
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "ui/display/types/display_snapshot.h"

#include <inttypes.h>

#include <sstream>

#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"

namespace display {

namespace {

// The display serial number beginning byte position and its length in the
// EDID number as defined in the spec.
constexpr size_t kSerialNumberBeginningByte =;
constexpr size_t kSerialNumberLengthInBytes =;

std::string ModeListString(
    const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DisplayMode>>& modes) {}

}  // namespace

    int64_t display_id,
    int64_t port_display_id,
    int64_t edid_display_id,
    uint16_t connector_index,
    const gfx::Point& origin,
    const gfx::Size& physical_size,
    DisplayConnectionType type,
    uint64_t base_connector_id,
    const std::vector<uint64_t>& path_topology,
    bool is_aspect_preserving_scaling,
    bool has_overscan,
    PrivacyScreenState privacy_screen_state,
    bool has_content_protection_key,
    const ColorInfo& color_info,
    std::string display_name,
    const base::FilePath& sys_path,
    DisplayModeList modes,
    PanelOrientation panel_orientation,
    const std::vector<uint8_t>& edid,
    const DisplayMode* current_mode,
    const DisplayMode* native_mode,
    int64_t product_code,
    int32_t year_of_manufacture,
    const gfx::Size& maximum_cursor_size,
    VariableRefreshRateState variable_refresh_rate_state,
    const DrmFormatsAndModifiers& drm_formats_and_modifiers)

DisplaySnapshot::~DisplaySnapshot() = default;

std::unique_ptr<DisplaySnapshot> DisplaySnapshot::Clone() const {}

std::string DisplaySnapshot::ToString() const {}

// static
gfx::BufferFormat DisplaySnapshot::PrimaryFormat() {}

void DisplaySnapshot::AddIndexToDisplayId() {}

bool DisplaySnapshot::IsVrrCapable() const {}

bool DisplaySnapshot::IsVrrEnabled() const {}

void DisplaySnapshot::set_current_mode(const DisplayMode* mode) {}

}  // namespace display