// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/display/win/screen_win.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <shellscalingapi.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <optional>
#include "base/containers/contains.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "base/debug/alias.h"
#include "base/functional/bind.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_helpers.h"
#include "base/hash/hash.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_functions.h"
#include "base/numerics/safe_conversions.h"
#include "base/ranges/algorithm.h"
#include "base/trace_event/trace_event.h"
#include "base/win/win_util.h"
#include "base/win/windows_version.h"
#include "components/device_event_log/device_event_log.h"
#include "ui/display/display.h"
#include "ui/display/display_layout.h"
#include "ui/display/display_layout_builder.h"
#include "ui/display/util/display_util.h"
#include "ui/display/win/display_config_helper.h"
#include "ui/display/win/display_info.h"
#include "ui/display/win/dpi.h"
#include "ui/display/win/local_process_window_finder_win.h"
#include "ui/display/win/scaling_util.h"
#include "ui/display/win/screen_win_display.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/point_conversions.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect_f.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/vector2d.h"
#include "ui/gfx/icc_profile.h"
namespace display {
namespace win {
namespace {
// TODO(robliao): http://crbug.com/615514 Remove when ScreenWin usage is
// resolved with Desktop Aura and WindowTreeHost.
ScreenWin* g_instance = nullptr;
// Gets the DPI for a particular monitor.
std::optional<int> GetPerMonitorDPI(HMONITOR monitor) {
UINT dpi_x, dpi_y;
::GetDpiForMonitor(monitor, MDT_EFFECTIVE_DPI, &dpi_x, &dpi_y))) {
return std::nullopt;
DCHECK_EQ(dpi_x, dpi_y);
return static_cast<int>(dpi_x);
float GetScaleFactorForDPI(int dpi, bool include_accessibility) {
const float scale = display::win::internal::GetScalingFactorFromDPI(dpi);
return include_accessibility
? (scale * UwpTextScaleFactor::Instance()->GetTextScaleFactor())
: scale;
// Gets the raw monitor scale factor.
// Respects the forced device scale factor, and will fall back to the global
// scale factor if per-monitor DPI is not supported.
float GetMonitorScaleFactor(HMONITOR monitor,
bool include_accessibility = true) {
if (Display::HasForceDeviceScaleFactor())
return Display::GetForcedDeviceScaleFactor();
const auto dpi = GetPerMonitorDPI(monitor);
return dpi ? GetScaleFactorForDPI(dpi.value(), include_accessibility)
: GetDPIScale();
// Gets a user-friendly name for a given display using EDID data. Returns an
// empty string if the provided path is unset/nullopt or EDID data is not
// available for the device.
// TODO(crbug.com/343872357): Check additional data sources when this is empty.
std::string GetFriendlyDeviceName(
const std::optional<DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_INFO>& path) {
if (!path)
return std::string();
targetName.header.size = sizeof(targetName);
targetName.header.adapterId = path->targetInfo.adapterId;
targetName.header.id = path->targetInfo.id;
LONG result = DisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo(&targetName.header);
if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS && targetName.flags.friendlyNameFromEdid)
return base::WideToUTF8(targetName.monitorFriendlyDeviceName);
return std::string();
float GetSDRWhiteLevel(const std::optional<DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_INFO>& path) {
if (path) {
white_level.header.size = sizeof(white_level);
white_level.header.adapterId = path->targetInfo.adapterId;
white_level.header.id = path->targetInfo.id;
if (DisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo(&white_level.header) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
return white_level.SDRWhiteLevel * 80.0 / 1000.0; // From wingdi.h.
return 200.0f;
const std::optional<DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_INFO>& path) {
if (path)
return path->targetInfo.outputTechnology;
// Returns true if |tech| represents an internal display (e.g. a laptop screen).
// DISPLAYCONFIG_TOPOLOGY_ID could be a more directly comparable data source.
bool IsInternalOutputTechnology(DISPLAYCONFIG_VIDEO_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY tech) {
switch (tech) {
return true;
return false;
Display::Rotation OrientationToRotation(DWORD orientation) {
switch (orientation) {
return Display::ROTATE_0;
case DMDO_90:
return Display::ROTATE_90;
case DMDO_180:
return Display::ROTATE_180;
case DMDO_270:
return Display::ROTATE_270;
return Display::ROTATE_0;
struct DisplaySettings {
Display::Rotation rotation;
int frequency;
DisplaySettings GetDisplaySettingsForDevice(const wchar_t* device_name) {
DEVMODE mode = {};
mode.dmSize = sizeof(mode);
if (!::EnumDisplaySettings(device_name, ENUM_CURRENT_SETTINGS, &mode))
return {Display::ROTATE_0, 0};
return {OrientationToRotation(mode.dmDisplayOrientation),
std::vector<internal::DisplayInfo> FindAndRemoveTouchingDisplayInfos(
const internal::DisplayInfo& parent_info,
std::vector<internal::DisplayInfo>* display_infos) {
const auto first_touching_it = std::partition(
display_infos->begin(), display_infos->end(),
[&](const auto& info) { return !DisplayInfosTouch(parent_info, info); });
std::vector<internal::DisplayInfo> touching_display_infos(
first_touching_it, display_infos->end());
display_infos->erase(first_touching_it, display_infos->end());
return touching_display_infos;
// Helper function to create gfx::DisplayColorSpaces from given |color_space|
// and |sdr_white_level| with default buffer formats for Windows.
