  // the requested refresh rate overrides.
  bool ShouldConfigureRefreshRate() const;

  raw_ptr<NativeDisplayDelegate> delegate_;       // Not owned.
  raw_ptr<DisplayLayoutManager> layout_manager_;  // Not owned.

  // Requested display state.
  MultipleDisplayState new_display_state_;

  // Requested power state.
  chromeos::DisplayPowerState new_power_state_;

  // Bitwise-or-ed values for the kSetDisplayPower* values defined in
  // DisplayConfigurator.
  int power_flags_;

  // The requested VRR state which lists the set of display ids that should have
  // VRR enabled, while all omitted displays should have VRR disabled.
  const base::flat_set<int64_t> new_vrr_state_;

  const DisplayConfigurator::RefreshRateOverrideMap refresh_rate_overrides_;

  bool force_configure_;

  // Whether the configuration task should be done without blanking the
  // displays.
  const ConfigurationType configuration_type_;

  // Used to signal that the task has finished.
  ResponseCallback callback_;

  bool requesting_displays_;

  // List of updated displays.
  std::vector<raw_ptr<DisplaySnapshot, VectorExperimental>> cached_displays_;

  // List of updated displays which have no associated crtc. It can happen
  // when the device is connected with so many displays that has no available
  // crtc to assign.
  std::vector<raw_ptr<DisplaySnapshot, VectorExperimental>>

  std::unique_ptr<ConfigureDisplaysTask> configure_task_;

  base::WeakPtrFactory<UpdateDisplayConfigurationTask> weak_ptr_factory_{this};

}  // namespace display