
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module ui.mojom;

// ModifierKey contains the set of physical keys supported for modifier
// remapping.
enum ModifierKey {
  kMeta = 0,
  kControl = 1,
  kAlt = 2,
  // kVoid is used as a key that has no action. This key does not physically
  // exist on a keyboard, but a user may remap any modifier to function like a
  // void key.
  kVoid = 3,
  kCapsLock = 4,
  kEscape = 5,
  kBackspace = 6,
  kAssistant = 7,
  // kIsoLevel5ShiftMod3 is used to mark a special case where the keyboard
  // layout used has a conflicting use of Mod3 which is generally used to mark
  // `kCapsLock` in ChromeOS.
  kIsoLevel5ShiftMod3 = 8,
  kFunction = 9,
  kRightAlt = 10,