gfx::DisplayColorSpaces CreateDisplayColorSpaces(
const gfx::ColorSpace& color_space,
float sdr_white_level) {
gfx::DisplayColorSpaces display_color_spaces(color_space);
return display_color_spaces;
// Updates |color_spaces| for HDR and WCG content usage with appropriate color
// HDR spaces and given |sdr_white_level|.
gfx::DisplayColorSpaces GetDisplayColorSpacesForHdr(
float sdr_white_level,
const gfx::mojom::DXGIOutputDesc* dxgi_output_desc) {
auto color_spaces =
CreateDisplayColorSpaces(gfx::ColorSpace::CreateSRGB(), sdr_white_level);
// Set the primaries and the HDR max luminance from the DXGIOutputDesc.
float hdr_max_luminance_relative = 0.f;
if (dxgi_output_desc) {
if (dxgi_output_desc->hdr_enabled) {
hdr_max_luminance_relative =
dxgi_output_desc->max_luminance / sdr_white_level;
hdr_max_luminance_relative =
std::max(hdr_max_luminance_relative, kMinHDRCapableMaxLuminanceRelative);
// This will map to DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G10_NONE_P709. In that space,
// the brightness of (1,1,1) is 80 nits.
const auto scrgb_linear = gfx::ColorSpace::CreateSCRGBLinear80Nits();
// This will map to DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G2084_NONE_P2020, with sRGB's
// (1,1,1) mapping to the specified number of nits.
const auto hdr10 = gfx::ColorSpace::CreateHDR10();
// Use HDR color spaces only when there is WCG or HDR content on the screen.
constexpr bool kNeedsAlpha = true;
for (const auto& usage : {gfx::ContentColorUsage::kWideColorGamut,
gfx::ContentColorUsage::kHDR}) {
// Using RGBA F16 backbuffers required by SCRGB linear causes stuttering on
// Windows RS3, but RGB10A2 with HDR10 color space works fine (see
// https://crbug.com/937108#c92).
if (base::win::GetVersion() > base::win::Version::WIN10_RS3) {
usage, !kNeedsAlpha, scrgb_linear, gfx::BufferFormat::RGBA_F16);
} else {
usage, !kNeedsAlpha, hdr10, gfx::BufferFormat::RGBA_1010102);
// Use RGBA F16 backbuffers for HDR if alpha channel is required.
usage, kNeedsAlpha, scrgb_linear, gfx::BufferFormat::RGBA_F16);
return color_spaces;
// Sets SDR white level and buffer formats on |display_color_spaces| when using
// a forced color profile.
gfx::DisplayColorSpaces GetForcedDisplayColorSpaces() {
// Adjust white level to a default value irrespective of whether the color
// space is scRGB linear (defaults to 80 nits) or PQ (defaults to 100 nits).
const auto& color_space = GetForcedDisplayColorProfile();
auto display_color_spaces = CreateDisplayColorSpaces(
color_space, gfx::ColorSpace::kDefaultSDRWhiteLevel);
// Use the forced color profile's buffer format for all content usages.
if (color_space.GetTransferID() == gfx::ColorSpace::TransferID::PQ) {
gfx::BufferFormat::RGBA_1010102, gfx::BufferFormat::RGBA_1010102);
} else if (color_space.IsHDR()) {
return display_color_spaces;
Display CreateDisplayFromDisplayInfo(
const internal::DisplayInfo& display_info,
const ColorProfileReader* color_profile_reader,
const gfx::mojom::DXGIOutputDesc* dxgi_output_desc,
bool hdr_enabled) {
const float scale_factor = display_info.device_scale_factor();
const gfx::Rect bounds = gfx::ScaleToEnclosingRect(display_info.screen_rect(),
1.0f / scale_factor);
Display display(display_info.id(), bounds);
display_info.screen_work_rect(), 1.0f / scale_factor));
// DisplayColorSpaces is created using the forced color profile if present, or
// from the ICC profile provided by |color_profile_reader| for SDR content,
// and HDR10 or scRGB linear for HDR and WCG content if HDR is enabled.
gfx::DisplayColorSpaces color_spaces;
if (HasForceDisplayColorProfile()) {
color_spaces = GetForcedDisplayColorSpaces();
} else if (hdr_enabled) {
color_spaces = GetDisplayColorSpacesForHdr(display_info.sdr_white_level(),
} else {
color_spaces = CreateDisplayColorSpaces(
if (color_spaces.SupportsHDR()) {
// These are (ab)used by pages via media query APIs to detect HDR support.
return display;
// Windows historically has had a hard time handling displays of DPIs higher
// than 96. Handling multiple DPI displays means we have to deal with Windows'
// monitor physical coordinates and map into Chrome's DIP coordinates.
