
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <jni.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>

#include <memory>

#include "base/android/scoped_java_ref.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "ui/events/events_export.h"
#include "ui/events/velocity_tracker/motion_event.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/point_f.h"

namespace ui {

// Implementation of ui::MotionEvent wrapping a native Android MotionEvent.
// All *input* coordinates are in device pixels (as with Android MotionEvent),
// while all *output* coordinates are in DIPs (as with WebTouchEvent).
class EVENTS_EXPORT MotionEventAndroid : public MotionEvent {
  // Returns the motion event action defined in Java layer for a given
  // MotionEvent::Action.
  static int GetAndroidAction(Action action);
  static int GetAndroidToolType(ToolType tool_type);

  struct Pointer {
    Pointer(jint id,
            jfloat pos_x_pixels,
            jfloat pos_y_pixels,
            jfloat touch_major_pixels,
            jfloat touch_minor_pixels,
            jfloat orientation_rad,
            jfloat tilt_rad,
            jint tool_type);
    jint id;
    jfloat pos_x_pixels;
    jfloat pos_y_pixels;
    jfloat touch_major_pixels;
    jfloat touch_minor_pixels;
    jfloat orientation_rad;
    // Unlike the tilt angles in motion_event.h, this field matches the
    // MotionEvent spec because we get this values from Java.
    jfloat tilt_rad;
    jint tool_type;

  // Forcing the caller to provide all cached values upon construction
  // eliminates the need to perform a JNI call to retrieve values individually.
  MotionEventAndroid(JNIEnv* env,
                     jobject event,
                     jfloat pix_to_dip,
                     jfloat ticks_x,
                     jfloat ticks_y,
                     jfloat tick_multiplier,
                     base::TimeTicks oldest_event_time,
                     jint android_action,
                     jint pointer_count,
                     jint history_size,
                     jint action_index,
                     jint android_action_button,
                     jint android_gesture_classification,
                     jint android_button_state,
                     jint meta_state,
                     jfloat raw_offset_x_pixels,
                     jfloat raw_offset_y_pixels,
                     jboolean for_touch_handle,
                     const Pointer* const pointer0,
                     const Pointer* const pointer1);

  MotionEventAndroid(JNIEnv* env,
                     jobject event,
                     jfloat pix_to_dip,
                     jfloat ticks_x,
                     jfloat ticks_y,
                     jfloat tick_multiplier,
                     base::TimeTicks oldest_event_time,
                     base::TimeTicks latest_event_time,
                     jint android_action,
                     jint pointer_count,
                     jint history_size,
                     jint action_index,
                     jint android_action_button,
                     jint android_gesture_classification,
                     jint android_button_state,
                     jint meta_state,
                     jfloat raw_offset_x_pixels,
                     jfloat raw_offset_y_pixels,
                     jboolean for_touch_handle,
                     const Pointer* const pointer0,
                     const Pointer* const pointer1);

  ~MotionEventAndroid() override;

  // Create a new instance from |this| with its cached pointers set
  // to a given point.
  std::unique_ptr<MotionEventAndroid> CreateFor(const gfx::PointF& point) const;

  // Convenience method returning the pointer at index 0.
  gfx::PointF GetPoint() const { return gfx::PointF(GetX(0), GetY(0)); }
  gfx::PointF GetPointPix() const {
    return gfx::PointF(GetXPix(0), GetYPix(0));

  // ui::MotionEvent methods.
  uint32_t GetUniqueEventId() const override;
  Action GetAction() const override;
  int GetActionIndex() const override;
  size_t GetPointerCount() const override;
  int GetPointerId(size_t pointer_index) const override;
  float GetX(size_t pointer_index) const override;
  float GetY(size_t pointer_index) const override;
  float GetRawX(size_t pointer_index) const override;
  float GetRawY(size_t pointer_index) const override;
  float GetTouchMajor(size_t pointer_index) const override;
  float GetTouchMinor(size_t pointer_index) const override;
  float GetOrientation(size_t pointer_index) const override;
  float GetPressure(size_t pointer_index) const override;
  float GetTiltX(size_t pointer_index) const override;
  float GetTiltY(size_t pointer_index) const override;
  float GetTwist(size_t pointer_index) const override;
  float GetTangentialPressure(size_t pointer_index) const override;

  // TODO( Cleanup GetEventTime method to have same
  // semantics as Android side of MotionEvent.GetEventTime(). On Android side
  // GetEventTime() gives timestamp of the most recent input event, while in
  // chromium it gives timestamp of the oldest input event for batched inputs.
  base::TimeTicks GetEventTime() const override;
  base::TimeTicks GetLatestEventTime() const override;
  size_t GetHistorySize() const override;
  base::TimeTicks GetHistoricalEventTime(
      size_t historical_index) const override;
  float GetHistoricalTouchMajor(size_t pointer_index,
                                size_t historical_index) const override;
  float GetHistoricalX(size_t pointer_index,
                       size_t historical_index) const override;
  float GetHistoricalY(size_t pointer_index,
                       size_t historical_index) const override;
  int GetSourceDeviceId(size_t pointer_index) const override;
  ToolType GetToolType(size_t pointer_index) const override;
  int GetButtonState() const override;
  int GetFlags() const override;

  int GetActionButton() const;
  Classification GetClassification() const override;
  float ticks_x() const { return ticks_x_; }
  float ticks_y() const { return ticks_y_; }
  float time_sec() const { return time_sec_; }
  float GetTickMultiplier() const;
  bool for_touch_handle() const { return for_touch_handle_; }

  base::android::ScopedJavaLocalRef<jobject> GetJavaObject() const;

  float GetXPix(size_t pointer_index) const;
  float GetYPix(size_t pointer_index) const;

  struct CachedPointer;

  float ToDips(float pixels) const;
  CachedPointer FromAndroidPointer(const Pointer& pointer) const;
  CachedPointer CreateCachedPointer(const CachedPointer& pointer,
                                    const gfx::PointF& point) const;

  // Cache pointer coords, id's and major lengths for the most common
  // touch-related scenarios, i.e., scrolling and pinching.  This prevents
  // redundant JNI fetches for the same bits.
  enum { MAX_POINTERS_TO_CACHE = 2 };

  // The Java reference to the underlying MotionEvent.
  base::android::ScopedJavaGlobalRef<jobject> event_;

  // Used to convert pixel coordinates from the Java-backed MotionEvent to
  // DIP coordinates cached/returned by the MotionEventAndroid.
  const float pix_to_dip_;

  // Variables for mouse wheel event.
  const float ticks_x_;
  const float ticks_y_;
  const float tick_multiplier_;
  const uint64_t time_sec_;

  const bool for_touch_handle_;

  const base::TimeTicks cached_oldest_event_time_;
  const base::TimeTicks cached_latest_event_time_;
  const Action cached_action_;
  const size_t cached_pointer_count_;
  const size_t cached_history_size_;
  const int cached_action_index_;
  const int cached_action_button_;
  const int cached_gesture_classification_;
  const int cached_button_state_;
  const int cached_flags_;
  const gfx::Vector2dF cached_raw_position_offset_;
  struct CachedPointer {
    int id;
    gfx::PointF position;
    float touch_major;
    float touch_minor;
    float orientation;
    float tilt_x;
    float tilt_y;
    ToolType tool_type;
  } cached_pointers_[MAX_POINTERS_TO_CACHE];

  // A unique identifier for the Android motion event.
  const uint32_t unique_event_id_;

  // Disallow copy/assign.
  MotionEventAndroid(const MotionEventAndroid& e);  // private ctor
  void operator=(const MotionEventAndroid&) = delete;

}  // namespace content