
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "ui/events/gesture_detection/gesture_listeners.h"

namespace ui {

bool SimpleGestureListener::OnDown(const MotionEvent& e, int tap_down_count) {}

void SimpleGestureListener::OnShowPress(const MotionEvent& e) {}

bool SimpleGestureListener::OnSingleTapUp(const MotionEvent& e,
                                          int repeat_count) {}

void SimpleGestureListener::OnShortPress(const MotionEvent& e) {}

void SimpleGestureListener::OnLongPress(const MotionEvent& e) {}

bool SimpleGestureListener::OnScroll(const MotionEvent& e1,
                                     const MotionEvent& e2,
                                     const MotionEvent& secondary_pointer_down,
                                     float distance_x,
                                     float distance_y) {}

bool SimpleGestureListener::OnFling(const MotionEvent& e1,
                                    const MotionEvent& e2,
                                    float velocity_x,
                                    float velocity_y) {}

bool SimpleGestureListener::OnSwipe(const MotionEvent& e1,
                                    const MotionEvent& e2,
                                    float velocity_x,
                                    float velocity_y) {}

bool SimpleGestureListener::OnTwoFingerTap(const MotionEvent& e1,
                                           const MotionEvent& e2) {}

bool SimpleGestureListener::OnSingleTapConfirmed(const MotionEvent& e) {}

bool SimpleGestureListener::OnDoubleTap(const MotionEvent& e) {}

bool SimpleGestureListener::OnDoubleTapEvent(const MotionEvent& e) {}

}  // namespace ui