// To do this, DisplayInfosToScreenWinDisplays reasons over monitors as a tree
// using the primary monitor as the root. All monitors touching this root are
// considered children.
// This also presumes that all monitors are connected components. By UI
// construction, Windows restricts the layout of monitors to connected
// components except when DPI virtualization is happening. When this happens, we
// scale relative to (0, 0).
// Note that this does not handle cases where a scaled display may have
// insufficient room to lay out its children. In these cases, a DIP point could
// map to multiple screen points due to overlap. The first discovered screen
// will take precedence.
std::vector<ScreenWinDisplay> DisplayInfosToScreenWinDisplays(
const std::vector<internal::DisplayInfo>& display_infos,
ColorProfileReader* color_profile_reader,
gfx::mojom::DXGIInfo* dxgi_info) {
if (display_infos.empty()) {
return {};
// Find and extract the primary display.
std::vector<internal::DisplayInfo> display_infos_remaining = display_infos;
auto primary_display_iter = base::ranges::find_if(
display_infos_remaining, [](const internal::DisplayInfo& display_info) {
return display_info.screen_rect().origin().IsOrigin();
// If we can't find the primary display, we likely witnessed a race condition
// when querying the OS for display info. We expect another OS notification to
// trigger this lookup again soon, so just return an empty list for now.
if (primary_display_iter == display_infos_remaining.end()) {
return {};
// Build the tree and determine DisplayPlacements along the way.
DisplayLayoutBuilder builder(primary_display_iter->id());
std::vector<internal::DisplayInfo> available_parents = {
while (!available_parents.empty()) {
const internal::DisplayInfo parent = available_parents.back();
for (const auto& child :
FindAndRemoveTouchingDisplayInfos(parent, &display_infos_remaining)) {
builder.AddDisplayPlacement(CalculateDisplayPlacement(parent, child));
// Construct a map from display IDs to DXGI output descriptors, and another
// map from display IDs to HDR enabled status.
std::map<int64_t, const gfx::mojom::DXGIOutputDesc*> dxgi_output_descs;
std::map<int64_t, bool> hdr_enabled;
if (dxgi_info) {
for (const auto& dxgi_output_desc : dxgi_info->output_descs) {
auto display_info_iter = base::ranges::find_if(
display_infos, [&](const internal::DisplayInfo& display_info) {
return display_info.device_name() == dxgi_output_desc->device_name;
if (display_info_iter != display_infos.end()) {
auto id = display_info_iter->id();
dxgi_output_descs[id] = dxgi_output_desc.get();
hdr_enabled[id] = dxgi_output_desc->hdr_enabled;
// Layout and create the ScreenWinDisplays.
std::vector<Display> displays;
for (const auto& display_info : display_infos) {
display_info, color_profile_reader,
dxgi_output_descs[display_info.id()], hdr_enabled[display_info.id()]));
builder.Build()->ApplyToDisplayList(&displays, nullptr, 0);
std::vector<ScreenWinDisplay> screen_win_displays;
for (size_t i = 0; i < display_infos.size(); ++i)
screen_win_displays.emplace_back(displays[i], display_infos[i]);
return screen_win_displays;
std::vector<Display> ScreenWinDisplaysToDisplays(
const std::vector<ScreenWinDisplay>& screen_win_displays) {
std::vector<Display> displays;
for (const auto& screen_win_display : screen_win_displays)
return displays;
std::optional<MONITORINFOEX> MaybeMonitorInfoFromHMONITOR(HMONITOR monitor) {
MONITORINFOEX monitor_info = {};
monitor_info.cbSize = sizeof(monitor_info);
if (::GetMonitorInfo(monitor, &monitor_info) == 0) {
return std::nullopt;
return monitor_info;
if (std::optional<MONITORINFOEX> monitor_info =
monitor_info) {
return *monitor_info;
} else {
std::optional<gfx::Vector2dF> GetPixelsPerInchForPointerDevice(
HANDLE source_device) {
static const auto get_pointer_device_rects =
RECT device_rect, screen_rect;
if (!get_pointer_device_rects ||
!get_pointer_device_rects(source_device, &device_rect, &screen_rect))
return std::nullopt;
const gfx::RectF device{gfx::Rect(device_rect)};
const gfx::RectF screen{gfx::Rect(screen_rect)};
constexpr float kHimetricPerInch = 2540.0f;
const float himetric_per_pixel_x = device.width() / screen.width();
const float himetric_per_pixel_y = device.height() / screen.height();
return gfx::Vector2dF(kHimetricPerInch / himetric_per_pixel_x,
kHimetricPerInch / himetric_per_pixel_y);
// Returns physical pixels per inch based on 96 dpi monitor.
gfx::Vector2dF GetDefaultMonitorPhysicalPixelsPerInch() {
const int default_dpi = GetDPIFromScalingFactor(1.0f);
return gfx::Vector2dF(default_dpi, default_dpi);
// Retrieves PPI for |monitor| based on touch pointer device handles. Returns
// nullopt if a pointer device for |monitor| can't be found.
