
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "ui/display/win/uwp_text_scale_factor.h"

#include <windows.h>
#include <windows.ui.viewmanagement.h>
#include <wrl/client.h>
#include <wrl/event.h>

#include <memory>

#include "base/lazy_instance.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
#include "base/win/core_winrt_util.h"
#include "base/win/scoped_com_initializer.h"
#include "base/win/scoped_hstring.h"

namespace display::win {

namespace {

using Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr;
using Microsoft::WRL::Callback;
using ABI::Windows::Foundation::ITypedEventHandler;
using ABI::Windows::UI::ViewManagement::UISettings;
using ABI::Windows::UI::ViewManagement::IUISettings;
using ABI::Windows::UI::ViewManagement::IUISettings2;

typedef ITypedEventHandler<UISettings*, IInspectable*>

// A zero value indicates an invalid token.
constexpr EventRegistrationToken kInvalidEventRegistrationToken{0LL};

// Override the default instance for testing purposes.
UwpTextScaleFactor* g_implementation_for_testing = nullptr;

// Sanity check for access after destruction.
bool g_default_instance_cleaned_up = false;

// Constructs the UWP UI Settings COM object, or fails with as useful of a log
// message as possible given Windows error reporting.
// Lots of things could potentially go wrong so we want to be able to bail out
// when creating the UWP UI Settings object, so we've moved the initialization
// to a separate function.
bool CreateUiSettingsComObject(ComPtr<IUISettings2>& ptr) {

  // Create the COM object.
  auto hstring = base::win::ScopedHString::Create(
  if (!hstring.is_valid()) {
    return false;
  ComPtr<IInspectable> inspectable;
  HRESULT hr = base::win::RoActivateInstance(hstring.get(), &inspectable);
  if (FAILED(hr)) {
    VLOG(2) << "RoActivateInstance failed: "
            << logging::SystemErrorCodeToString(hr);
    return false;

  // Verify that it supports the correct interface.
  hr = inspectable.As(&ptr);
  if (FAILED(hr)) {
    VLOG(2) << "As IUISettings2 failed: "
            << logging::SystemErrorCodeToString(hr);
    return false;

  return true;

// Implements the actual logic for getting screen metrics.
class UwpTextScaleFactorImpl : public UwpTextScaleFactor {
      : text_scale_factor_changed_token_(kInvalidEventRegistrationToken) {
    // We want to bracket all use of our COM object with COM initialization
    // in order to be sure we don't leak COM listeners into the OS. This may
    // extend the lifetime of COM on this thread but we do not expect it to be
    // a problem.
    scoped_com_initializer_ =
    if (!scoped_com_initializer_->Succeeded())

    // Create our COM object. Again, if we fail, there's no reason to proceed.
    if (!CreateUiSettingsComObject(ui_settings_com_object_))

    // Set up a listener for the TextScaleChanged event. We'll do this here
    // so that we can use a member function as a callback.
    auto text_scale_changed_handler = Callback<TextScaleChangedEventHandler>(
        this, &UwpTextScaleFactorImpl::OnTextScaleFactorChanged);
    if (text_scale_changed_handler) {
      HRESULT hr = ui_settings_com_object_->add_TextScaleFactorChanged(
          text_scale_changed_handler.Get(), &text_scale_factor_changed_token_);
      if (FAILED(hr)) {
        VLOG(2) << "Register text scale changed callback failed: "
                << logging::SystemErrorCodeToString(hr);

  ~UwpTextScaleFactorImpl() override {

    // Release the callback if we've registered one and free our COM objects.
    if (ui_settings_com_object_) {
      if (text_scale_factor_changed_token_.value) {
        HRESULT hr = ui_settings_com_object_->remove_TextScaleFactorChanged(
        if (FAILED(hr)) {
          VLOG(2) << "Failed to remove TextScaleFactorChanged listener: "
                  << logging::SystemErrorCodeToString(hr);

    g_default_instance_cleaned_up = true;

  float GetTextScaleFactor() const override {

    double result = 1.0;

    // This is just a null check, so if we don't have access to the text
    // scaling / service for any reason we'll just use 1x.
    if (ui_settings_com_object_) {
      HRESULT hr = ui_settings_com_object_->get_TextScaleFactor(&result);
      if (FAILED(hr)) {
        VLOG(2) << "IUISettings2::TextScaleFactor failed: "
                << logging::SystemErrorCodeToString(hr);
        // COM calls overwrite their out-params, typically by zeroing them out.
        // Since we can't rely on this being a valid value on failure, we'll
        // reset it.
        result = 1.0;

    // Windows documents this property to always have a value greater than or
    // equal to 1. Let's make sure that's the case - if we don't, we could get
    // bizarre behavior and divide-by-zeros later on.
    DCHECK_GE(result, 1.0);
    return static_cast<float>(result);

  HRESULT OnTextScaleFactorChanged(IUISettings*, IInspectable*) {
    return S_OK;

  std::unique_ptr<base::win::ScopedCOMInitializer> scoped_com_initializer_;
  ComPtr<IUISettings2> ui_settings_com_object_;
  EventRegistrationToken text_scale_factor_changed_token_;


}  // namespace

// Base UwpScreenMetrics implementation:

UwpTextScaleFactor::UwpTextScaleFactor() = default;

UwpTextScaleFactor::~UwpTextScaleFactor() {
  for (auto& observer : observer_list_) {

float UwpTextScaleFactor::GetTextScaleFactor() const {
  return 1.0f;

void UwpTextScaleFactor::AddObserver(Observer* observer) {

void UwpTextScaleFactor::RemoveObserver(Observer* observer) {

void UwpTextScaleFactor::NotifyUwpTextScaleFactorChanged() {
  for (auto& observer : observer_list_) {

void UwpTextScaleFactor::SetImplementationForTesting(
    UwpTextScaleFactor* mock_impl) {
  g_implementation_for_testing = mock_impl;

UwpTextScaleFactor* UwpTextScaleFactor::Instance() {
  static base::LazyInstance<UwpTextScaleFactorImpl>::DestructorAtExit instance;

      << "Attempting to access UwpScreenMetrics after AtExit cleanup!";

  return g_implementation_for_testing ? g_implementation_for_testing
                                      : &instance.Get();

// UwpScreenMetrics::Observer implementation:

void UwpTextScaleFactor::Observer::OnUwpTextScaleFactorCleanup(
    UwpTextScaleFactor* source) {

}  // namespace display::win