std::optional<gfx::Vector2dF> GetMonitorPixelsPerInch(HMONITOR monitor) {
if (const std::optional<std::vector<POINTER_DEVICE_INFO>> pointer_devices =
base::win::GetPointerDevices()) {
for (const auto& device : *pointer_devices) {
if (device.pointerDeviceType == POINTER_DEVICE_TYPE_TOUCH &&
device.monitor == monitor) {
return GetPixelsPerInchForPointerDevice(device.device);
return std::nullopt;
BOOL CALLBACK EnumDisplayMonitorsCallback(HMONITOR monitor,
HDC hdc,
LPRECT rect,
LPARAM data) {
return TRUE;
std::vector<internal::DisplayInfo> GetDisplayInfosFromSystem() {
std::vector<HMONITOR> monitors;
EnumDisplayMonitors(nullptr, nullptr, EnumDisplayMonitorsCallback,
std::vector<internal::DisplayInfo> display_infos;
base::flat_set<int64_t> hashed_ids;
base::flat_set<int64_t> hashed_keys;
for (HMONITOR monitor : monitors) {
const std::optional<MONITORINFOEX> monitor_info =
if (!monitor_info) {
DLOG(WARNING) << "Failed to get MONITORINFOEX for " << monitor;
const auto display_settings =
const gfx::Vector2dF pixels_per_inch =
const auto path_info = GetDisplayConfigPathInfo(monitor);
*monitor_info, GetMonitorScaleFactor(monitor),
GetSDRWhiteLevel(path_info), display_settings.rotation,
display_settings.frequency, pixels_per_inch,
GetOutputTechnology(path_info), GetFriendlyDeviceName(path_info));
// Gauge ids derived from DISPLAY_DEVICE's DeviceID and DeviceKey.
// TODO(crbug.com/40233353): Derive more stable and sufficiently unique ids.
device.cb = sizeof(device);
// Results from id derivation techniques. These values are persisted to
// logs. Entries should not be renumbered and numeric values should never be
// reused.
enum class DisplayIdResult {
kError = 0,
kEmpty = 1,
kConflict = 2,
kValid = 3,
kMaxValue = kValid,
DisplayIdResult id_result = DisplayIdResult::kValid;
DisplayIdResult key_result = DisplayIdResult::kValid;
if (!EnumDisplayDevices(monitor_info->szDevice, 0, &device, 0)) {
id_result = DisplayIdResult::kError;
key_result = DisplayIdResult::kError;
} else {
if (base::WideToUTF8(device.DeviceID).empty()) {
id_result = DisplayIdResult::kEmpty;
} else {
const int64_t hashed_id = static_cast<int64_t>(
if (hashed_ids.contains(hashed_id)) {
id_result = DisplayIdResult::kConflict;
} else {
id_result = DisplayIdResult::kValid;
if (base::WideToUTF8(device.DeviceKey).empty()) {
key_result = DisplayIdResult::kEmpty;
} else {
int64_t hashed_key = static_cast<int64_t>(
if (hashed_keys.contains(hashed_key)) {
key_result = DisplayIdResult::kConflict;
} else {
key_result = DisplayIdResult::kValid;
base::UmaHistogramEnumeration("Windows.DisplayIdFromDeviceId", id_result);
base::UmaHistogramEnumeration("Windows.DisplayIdFromDeviceKey", key_result);
// Check that there are no duplicate display Ids generated.
base::flat_set<int64_t> display_ids;
for (const auto& display : display_infos) {
return display_infos;
// Returns |point|, transformed from |from_origin|'s to |to_origin|'s
// coordinates, which differ by |scale_factor|.
gfx::PointF ScalePointRelative(const gfx::PointF& point,
const gfx::Point& from_origin,
const gfx::Point& to_origin,
const float scale_factor) {
const gfx::PointF relative_point = point - from_origin.OffsetFromOrigin();
const gfx::PointF scaled_relative_point =
gfx::ScalePoint(relative_point, scale_factor);
return scaled_relative_point + to_origin.OffsetFromOrigin();
gfx::PointF ScreenToDIPPoint(const gfx::PointF& screen_point,
const ScreenWinDisplay& screen_win_display) {
const Display display = screen_win_display.display();
return ScalePointRelative(
screen_point, screen_win_display.pixel_bounds().origin(),
display.bounds().origin(), 1.0f / display.device_scale_factor());
gfx::Point DIPToScreenPoint(const gfx::Point& dip_point,
const ScreenWinDisplay& screen_win_display) {
const Display display = screen_win_display.display();
return gfx::ToFlooredPoint(
ScalePointRelative(gfx::PointF(dip_point), display.bounds().origin(),
} // namespace
ScreenWin::ScreenWin() : ScreenWin(true) {}
ScreenWin::~ScreenWin() {
DCHECK_EQ(g_instance, this);
g_instance = nullptr;
// static
gfx::PointF ScreenWin::ScreenToDIPPoint(const gfx::PointF& pixel_point) {
const ScreenWinDisplay screen_win_display =
return display::win::ScreenToDIPPoint(pixel_point, screen_win_display);
// static
gfx::Point ScreenWin::DIPToScreenPoint(const gfx::Point& dip_point) {
const ScreenWinDisplay screen_win_display = GetScreenWinDisplayVia(
&ScreenWin::GetScreenWinDisplayNearestDIPPoint, dip_point);
return display::win::DIPToScreenPoint(dip_point, screen_win_display);
// static
gfx::Point ScreenWin::ClientToDIPPoint(HWND hwnd,
const gfx::Point& client_point) {
return ScaleToFlooredPoint(client_point, 1.0f / GetScaleFactorForHWND(hwnd));
// static
gfx::Point ScreenWin::DIPToClientPoint(HWND hwnd, const gfx::Point& dip_point) {
return ScaleToFlooredPoint(dip_point, GetScaleFactorForHWND(hwnd));
// static
gfx::Rect ScreenWin::ScreenToDIPRect(HWND hwnd, const gfx::Rect& pixel_bounds) {
const ScreenWinDisplay screen_win_display = hwnd
? GetScreenWinDisplayVia(&ScreenWin::GetScreenWinDisplayNearestHWND, hwnd)
: GetScreenWinDisplayVia(
&ScreenWin::GetScreenWinDisplayNearestScreenRect, pixel_bounds);
const gfx::Point origin = gfx::ToFlooredPoint(display::win::ScreenToDIPPoint(
gfx::PointF(pixel_bounds.origin()), screen_win_display));
const float scale_factor =
1.0f / screen_win_display.display().device_scale_factor();
return {origin, ScaleToEnclosingRect(pixel_bounds, scale_factor).size()};
// static
gfx::Rect ScreenWin::DIPToScreenRect(HWND hwnd, const gfx::Rect& dip_bounds) {
// The HWND parameter is needed for cases where Chrome windows span monitors
// that have different DPI settings. This is known to matter when using the OS
// IME support. See https::/crbug.com/1224715 for more details.
const ScreenWinDisplay screen_win_display = hwnd
? GetScreenWinDisplayVia(&ScreenWin::GetScreenWinDisplayNearestHWND, hwnd)
: GetScreenWinDisplayVia(
&ScreenWin::GetScreenWinDisplayNearestDIPRect, dip_bounds);
const gfx::Point origin =
display::win::DIPToScreenPoint(dip_bounds.origin(), screen_win_display);
const float scale_factor = screen_win_display.display().device_scale_factor();
return {origin, ScaleToEnclosingRect(dip_bounds, scale_factor).size()};
// static
gfx::Rect ScreenWin::ClientToDIPRect(HWND hwnd, const gfx::Rect& pixel_bounds) {
return ScaleToEnclosingRect(pixel_bounds, 1.0f / GetScaleFactorForHWND(hwnd));
// static
gfx::Rect ScreenWin::DIPToClientRect(HWND hwnd, const gfx::Rect& dip_bounds) {
return ScaleToEnclosingRect(dip_bounds, GetScaleFactorForHWND(hwnd));
// static
gfx::Size ScreenWin::ScreenToDIPSize(HWND hwnd,
const gfx::Size& size_in_pixels) {
// Always ceil sizes. Otherwise we may be leaving off part of the bounds.
return ScaleToCeiledSize(size_in_pixels, 1.0f / GetScaleFactorForHWND(hwnd));
// static
gfx::Size ScreenWin::DIPToScreenSize(HWND hwnd, const gfx::Size& dip_size) {
// Always ceil sizes. Otherwise we may be leaving off part of the bounds.
return ScaleToCeiledSize(dip_size, GetScaleFactorForHWND(hwnd));
// static
int ScreenWin::GetSystemMetricsForMonitor(HMONITOR monitor, int metric) {
if (!g_instance)
return ::GetSystemMetrics(metric);
// Fall back to the primary display's HMONITOR.
if (!monitor)
monitor = MonitorFromWindow(nullptr, MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY);
// We don't include fudge factors stemming from accessibility features when
// dealing with system metrics associated with window elements drawn by the
// operating system, since we will not be doing scaling of those metrics
// ourselves.
const bool include_accessibility = (metric != SM_CXSIZEFRAME) &&
(metric != SM_CYSIZEFRAME) &&
// We'll then pull up the system metrics scaled by the appropriate amount.
return g_instance->GetSystemMetricsForScaleFactor(
GetMonitorScaleFactor(monitor, include_accessibility), metric);
// static
int ScreenWin::GetSystemMetricsInDIP(int metric) {
return g_instance ? g_instance->GetSystemMetricsForScaleFactor(1.0f, metric)
: ::GetSystemMetrics(metric);
// static
float ScreenWin::GetScaleFactorForHWND(HWND hwnd) {
const HWND root_hwnd = g_instance ? g_instance->GetRootWindow(hwnd) : hwnd;
const ScreenWinDisplay screen_win_display = GetScreenWinDisplayVia(
&ScreenWin::GetScreenWinDisplayNearestHWND, root_hwnd);
return screen_win_display.display().device_scale_factor();
// static
gfx::Vector2dF ScreenWin::GetPixelsPerInch(const gfx::PointF& point) {
const ScreenWinDisplay screen_win_display =
return screen_win_display.pixels_per_inch();
// static
int ScreenWin::GetDPIForHWND(HWND hwnd) {
if (Display::HasForceDeviceScaleFactor())
return GetDPIFromScalingFactor(Display::GetForcedDeviceScaleFactor());
const HMONITOR monitor = MonitorFromWindow(hwnd, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST);
return GetPerMonitorDPI(monitor).value_or(
// static
float ScreenWin::GetScaleFactorForDPI(int dpi) {
return display::win::GetScaleFactorForDPI(dpi, true);
// static
float ScreenWin::GetSystemScaleFactor() {
return display::win::internal::GetUnforcedDeviceScaleFactor();
// static
void ScreenWin::SetRequestHDRStatusCallback(
RequestHDRStatusCallback request_hdr_status_callback) {
if (g_instance) {
g_instance->request_hdr_status_callback_ =
// static
void ScreenWin::SetDXGIInfo(gfx::mojom::DXGIInfoPtr dxgi_info) {
if (g_instance && !mojo::Equals(g_instance->dxgi_info_, dxgi_info)) {
g_instance->dxgi_info_ = std::move(dxgi_info);
// static
ScreenWinDisplay ScreenWin::GetScreenWinDisplayWithDisplayId(int64_t id) {
if (!g_instance)
return ScreenWinDisplay();
const auto it = base::ranges::find(
g_instance->screen_win_displays_, id,
[](const auto& display) { return display.display().id(); });
// There is 1:1 correspondence between MONITORINFOEX and ScreenWinDisplay.
// If we found no screens, either there are no screens, or we're in the midst
// of updating our screens (see crbug.com/768845); either way, hand out the
// default display.
return (it == g_instance->screen_win_displays_.cend()) ? ScreenWinDisplay()
: *it;
// static
int64_t ScreenWin::DisplayIdFromMonitorInfo(const MONITORINFOEX& monitor) {
return internal::DisplayInfo::DisplayIdFromMonitorInfo(monitor);
// static
void ScreenWin::UpdateDisplayInfos() {
if (g_instance)
// static
void ScreenWin::UpdateDisplayInfosIfNeeded() {
if (g_instance) {
HWND ScreenWin::GetHWNDFromNativeWindow(gfx::NativeWindow window) const {
return nullptr;
gfx::NativeWindow ScreenWin::GetNativeWindowFromHWND(HWND hwnd) const {
return nullptr;
bool ScreenWin::IsNativeWindowOccluded(gfx::NativeWindow window) const {
return false;
std::optional<bool> ScreenWin::IsWindowOnCurrentVirtualDesktop(
gfx::NativeWindow window) const {
return std::nullopt;
ScreenWin::ScreenWin(bool initialize_from_system)
: per_process_dpi_awareness_disabled_for_testing_(!initialize_from_system) {
g_instance = this;
if (initialize_from_system) {
gfx::Point ScreenWin::GetCursorScreenPoint() {
return gfx::ToFlooredPoint(ScreenToDIPPoint(gfx::PointF(gfx::Point(pt))));
bool ScreenWin::IsWindowUnderCursor(gfx::NativeWindow window) {
POINT cursor_loc;
return ::GetCursorPos(&cursor_loc) &&
(GetNativeWindowFromHWND(::WindowFromPoint(cursor_loc)) == window);
gfx::NativeWindow ScreenWin::GetWindowAtScreenPoint(const gfx::Point& point) {
const gfx::Point screen_point = DIPToScreenPoint(point);
return GetNativeWindowFromHWND(WindowFromPoint(screen_point.ToPOINT()));
gfx::NativeWindow ScreenWin::GetLocalProcessWindowAtPoint(
const gfx::Point& point,
const std::set<gfx::NativeWindow>& ignore) {
std::set<HWND> hwnd_set;
for (auto* const window : ignore) {
HWND w = GetHWNDFromNativeWindow(window);
if (w)
return LocalProcessWindowFinder::GetProcessWindowAtPoint(point, hwnd_set,
int ScreenWin::GetNumDisplays() const {
return static_cast<int>(screen_win_displays_.size());
const std::vector<Display>& ScreenWin::GetAllDisplays() const {
return displays_;
Display ScreenWin::GetDisplayNearestWindow(gfx::NativeWindow window) const {
const HWND window_hwnd = window ? GetHWNDFromNativeWindow(window) : nullptr;
// When |window| isn't rooted to a display, we should just return the default
// display so we get some correct display information like the scaling factor.
return window_hwnd ? GetScreenWinDisplayNearestHWND(window_hwnd).display()
: GetPrimaryDisplay();
Display ScreenWin::GetDisplayNearestPoint(const gfx::Point& point) const {
const gfx::Point screen_point = DIPToScreenPoint(point);
return GetScreenWinDisplayNearestScreenPoint(screen_point).display();
Display ScreenWin::GetDisplayMatching(const gfx::Rect& match_rect) const {
const gfx::Rect screen_rect = DIPToScreenRect(nullptr, match_rect);
return GetScreenWinDisplayNearestScreenRect(screen_rect).display();
Display ScreenWin::GetPrimaryDisplay() const {
return GetPrimaryScreenWinDisplay().display();
void ScreenWin::AddObserver(DisplayObserver* observer) {
void ScreenWin::RemoveObserver(DisplayObserver* observer) {
gfx::Rect ScreenWin::ScreenToDIPRectInWindow(
gfx::NativeWindow window,
const gfx::Rect& screen_rect) const {
const HWND hwnd = window ? GetHWNDFromNativeWindow(window) : nullptr;
return ScreenToDIPRect(hwnd, screen_rect);
gfx::Rect ScreenWin::DIPToScreenRectInWindow(gfx::NativeWindow window,
const gfx::Rect& dip_rect) const {
const HWND hwnd = window ? GetHWNDFromNativeWindow(window) : nullptr;
return DIPToScreenRect(hwnd, dip_rect);
void ScreenWin::UpdateFromDisplayInfos(
const std::vector<internal::DisplayInfo>& display_infos) {
// DisplayInfosToScreenWinDisplays builds a sorted list of non primary
// displays. If the Internal Display Ids list is set, internal displays
// are sorted to the start. When DisplayLayout::Validate checks the list
// it expects it to be sorting order to be based on display_id&0xFF and may
// return false. This can lead to the DIP display bounds being incorrectly
// calculated if the the internal display list is set (on second+ call to
// this function
// Fix: Set the internal display list to the empty list before calling
// DisplayInfosToScreenWinDisplays - it is already updated based on the new
// display_infos at the end of this function
std::vector<int64_t> internal_display_ids;
primary_monitor_ = MonitorFromWindow(nullptr, MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY);
screen_win_displays_ = DisplayInfosToScreenWinDisplays(
display_infos, color_profile_reader_.get(), dxgi_info_.get());
std::vector<Display> displays =
if (displays != displays_) {
DISPLAY_LOG(EVENT) << "Displays updated, count: " << displays.size();
for (const auto& display : displays) {
DISPLAY_LOG(EVENT) << display.ToString();
displays_ = std::move(displays);
for (const auto& display_info : display_infos) {
if (IsInternalOutputTechnology(display_info.output_technology())) {
void ScreenWin::Initialize() {
singleton_hwnd_observer_ = std::make_unique<gfx::SingletonHwndObserver>(
base::BindRepeating(&ScreenWin::OnWndProc, base::Unretained(this)));
// We want to remember that we've observed a screen metrics object so that we
// can remove ourselves as an observer at some later point (either when the
// metrics object notifies us it's going away or when we are destructed).
MONITORINFOEX ScreenWin::MonitorInfoFromScreenPoint(
const gfx::Point& screen_point) const {
return MonitorInfoFromHMONITOR(
::MonitorFromPoint(screen_point.ToPOINT(), MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST));
MONITORINFOEX ScreenWin::MonitorInfoFromScreenRect(const gfx::Rect& screen_rect)
const {
const RECT win_rect = screen_rect.ToRECT();
return MonitorInfoFromHMONITOR(
::MonitorFromRect(&win_rect, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST));
MONITORINFOEX ScreenWin::MonitorInfoFromWindow(HWND hwnd,
DWORD default_options) const {
return MonitorInfoFromHMONITOR(::MonitorFromWindow(hwnd, default_options));
HWND ScreenWin::GetRootWindow(HWND hwnd) const {
return ::GetAncestor(hwnd, GA_ROOT);
int ScreenWin::GetSystemMetrics(int metric) const {
return ::GetSystemMetrics(metric);
void ScreenWin::OnWndProc(HWND hwnd,
UINT message,
WPARAM wparam,
LPARAM lparam) {
if (message != WM_DISPLAYCHANGE &&
(message != WM_ACTIVATEAPP || wparam != TRUE) &&
(message != WM_SETTINGCHANGE || wparam != SPI_SETWORKAREA))
TRACE_EVENT1("ui", "ScreenWin::OnWndProc", "message", message);
if (request_hdr_status_callback_)
void ScreenWin::OnColorProfilesChanged() {
// The color profile reader will often just confirm that our guess that the
// color profile was sRGB was indeed correct. Avoid doing an update in these
// cases.
if (base::ranges::any_of(displays_, [this](const auto& display) {
return display.GetColorSpaces().GetRasterColorSpace() !=
})) {
void ScreenWin::UpdateAllDisplaysAndNotify() {
TRACE_EVENT0("ui", "ScreenWin::UpdateAllDisplaysAndNotify");
std::vector<Display> old_displays = std::move(displays_);
// It's possible notifying of display changes may trigger reentrancy. Copy
// `displays_` to ensure there are no problems if reentrancy happens.
std::vector<Display> displays_copy = displays_;
change_notifier_.NotifyDisplaysChanged(old_displays, displays_copy);
void ScreenWin::UpdateAllDisplaysIfPrimaryMonitorChanged() {
HMONITOR monitor = MonitorFromWindow(nullptr, MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY);
if (monitor != primary_monitor_) {
ScreenWinDisplay ScreenWin::GetScreenWinDisplayNearestHWND(HWND hwnd) const {
return GetScreenWinDisplay(MonitorInfoFromWindow(hwnd,
ScreenWinDisplay ScreenWin::GetScreenWinDisplayNearestScreenRect(
const gfx::Rect& screen_rect) const {
return GetScreenWinDisplay(MonitorInfoFromScreenRect(screen_rect));
ScreenWinDisplay ScreenWin::GetScreenWinDisplayNearestScreenPoint(
const gfx::Point& screen_point) const {
return GetScreenWinDisplay(MonitorInfoFromScreenPoint(screen_point));
ScreenWinDisplay ScreenWin::GetScreenWinDisplayNearestDIPPoint(
const gfx::Point& dip_point) const {
ScreenWinDisplay primary_screen_win_display;
for (const auto& screen_win_display : screen_win_displays_) {
const gfx::Rect dip_bounds = screen_win_display.display().bounds();
if (dip_bounds.Contains(dip_point))
return screen_win_display;
if (dip_bounds.origin().IsOrigin())
primary_screen_win_display = screen_win_display;
return primary_screen_win_display;
ScreenWinDisplay ScreenWin::GetScreenWinDisplayNearestDIPRect(
const gfx::Rect& dip_rect) const {
const auto first_closer = [dip_rect](const auto& display1,
const auto& display2) {
return SquaredDistanceBetweenRects(dip_rect, display1.display().bounds()) <
SquaredDistanceBetweenRects(dip_rect, display2.display().bounds());
const auto it = std::min_element(screen_win_displays_.cbegin(),
screen_win_displays_.cend(), first_closer);
return (it == screen_win_displays_.cend()) ? ScreenWinDisplay() : *it;
ScreenWinDisplay ScreenWin::GetPrimaryScreenWinDisplay() const {
const ScreenWinDisplay screen_win_display = GetScreenWinDisplay(
MonitorInfoFromWindow(nullptr, MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY));
// For help in diagnosing https://crbug.com/1413940.
auto bounds = screen_win_display.display().bounds();
// The Windows primary monitor is defined to have an origin of (0, 0).
// Don't DCHECK if GetScreenWinDisplay returns the default monitor.
DCHECK(screen_win_display.display().bounds().origin().IsOrigin() ||
return screen_win_display;
ScreenWinDisplay ScreenWin::GetScreenWinDisplay(
const MONITORINFOEX& monitor_info) const {
const int64_t id =
const auto it = base::ranges::find(
screen_win_displays_, id,
[](const auto& display) { return display.display().id(); });
// There is 1:1 correspondence between MONITORINFOEX and ScreenWinDisplay.
// If we found no screens, either there are no screens, or we're in the midst
// of updating our screens (see crbug.com/768845); either way, hand out the
// default display.
return (it == screen_win_displays_.cend()) ? ScreenWinDisplay() : *it;
// static
template <typename Getter, typename GetterType>
ScreenWinDisplay ScreenWin::GetScreenWinDisplayVia(Getter getter,
GetterType value) {
return g_instance ? (g_instance->*getter)(value) : ScreenWinDisplay();
int ScreenWin::GetSystemMetricsForScaleFactor(float scale_factor,
int metric) const {
if (!PerProcessDPIAwarenessDisabledForTesting()) {
static const auto get_system_metrics_for_dpi =
if (get_system_metrics_for_dpi) {
return get_system_metrics_for_dpi(metric,
// Versions < WIN10_RS1 don't support GetSystemMetricsForDpi, but do support
// per-process dpi awareness.
return base::ClampRound(GetSystemMetrics(metric) * scale_factor /
void ScreenWin::RecordDisplayScaleFactors() const {
std::vector<int> unique_scale_factors;
for (const auto& screen_win_display : screen_win_displays_) {
const float scale_factor =
// Multiply the reported value by 100 to display it as a percentage. Clamp
// it so that if it's wildly out-of-band we won't send it to the backend.
const int reported_scale =
std::clamp(base::checked_cast<int>(scale_factor * 100), 0, 1000);
if (!base::Contains(unique_scale_factors, reported_scale)) {
base::UmaHistogramSparse("UI.DeviceScale", reported_scale);
void ScreenWin::OnUwpTextScaleFactorChanged() {
void ScreenWin::OnUwpTextScaleFactorCleanup(UwpTextScaleFactor* source) {
bool ScreenWin::PerProcessDPIAwarenessDisabledForTesting() const {
return per_process_dpi_awareness_disabled_for_testing_;
} // namespace win
} // namespace display